New, Revised and Small Sites

Ended on the 14 December 2018

Section 3 - Settlement Summary updates for Broadland

3.1 Acle

The early 2018 Regulation 18 Site Proposals consultation document stated "If Acle is identified for further growth, careful consideration should be given to landscape sensitivities, the presence of high quality agricultural land, flood risk, and impacts on the Broads. In combination, these issues may constrain future development capacity at Acle. If further sites for development are required, the most suitable locations would be to the north of the village, though there are constraints associated with submitted sites".

One additional site has been submitted and one site revised through the consultation:

Site Reference

Promoter Details

Site Address

Site Area (ha)

Development Description


First Name

Last name


(5) acrobat reader GNLP0421R




Brown & Co

Land at Jolly's Lane


Housing of approx. 150 units with open space

(6) acrobat reader GNLP2139





South Walsham Road


Residential development (unspecified number) plus school extension

GNLP0421R is a 7 ha site south of the village, adjacent to a farm and rail tracks and south of the A47, therefore not particularly well related to services. Constraints include highway access, utilities capacity, loss of high quality agricultural, and proximity to habitats in the Broads.

GNLP2139 is a 37 ha site to the north-west of Acle, adjacent to the high school and close to the village centre. Utilities improvements would likely be necessary for such a scale of development, and other constraints include surface water flood risk, loss of high quality agricultural land, and proximity to habitats in the Broads.

Of the two sites, GNLP2139 is better related to the village, but may be less suitable in scale than GNLP0384 and GNLP1049.

3.2 Attlebridge

One site was consulted on in the parish in the early 2018 consultation, and the Site Proposals document concluded "Most importantly, remoteness from services limits its suitability for development".

Two additional sites were submitted through the consultation:

Site Reference

Promoter Details

Site Address

Site Area (ha)

Development Description


First Name

Last name


(1) acrobat reader GNLP2129




Brown & Co

Adjoining Fakenham Road


Residential-led mixed use development of 200 dwellings - commercial

acrobat reader GNLP2144




Brown & Co

Adjoining Fakenham Road



GNLP2129 lies south of Broadland Northway, poorly related to existing development. Its major constraints include concerns about access to the site, capacity of local roads, ecological impacts, surface water flood risk, an underlying National Grid gas pipe, and the need to enhance the waste water treatment capacity.

GNLP2144 lies north of Broadland Northway in open countryside and is poorly related to existing development. The site's constraints include concerns over access and the capacity of the local road network, potential contamination from a nearby historic landfill site, ecological impacts, and enhancements to the waste water treatment capacity.

In conclusion, the sites offer an option for employment use, but access to services is an issue if Attlebridge was identified for further growth.

3.3 Aylsham

The early 2018 Regulation 18 Site Proposals consultation document stated "Depending on the amount of growth identified for Aylsham through the GNLP, there is a choice of sites with development potential. However, waste water disposal issues have previously been identified as having the potential to constrain further large scale growth at Aylsham as it is located close to internationally designated wildlife habitats in the Broads. Recent work with the Environment Agency and Anglian Water in connection with planning permissions and allocations in Alsham has shown that bespoke solutions for water management are suitable for the current amount of commitment, but the capacity for growth could be limited. The presence of substantial amounts of high quality grade 2 agricultural land is a potential constraint for the submitted sites. The sites all have access to services, with 0311 benefitting from being closest to the town centre".

Two additional sites have been submitted through the consultation for consideration in Aylsham:

Site Reference

Promoter Details

Site Address

Site Area (ha)

Development Description


First Name

Last name


(3) acrobat reader GNLP2059




Cawston Road/ Norwich Road


Residential development of 15-20 dwellings

(3) acrobat reader GNLP2060




West of A140


Residential development for 20 dwellings

GNLP2059 is a 1.32 ha site beyond the existing built edge of Aylsham to the south. The major constraints are access (from the A140), the local road network, utility and infrastructure upgrades and to a lesser extent impact on Cawston and Marsham Heath SSSIs.

GNLP2060 is a 0.98 ha site beyond the existing built edge of Aylsham to the east. The major constraints are access (from the A140), the local road network, utility and infrastructure upgrades, as well as management of surface water flood risk, and landscaping and acoustic mitigation to the A140.

