

Representation ID: 23490

Received: 11/03/2021

Respondent: RJ Baker & Sons

Agent: Cheffins

Representation Summary:

We support Wymondham accomodating the greatest proportion of the housing growth that is being directed to the Main Towns.

Full text:

We support the overall approach to housing for the Main Towns as set out under Policy 7.2. Specifically, we agree that, of the 5 Main Towns, Wymondham should accommodate the greatest proportion of the overall housing growth being directed to the Main Towns. Although there is a considerable level of existing deliverable commitments at Wymondham, we do feel that the town is capable of further growth within this plan period given its location within the Cambridge-Norwich corridor, the available transport links, its existing service base and its growing employment sector. We also support the employment allocation in Wymondham although, over the longer term, there may well be a case for additional employment land.