

Representation ID: 23508

Received: 12/03/2021

Respondent: Mrs Janet Skidmore

Agent: Carter Jonas LLP

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:


Change suggested by respondent:

It is requested that Policy 7.1 includes a development strategy for housing at Wymondham beyond 2026. It is requested that Draft GNLP includes a commitment and timetable to submit a review of the Wymondham AAP or Draft GNLP allocates additional housing sites or a contingency housing site in Wymondham to be delivered from 2030 onwards.

Full text:

Mrs Janet Skidmore is promoting land at Wymondham, and as such the representations to Policy 7.2 are focussed on that settlement only.
Wymondham is classified as a Main Town in the settlement hierarchy. It contains a wide range of services and facilities, schools, and employment opportunities. There is a railway station in Wymondham, the town is served by buses, and there are shared pedestrian/cycle routes within the town. It is entirely appropriate for Wymondham to be classified as a Main Town and this is supported.
The development strategy for Wymondham is mainly focussed on the delivery of sites allocated in the Wymondham APP, which included a strategic allocation at Wymondham South and other smaller allocations. The Draft GNLP makes two small additional allocations delivering a total of 150 dwellings: at Site Refs. GNLP0354R and GNLP3013. It appears that Wymondham is expected to accommodate a significant amount of development through Draft GNLP. However, most of the development directed to Wymondham is derived from the AAP allocations, which has a plan period from 2008 to 2026; it is noted that the end date for the Stratton AAP is also 2026. The plan period for Draft GNLP extends until 2038. The latest published Annual Monitoring Report (January 202) includes data on predicted housing delivery from committed sites at Wymondham – see AMR Appendix B3: South Norfolk Sites Forecast at pg.24. It is predicted that most of the AAP allocations will be completed by 2026, with approximately 500 dwellings to be delivered beyond that date. It is very likely that all outstanding dwellings from the AAP allocations and the proposed new allocations in Draft GNLP (as Site Refs. GNLP0354R and GNLP3013) will be completed by 2030; the remainder of the developments at Wymondham South and London Road/Suton Lane would be under construction and the two new GNLP allocations are not subject to any phasing requirements. The development strategy for housing at Wymondham effectively ends by 2030, with no strategy for residential development beyond to 2038. There will be housing and affordable housing needs that arise in Wymondham between 2030 and 2038, but these are not taken into account in Draft GNLP. It is requested that Policy 7.2 needs to define a development strategy for housing at Wymondham for the period 2030 to 2038.
It is considered that there are a number of potential options to deliver housing development at Wymondham between 2030 and 2038. Firstly, for Draft GNLP to include a commitment and timetable to submit a review of the Wymondham AAP, so that there is an adopted strategy for the town after 2026. Secondly, for Draft GNLP to allocate additional housing sites or a contingency housing site in Wymondham, which could be delivered from 2030 onwards. There is a suitable and available site with no significant constraints at land south of Gonville Hall Farm in Wymondham (Site Ref. GNLP0320), which is promoted by Mrs Janet Skidmore.