These sites do not relate well to Aylsham's built up area, and this combined with the access issues make them less favourable sites.

3.5 Blofield

The early 2018 Regulation 18 Site Proposals consultation document stated "Should further development be concluded as necessary in Blofield, subject to the constraints identified above, there are likely to be suitable options. GNLP0508 is perhaps best considered as a small addition to existing allocation BLO1 on the north side of the Yarmouth Road. GNLP0082 at 4.85 ha and GNLP0252 at 4.53 ha are more substantial sites, which, subject to addressing constraints, would likely be suitable at least in part. However, a constraint on further large-scale development is that the Yarmouth Road / Cucumber Lane / A47 roundabout is at or near to capacity".

Four additional sites and one settlement boundary change have been submitted through the consultation for consideration in Blofield:

Site Reference

Promoter Details

Site Address

Site Area (ha)

Development Description


First Name

Last name


(2) acrobat reader GNLP2024




Manor Park


Mixed use development for employment, commercial and residential uses

(3) acrobat reader GNLP2085




Between Yarmouth Rd & A47


Residential development for 30 dwellings

(3) acrobat reader GNLP2149




John Long Planning

North of Yarmouth Road


Residential development for 4 dwellings and open space

(2) acrobat reader GNLP2161




Fusion 13 Ltd

Norwich Camping & Leisure


Residential development (unspecified number)

(1) acrobat reader GNLPSL2003




North of Hall Road


Settlement boundary

GNLP2024 is a 1.26 ha site with limited constraints that forms part of the existing BLO1 allocation;

GNLP2085 is a 1.15 ha greenfield site off Yarmouth Road adjacent to the settlement boundary and an ongoing development with access, landscaping, noise and surface water flood risk constraints;

GNLP2149 is a 0.5 ha greenfield site off Yarmouth Road adjacent to the settlement boundary with noise and access constraints;

GNLP2161 is a 0.9 ha site on the Yarmouth Road with limited constraints to the east of the village neighbouring a recent housing development site;

GNLPSL2003 is adjacent to a small group of dwellings, some distance from the existing settlement boundary.

Depending on whether growth is considered suitable in Blofield, the newly submitted sites, most particularly GNLP2024 and 2161 as they have the fewest constraints, provide additional choices to the existing range of growth options.

3.6 Blofield Heath

Four potential housing sites were consulted on though the early 2018 Regulation 18 Site Proposals consultation document which stated "If it is concluded that Blofield Heath is identified as a location for additional housing, sites closest to the existing edge of the village and with the best vehicular access considered likley to be preferable".

Three additional sites and one settlement boundary extension have been submitted through the consultation for consideration in Blofield Heath:

Site Reference

Promoter Details

Site Address

Site Area (ha)

Development Description


First Name

Last name


(1) acrobat reader GNLP2020




Blofield Lodge


Residential development (unspecified number)

(10) acrobat reader GNLP2080




Fusion Ltd

Dawson's Lane


Residential development for 42 dwellings

(3) acrobat reader GNLP2172




South of Blofied House


Residential development for 85 dwellings

(1) acrobat reader GNLPSL2003




Tower House


Residential development for 1-2 dwellings

GNLP2020 is a 0.39 ha greenfield site in open countryside with highway constraints and poor access to services;

GNLP2080 is a 2.65 ha greenfield site on high quality agricultural land adjacent to the settlement boundary with some access constraints;

GNLP2172 is a 3.9 ha site in open countryside with highway constraints and poor access to services;

As a small site, GNLPSL2003 has been considered as a potential settlement boundary extension. However, as it is at some distance from the settlement boundary in open countryside, it is not suitable as a boundary extension.

Depending on whether growth is considered suitable in Blofield Heath, site GNLP2080 provides an additional choice for the growth options as it is on the edge of the existing village, though it is on high grade agricultural land.

3.7 Brundall

Six potential housing sites (one was mixed use) were included in the early 2018 Regulation 18 Site Proposals consultation document. For the six sites, the document concluded "Should further development be concluded to be necessary in Brundall, there are a range of site options, subject to dealing with issues of site access, proximity to services in the village, as well as landscape and townscape impacts. Generally, sites with good access to Cucumber Lane, and consequently to the junction with the A47, are preferable. The A47/Cucumber Lane roundabout is though at or near capacity, thereby representing a constraint on further large scale development. Other constraints are the ecological and landscape consequences of encroaching into the Witton Run for Sites GNLP0254, GNLP0352, or GNLP0436".

