

Representation ID: 24262

Received: 22/03/2021

Respondent: Rosconn Group

Legally compliant? No

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

RSL objects to Policy 7.2 as it apportions no additional growth to Long Stratton. This is unjustified as it is inconsistent with the approach taken to other locations
in Greater Norwich with similar characteristics (e.g. Wymondham) where the GNLP has made new allocations. Furthermore, this choice has not been informed by a review of the JCS approach to Long Stratton to ensure that it remains justified and effective in light of the most up-to-date evidence and the considerable delays and challenges encountered to date with delivering the LSAAP’s strategic allocation. Specific deliverable allocations should be made at Long Stratton to enable the settlement to grow sustainably in the short and medium term and contribute to meeting the need for new housing across Greater Norwich.

See attachment for full representation (section 3)

Change suggested by respondent:

See attachment for full representation (section 3)

Full text:

For Rosconn Strategic Land, please find attached the following documents and information:

1. Duly completed representation form
2. Representations to relevant policies of the GNLP and relevant parts of the evidence base
3. Site delivery statements including high level transport review note for Land South of Flowerpot Lane, Long Stratton (HELAA Ref. 4033/34)