Draft Local Plan-Part 2 Site Allocations
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Draft Local Plan-Part 2 Site Allocations
Representation ID: 22031
Received: 16/03/2020
Respondent: National Grid
Agent: Firstplan
The Utilities Site is not only critical to the delivery of the May Gurney and Deal Ground site but also represents an opportunity to deliver much needed development and associated benefits in its own right. NG and RWE are therefore pleased that the Utilities Site continues to be carried forward as a site allocation in the Greater Norwich Local Plan (GNLP) in recognition of its role as a key catalyst to regeneration in the East Norwich Regeneration Area. These representations are therefore submitted in support of the continuing allocation and in the interest of ensuring that development density can be maximised, in accordance with national planning policy objectives.
The landowners are supportive of the continued allocation of the site for a mix of uses to be delivered as comprehensive regeneration scheme along with the Deal Ground and May Gurney sites.
The landowners acknowledge that there are access and infrastructure matters still to be resolved throughout the East Norwich Regeneration Area, however, the draft allocation should be updated to allow sufficient flexibility for the delivery of a suited mix of uses and higher density of residential development across the Utilities Site in order to respond to changing requirements, viability constraints and suitability/availability of the site.
On behalf of our clients, National Grid and RWE Generation UK plc, please find attached representations to the Stage C Regulation 18 consultation on the Greater Norwich Local Plan.
Draft Local Plan-Part 2 Site Allocations
South Norfolk Villages – Non-residential Sites
Representation ID: 22298
Received: 16/03/2020
Respondent: National Grid
This representation relates to South Norfolk Village site GNLP0552 which is not part of the current consultation.
Proposed development sites crossed by or in close proximity to National Grid assets
Following a review of the above Development Plan Document, we have identified that one or more proposed development sites are crossed or in close proximity to National Grid assets.
Land off Watton Road - GNLP0552: 4VV Route TWR (001-223): 400Kv Overhead Transmission Line route: NORWICH MAIN - WALPOLE 1
Please see attached documents for further detail.
For full representation, please refer to attached documents
Draft Local Plan-Part 2 Site Allocations
HET 1 (part GNLP0177-A)
Representation ID: 22299
Received: 16/03/2020
Respondent: National Grid
Proposed development sites crossed by or in close proximity to National Grid assets
Following a review of the above Development Plan Document, we have identified that one or more proposed development sites are crossed or in close proximity to National Grid assets.
Policy HET 1 - GNLP0177-A
4VV ROUTE TWR (001-223): 400Kv Overhead Transmission Line route: NORWICH MAIN - WALPOLE 1.
For further details, please refer to the attached documents.
For full representation, please refer to attached documents