Two additional sites have been submitted through the consultation:

Site Reference

Promoter Details

Site Address

Site Area (ha)

Development Description


First Name

Last name


(12) acrobat reader GNLP2069




Brundall Parish Council

East of Brundall Memorial Hall


Recreation and leisure

(1) acrobat reader GNLP2177





38 Strumpshaw Road


Residential development of 6 dwellings

GNLP2069 is a 8.67ha ha site is proposed for recreation and leisure, for which it is currently allocated.

GNLP2177 is a 0.28ha site for 6 homes at the south-eastern edge of Brundall. The site has access to services and its chief constraints relate to the site's proximity to the Broads.

Should Brundall be identified for further development, the newly submitted site GNLP2177 appears to offer an option for growth.

3.9 Cawston

Three sites were consulted on in early 2018 in Cawston. The Site Proposals document stated "To conclude, if Cawston is identified for further development, GNLP0126A and B could provide options for small-scale housing and employment; alternatively, GNLP0293 could provide housing at a larger scale if this is considered appropriate".

One additional site was submitted through the consultation:

Site Reference

Promoter Details

Site Address

Site Area (ha)

Development Description


First Name

Last name


(3) acrobat reader GNLP2134




La Ronde Wright

Heydon Road


Mixed use development including 30 dwellings, care home, and commercial units

GNLP2134 is adjacent to existing housing and with some access to services but separated from the main village. Constraints include site access, the local road network, loss of Grade 2 agricultural land, townscape and ecological impacts and sewerage infrastructure capacity.

In conclusion, the site is less well-related to the village than other sites.

3.10 Coltishall & Horstead

Three sites were consulted on in early 2018 in Coltishall and Horstead. The Site Proposals document stated "In conclusion, if Coltishall and Horstead is identified for further growth, sites GNLP0388 and 0265 provide potential development options".

Two additional sites were submitted through the consultation:

Site Reference

Promoter Details

Site Address

Site Area (ha)

Development Description


First Name

Last name


(31) acrobat reader GNLP2019




South of rail line


Residential development of 20-25 dwellings

(43) acrobat reader GNLP2072




East of High Street


Residential development of 15 dwellings

GNLP2019 is adjacent to a permitted site, to the north of the village with good access to services. Constraints include site access and the suitability of the road network, ecological, townscape and and landscape impacts.

GNLP2072 is centrally sited, with good access to services. Constraints include TPO trees, townscape, landscape and ecological impacts.

If Coltishall and Horstead is identified for growth, these two sites provide alternative locations to be considered alongside sites already submitted.

3.12 Drayton

Eight sites were consulted upon in Drayton in early 2018.

The Site Proposals document concluded: "most of the sites proposed in Drayton have significant constraints and/or are poorly related to the built form. If Drayton is considered suitable for further residential development choices are limited. Site GNLP0271 may be better located in terms of the form and character of the area and access to services in comparison to the other sites, subject to overcoming servicing constraints."

One additional site was submitted through the consultation.

Site Reference

Promoter Details

Site Address

Site Area (ha)

Development Description


First Name

Last name


(3) acrobat reader GNLP2027




BD+M (UK) Ltd

North of Fakenham Road


Residential development of 5 dwellings

GNLP2027 is a 0.83 ha site located north of Fakenham Road. Constraints include an adjacent woodland which holds a Tree Preservation Order (TPO), the nearby Marriott's Way County Wildlife Site, and proximity to a Grade II listed building.

In conclusion the site offers an alternative option for housing on a site of less than 1 ha.

3.13 Felthorpe

Two sites were consulted on in Felthorpe in early 2018. The Site Proposals document stated "Two sites have been promoted away from the village, on the boundary with Drayton parish: GNLP0222 and GNLP0465. These are considered under Drayton above".

Two additional sites were submitted through the consultation:

Site Reference

Promoter Details

Site Address

Site Area (ha)

Development Description


First Name

Last name


(10) acrobat reader GNLP2009




Swanington Lane


Residential development of 15-20 dwellings

(4) acrobat reader GNLP2012




Brand's Lane


Residential development of 5 dwellings

GNLP2009 is well related to Felthorpe village, and there are some services nearby. Constraints include site access, local road capacity, flood risk, ecological impacts and sewerage infrastructure capacity.

