Draft Local Plan-Part 2 Site Allocations
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Draft Local Plan-Part 2 Site Allocations
Representation ID: 22621
Received: 16/03/2020
Respondent: Historic England
Whilst there are no designated heritage assets within the site boundary, the grade II listed Middle Farmhouse and Granary lie to the east of the site. Any development of the site has the potential to impact upon the setting of these listed buildings.
There is currently no mention of the listed building in the policy or supporting text. Landscaping along the eastern edge of the site would help to mitigate the impact on the heritage asset.
Suggested Change:
Amend the policy and supporting text to make reference to the grade II listed Middle Farmhouse and Granary and the need to conserve and enhance the significance of the heritage assets (including any contribution made to that significance by setting). Mention landscaping along the eastern site boundary.
For full representation, please refer to attached documents
Draft Local Plan-Part 2 Site Allocations
Representation ID: 22622
Received: 16/03/2020
Respondent: Historic England
This site is separated from Horsham St Faith and its Conservation Area and listed buildings by the existing industrial estate. Nevertheless, given the proximity of the scheduled St Faith Priory, this area is of archaeological sensitivity. To that end we welcome the reference at bullet point 3 in relation to archaeology.
For full representation, please refer to attached documents
Draft Local Plan-Part 2 Site Allocations
Representation ID: 22623
Received: 16/03/2020
Respondent: Historic England
Whilst there are no designated heritage assets within the site boundary, the grade l listed Church of St Peter, lies to the north of the site. The grade II listed Manor house and East Barn also lie to the north whilst the grade II listed thatched cottage lies to the south east of the site. Any development of the site has the potential to impact upon the setting of these listed buildings.
We note that the policy and supporting text refer to the church and a possible linear parkland is mentioned in the supporting text. However, no mention is made of other heritage assets.
This is a sensitive site in terms of the potential impact upon these multiple heritage assets, some of which are highly graded. We therefore have some concerns about the allocation of this site.
We suggest that a more detailed Heritage Impact Assessment be undertaken to assess the impact of the proposed development upon the significance of these heritage assets, to establish the suitability or otherwise of the site and to establish appropriate mitigation and enhancement should the site be found suitable. If the site is found suitable, the findings of the HIA should then inform the policy wording.
It might also be helpful to illustrate proposed mitigation in the form of a concept diagram for the site e.g. showing where open space and landscaping would be located.
Suggested Change:
We suggest that a more detailed Heritage Impact Assessment be undertaken to assess the impact of the proposed development upon the significance of these heritage assets, to establish the suitability or otherwise of the site and to establish appropriate mitigation and enhancement should the site be found suitable. If the site is found suitable, the findings of the HIA should then inform the policy wording.
It might also be helpful to illustrate proposed mitigation in the form of a concept diagram for the site e.g. showing where open space and landscaping would be located.
For full representation, please refer to attached documents
Draft Local Plan-Part 2 Site Allocations
Representation ID: 22624
Received: 16/03/2020
Respondent: Historic England
Whilst there are no designated heritage assets within the site boundary, there are a number of listed buildings to the east of the site including the grade I listed Church of All Saints and the grade II listed Old Rectory, Colenso Cottage and Marsham War Memorial.
We note that the policy and supporting text refer to the church and a possible linear parkland is mentioned in the supporting text. However, no mention is made of other heritage assets.
This is a sensitive site in terms of the potential impact upon these multiple heritage assets, some of which are highly graded. We therefore have some concerns about the allocation of this site.
We suggest that a more detailed Heritage Impact Assessment be undertaken to assess the impact of the proposed development upon the significance of these heritage assets, to establish the suitability or otherwise of the site and to establish appropriate mitigation and enhancement should the site be found suitable. If the site is found suitable, the findings of the HIA should then inform the policy wording.
It might also be helpful to illustrate proposed mitigation in the form of a concept diagram for the site e.g. showing where open space and landscaping would be located.
Suggested Change:
We suggest that a more detailed Heritage Impact Assessment be undertaken to assess the impact of the proposed development upon the significance of these heritage assets, to establish the suitability or otherwise of the site and to establish appropriate mitigation and enhancement should the site be found suitable. If the site is found suitable, the findings of the HIA should then inform the policy wording.
It might also be helpful to illustrate proposed mitigation in the form of a concept diagram for the site e.g. showing where open space and landscaping would be located.
For full representation, please refer to attached documents
Draft Local Plan-Part 2 Site Allocations
Representation ID: 22625
Received: 16/03/2020
Respondent: Historic England
We welcome the reference to the non-designated heritage asset.
For full representation, please refer to attached documents
Draft Local Plan-Part 2 Site Allocations
Brooke – BKE3
Representation ID: 22626
Received: 16/03/2020
Respondent: Historic England
Arlington Hall grade II listed lies to the east of the site. Whilst we welcome reference to landscaping along the southern boundary, the boundary treatment along the north east of the site is also considered important.
Suggested Change:
Amend bullet point to reference all boundary treatment and setting of listed buildings.
For full representation, please refer to attached documents