New, Revised and Small Sites

Ended on the 14 December 2018

Section 2 - Existing Commitment and the Regulation 18 consultation in early 2018

2.1 Consultation maps show existing commitments (i.e. sites which are allocated though current plans and sites which have current planning permissions) and the sites consulted on in early 2018. As we have already received views on these and proposed Growth Options, we are not seeking your views on these through this consultation. However, when commenting on new sites, you can also tell us if you have anything more to say about nearby sites consulted on in early 2018. You will need to include the site reference for the earlier site in your comments on the new site. Please be assured that all views received through the plan-making process will help us to draw up our draft plan, including the preferred sites and strategy, to be consulted on in September/October 2019.

For instructions on how to use the system and make comments, please see our help guide.
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