GNLP2012 is poorly related to existing development, towards the south of the parish, with no access to services. Constraints include site access, the capacity of the local road network, ecological impacts, flood risk and sewerage infrastructure capacity.

If the village of Felthorpe is identified for growth, GNLP2009 may be appropriate.

3.14 Foulsham

Four sites were consulted on in the parish of Foulsham in early 2018. The Site Proposals document concluded "Depending on the amount of growth considered suitable for Foulsham, there are a range of site options available with GNLP0605, part of GNLP0275 and GNLP0286 appearing to present the opportunities for residential development".

One additional site was submitted through the consultation:

Site Reference

Promoter Details

Site Address

Site Area (ha)

Development Description


First Name

Last name


acrobat reader GNLP2001




Norfolk Property Search

The Hawthorns


Residential development of 5-6 dwellings

GNLP2001 lies some distance north of Foulsham village, and includes an electricity sub-station and potential habitat. Other constraints include site access, the capacity of local roads, surface water flood risk, sewerage infrastructure capacity and ecological impacts.

In conclusion, the site is considered less suitable than other submitted sites.

3.14a Freethorpe

No sites were consulted on in Freethorpe during the early 2018 Regulation 18 consultation. However, two sites were submitted through the consultation:

Site Reference

Promoter Details

Site Address

Site Area (ha)

Development Description


First Name

Last name


acrobat reader GNLP2033




One Planning & Heritage

Rear of 75 The Green


Residential development of 20 dwellings

acrobat reader GNLP2034




One Planning & Heritage

South of Bowlers Close


Residential development of 50 dwellings

GNLP2033 is well-related to the village, albeit set behind existing dwellings towards the north of the village with some access to services. Constraints include site access (if not via adjacent permitted site), townscape, landscape and ecological constraints.

GNLP2034 is well-related to the village, lying south of the existing built form. Constraints include site access, landscape and ecological constraints.

In conclusion, if Freethorpe is identified for growth, both sites could provide options for housing, subject to appropriate mitigation.

3.15 Frettenham

One site was consulted on in the village in early 2018. The Site Proposals document concluded "If Frettenham is identified for additional housing in the GNLP, a small area of the proposed site may provide a development opportunity. Though much of the site is proposed for green infrastructure uses, there remain a number of constraints affecting it".

Two additional sites were submitted through the consultation:

Site Reference

Promoter Details

Site Address

Site Area (ha)

Development Description


First Name

Last name


(5) acrobat reader GNLP2076




La Ronde Wright

Adjacent 10 Buxton Road


Commercial development of 5 business units

(5) acrobat reader GNLP2078




La Ronde Wright

Adjacent 10 Buxton Road


Residential development of 25 dwellings

GNLP2076 is a part-brownfield site, proposed for an extension of the adjacent industrial site. The site is close to housing, with reasonable access to services. Constraints include site access, the capacity of the local road network, contamination from a historic landfill site and ecological impacts.

GNLP2078 is a part-brownfield site, adjacent to housing with good access to services. Constraints include site access, the capacity of the local road network, contamination from a historic landfill site and ecological impacts. Depending on the precise uses at the adjacent site, there may need to be some degree of separation between this and the housing proposed.

In conclusion, the sites offer alternative options for housing and employment uses, if Frettenham is identified for further growth.

3.16 Great and Little Plumstead

Seven sites were consulted upon in Great and Little Plumstead in early 2018.

The Site Proposals document concluded: "A number of sites have been submitted if Great and Little Plumstead are identified for further growth. However, constraints include high quality agricultural land on all the proposed sites, surface water network capacity and the need for water treatment upgrades."

Four additional sites were submitted through the consultation:

Site Reference

Promoter Details

Site Address

Site Area (ha)

Development Description


First Name

Last name


(5) acrobat reader GNLP0420R




Brown & Co.

Land at Hare Road


Residential development of 10-15 dwellings

(5) acrobat reader GNLP0441R




Brown & Co.

