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Stage C Evidence Base

Sustainability Appraisal and Strategic Environmental Assessment (January 2020)

Representation ID: 23152

Received: 16/03/2020

Respondent: Gladman Developments

Representation Summary:

Sustainability Appraisal
3.2.1 In accordance with Section 19 of the 2004 Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act, policies that are
set out in local plans must be the subject of a Sustainability Appraisal (SA). Incorporating the
requirements of the Environmental Assessment of Plans and Programmes Regulations 2004, SA is a
systematic process that should be undertaken at each stage of the Plan’s preparation, assessing the
1 PPG Reference ID: 61-021-20180913
2 PPG Reference ID: 61-001-20180913
Greater Norwich Draft Local Plan Gladman Developments Limited
effects of the GNLP’s proposals on sustainable development when judged against all reasonable
3.2.2 The Council should ensure that the results of the SA process conducted through the Review clearly
justify any policy choices that are ultimately made, including the proposed site allocations (or any
decision not to allocate sites) when considered against ‘all reasonable alternatives’. In meeting the
development needs of the area, it should be clear from the results of the assessment why some
policy options have been progressed and others have been rejected. Undertaking a comparative
and equal assessment of each reasonable alternative, the Council’s decision making, and scoring
should be robust, justified and transparent.
3.2.3 The SA must demonstrate that a comprehensive testing of options has been undertaken and that
it provides evidence and reasoning as to why any reasonable alternatives identified have not been
pursued. A failure to adequately give reasons in the SA could lead to a challenge of the Council’s
position through the examination process. The SA should inform plan making. Whilst exercising
planning judgement on the results of the SA in the Local Plan is expected, the SA should still clearly
assess any reasonable alternatives and articulate the results of any such assessment.

Full text:

Please find attached the headline representations of Gladman made in response to the Reg 18 version of the Greater Norwich Local Plan.


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