Land at Middle Road


Residential development of 30 dwellings

(3) acrobat reader GNLP2040




Strutt & Parker

South of Broad Lane


Residential development (unspecified number)

(2) acrobat reader GNLP2107




La Ronde Wright

Octagon Business Park


office, agricultural storage, car park

GNLP0420R is significantly reduced in size and scale. Constraints relate to localised landscape impacts, concerns from the highways authority about the access and surrounding network, and possibly the availability of utilities.

GNLP0441R has been reduced by half. Constraints relate to adverse landscape impact and the effect on the existing built form of Gt. Plumstead. The highways authority has raised concerns about the access and surrounding network. The availability of utilities is also a query.

GNLP2040is more related to Rackheath village and the services within it. If only a single point of access can be achieved the scale of development could be constrained. Likewise, the presence of a gas pipeline could affect how the site can be developed. A small area of the site is affected by surface water flood risk and a drainage strategy would be necessary to address this issue.

GNLP2107 is a proposed extension to the existing use, involving the proposal to relocate the farm office and replace agricultural storage. Constraints relate to heritage sensitivities because of the presence of listed buildings on the site. The highways authority also raises concern about the local highway network and accessibility of the site.

In conclusion, the revised sites offer more modest options for housing development if Great and Little Plumstead are identified for further development. The newly submitted sites also provide alternative options for housing growth. GNLP2107 is perhaps better dealt with via the Development Management process.

3.17 Gt Witchingham & Lenwade

Three sites were consulted on in the village in early 2018. The Site Proposals document stated "In conclusion, if small-scale growth is sought in Lenwade, the combination of these three sites could enhance the existing CWS while providing open space, through provision of housing on GNLP0548 and the southern portion of GNLP0608".

One additional site was submitted through the consultation:

Site Reference

Promoter Details

Site Address

Site Area (ha)

Development Description


First Name

Last name


(9) acrobat reader GNLP2184





Bernard Matthews south site


Residential development of 150 dwellings

GNLP2184 is a large brownfield site to the east of Lenwade, beyond the village with no footpaths to connect it. Constraints relate to lack of services, local road capacity, ecological and historic environment impacts, possible contamination, ground stability considerations, and surface flood risk.

Therefore, the three sites previously submitted form a more appropriate range of alternatives if Gt Witchingham/Lenwade is identified for growth.

3.18 Hainford

Six sites were consulted upon in Hainford in early 2018.

The Site Proposals document concluded that "if Hainford is identified for further growth, GNLP0181 or part of it appears to be the least constrained site for residential development."

Two additional sites were submitted through the consultation:

Site Reference

Promoter Details

Site Address

Site Area (ha)

Development Description


First Name

Last name


(5) acrobat reader GNLP2035




One Planning & Heritage

West of Cromer Road


Residential development of 25 dwellings

(15) acrobat reader GNLP2162




Armstrong Rigg

Harvest Close


Residential development of 60 dwellings


This 2.31 ha site is located west of Cromer Road. Initial highway evidence considers the site to have access limitations as it is remote from housing for non-residential development so development here would be likely to result in an increased use of unsustainable transport modes. Therefore, mitigation would be required. Other constraints relate to an an historic landfill site to the south of the site, nearby Grade II listed buildings, two nearby protected woodlands and a designated species point. In addition to a small portion of the site being at high risk of surface flooding.


This 2.5 ha site is located north of Harvest Close. The highway authority consider the local road network to be unsuitable either in terms of road or junction capacity, or lack of footpath provision, therefore, mitigation would be required. Other constraints relate to nearby Grade II listed buildings.

In conclusion, due to highways constraints, the sites are not considered to offer favourable options for housing in comparison with sites previously submitted.

3.19 Hellesdon

Three sites were previously submitted by Hellesdon Parish Council, proposed for continued use for recreation and open space, and extension to the existing burial ground as previously allocated. Another site in the north of Hellesdon parish related to Horsford settlement.

The Regulation 18 Site Proposals document concluded in early 2018 "Given current commitments within the parish and the limited number of additional sites submitted for residential and employment development in Hellesdon, there appears to be limited potential for additional expansion. The exception is site GNLP0332 in the north of the parish which is considered under Horsford. This proposal will need to be considered in the light of the principle of open space use on the smaller site GNLP1019 within GNP0332 already being established. The principle of the burial ground extension is also established through the Site Allocations plan. Further consideration will need to be given to the best means of addressing site GNLP2021, proposed for designation for recreational use."

Two revised sites and three new sites have been have been submitted through the consultation for consideration:

Site Reference

Promoter Details

Site Address

Site Area (ha)

Development Description


First Name

Last name


(48) acrobat reader GNLP0332R




Code Development Planners Ltd

Reepham Road / Cromer Road


Residential development of 600-700 dwellings, commercial development and green infrastructure

(40) acrobat reader GNLP0334R




Code Development Planners Ltd

West of Reepham Road


Residential development for 250-300 dwellings

(4) acrobat reader GNLP2025




296 Drayton High Road


Residential development

for 5 dwellings

(3) acrobat reader GNLP2142




Brown & Co

West of Hellesdon Park Industrial Estate


Extension to industrial estate

(102) acrobat reader GNLP2173




Code Developments

Rear of Heath Crescent


Residential development

for 35-50 dwellings

GNLP0332R is bounded by Reepham Road and Cromer Road, on the edge of Hellesdon but largely in the parish of Horsford. The revised site boundary combines what was originally promoted as GNLP0332 and GNLP0333, but excluding 21.8 ha adjacent to Reepham Road. The major constraint is the Airport Safety Zone which will reduce the net developable area; noise and landscape impacts are also considerations.

GNLP0334R is immediately north-west of Hellesdon's existing built edge, although the site is in the parish of Horsford. The revision has increased the site northwards along Reepham Road. The main constraints are landscape, biodiversity and townscape implications.

GNLP2025 is accessed directly from Drayton High Road. Whilst adjacent to the newly completed Carrowbreck scheme, the site is on the largely undeveloped western (river valley side) of the Drayton High Road. Constraints include the demolition of an existing property, landscape and ecological impacts, potential impact on the A1067 and surface water flooding.

GNLP2142 is proposed for commercial uses to extend the existing Hellesdon Park Industrial Estate, with access proposed from Alston Road. The HSE Safeguarding Zone surrounding Briar Chemicals would exclude residential development, and the site overlays an allocation for open space. Other constraints include trees and topography.

GNLP2173 is the same site as GNLP1021, a former sports and social club now proposed for housing. Access would require demolition of an existing property and there would be loss of designated open space.

To conclude, part of GNLP2142 may be a suitable location for additional employment use, if this is needed, and GNLP2173 may be suitable for housing, subject to decisions on its continued use as open space. The revised sites 0332R and 0334R may also provide options for extending Hellesdon north-west, avoiding the Airport Safety Zone.

3.20 Hevingham

One site was consulted on in early 2018 in the parish, which related to the hamlet of The Heath. The Site Proposals document stated "To conclude, if additional housing was considered in Hevingham, consideration should be given to identifying additional sites".

One additional site and one proposal to amend the development boundary were submitted through the consultation:

Site Reference

Promoter Details

Site Address

Site Area (ha)

Development Description


First Name

Last name


(36) acrobat reader GNLP2002




6 The Turn


Residential development of 15+ dwellings

(23) acrobat reader GNLPSL0010




South of The Heath


Settlement boundary

GNLP2002 lies some distance west of Hevingham village, set behind existing housing and containing one dwelling. Constraints include site access, the capacity of the local road network, sewerage infrastructure capacity and ecological impacts.

GNLPSL0010 lies some distance west of Hevingham village, adjacent to housing at 'The Heath' but almost 1km from the existing settlement boundary.

In conclusion, if Hevingham was identified for further growth, further sites may be sought which relate more closely to the existing village centre. Alternatively, consideration could be given to creating a new settlement boundary at The Heath.

3.20a Heydon

No sites were consulted on in Heydon during the early 2018 Regulation 18 consultation. However, two sites were submitted through the consultation:

Site Reference

Promoter Details

Site Address

Site Area (ha)

Development Description


First Name

Last name


acrobat reader GNLP2132




La Ronde Wright

Off The Street


Residential development of 5 dwellings

(1) acrobat reader GNLP2140




La Ronde Wright

West of Earle Arms pub


Residential development of 15 dwellings plus new water treatment works

GNLP2132 is well-related to the hamlet. Constraints include the lack of day-to-day facilities, site access, the surrounding road network, possible land contamination and impacts on the historic environment.

GNLP2140 is a large site, well-related to the hamlet. Constraints include the lack of day-to-day facilities, site access, the surrounding road network and impacts on the historic environment.

To conclude, the lack of services mean that these sites are unlikely to be considered suitable, although the provision of a new water treatment works may be considered a benefit, and this would likely require a quantum of market housing.

3.21 Honingham

Six sites were consulted on in the parish in early 2018, one of which related to the village of Honingham, the others forming a proposal for a new settlement. The Site Proposals document stated "In conclusion, if Honingham is considered suitable for small scale development site GNLP0411 has few constraints. Sites GNLP0415A-G would be very remote if considered separately and would need to be considered as a potential new settlement. Site GNLP0415C (54.3ha) could also be considered separately for employment uses associated with the Food Enterprise Zone (the site contains the current area that has a Local Development Order in place)".

One additional site and two revisions were submitted through the consultation:

Site Reference

Promoter Details

Site Address

Site Area (ha)

Development Description


First Name

Last name


(20) acrobat reader GNLP0415R D




Brown & Co

Honingham Thorpe


Residential development of new settlement scale

(16) acrobat reader GNLP0415R G




Brown & Co

Honingham Thorpe


Residential development of new settlement scale

(40) acrobat reader GNLP2176





North of Dereham Road


Residential development of 55 dwellings

GNLP0415R D has a slight revision to its boundary which does not materially affect the previous assessment that the site is of a scale that could overcome constraints.

GNLP0415R G also has a slight revision to its boundary which does not materially affect the previous assessment that the site is of a scale that could overcome constraints.

GNLP2176 is well-related to the existing village of Honingham. Constraints include a lack of services nearby, which may be addressed if the new settlement is developed in Honingham. Development may impact on the townscape.

In conclusion, the revisions to site boundaries do not alter the potential for the combined GNLP0415 sites to provide for a new settlement. Meanwhile, if small-scale growth is required, GNLP2176 could offer an alternative option for housing in Honingham village.

3.22 Horsford

Twenty two sites were previously consulted on, some to the north or west of the village, some to the south or south-east, and some south of the NDR. The early 2018 Regulation 18 Site Proposals document concluded "In conclusion, should further development be required in Horsford, there are likely to be a number of suitable sites that could be considered for further assessment. General constraints are protecting landscape character, possible upgrades to utilities infrastructure, impacts on the local road network, and townscape implications if extending the built edge of the village. Sites to the north of Horsford benefit from proximity to the school and those to the south have good access to the NDR and services in the village. Sites on the southern side of the NDR could benefit from proximity to services in the urban area, however sites 0419 and 0333 would need to be developed in combination with site 0332 to form part of an urban extension".

Three new sites and one amended site boundary have been submitted through the consultation for consideration:

Site Reference

Promoter Details

Site Address

Site Area (ha)

Development Description


First Name

Last name


(4) acrobat reader GNLP0359R




CODE Development Planner Ltd

Land adjacent Drayton Lane


Residential development of up to 150 dwellings

(5) acrobat reader GNLP2133





Glebe Farm North


Employment-led mixed use development

(4) acrobat reader GNLP2154





South of Drayton Lane


Retail/car parking

(9) acrobat reader GNLP2160





Green Lane


Residential development of 600 dwellings plus open space and community woodland

GNLP0359R replaces sites GNLP0153, GNLP0359 and GNLP0368, and is adjacent to a recent permission for 84 dwellings to the south of the village. The main constraint is highways authority concern about Drayton Lane being sub-standard.

GNLP2133 is beyond the current built form of the village, north-west of the Broadland Northway. The proposed employment-led mixed use development with roadside retail, services, leisure, training and education facilities. Other than highway improvements, there would be infrastructure and landscape requirements.

GNLP2154 lies beyond the built edge of the village, but is also poorly related to the Broadland Northway. The site is relatively unconstrained.

GNLP2160 is on the eastern side of the village adjacent to the primary school, a recently completed residential development, as well as a recent permission for 259 homes. Constraints include ecology and heritage impacts and the need for significant highways improvements.

To conclude, GNLP0359R and GNLP2160 might be appropriate for housing, but are not as well related to the built form as some of the smaller, previously-submitted sites. The other two sites may be suitable for development, providing good access onto Broadland Northway.

3.23 Horsham and Newton St. Faith

Seven sites (six for housing, one for employment) were previously consulted on and the Regulation 18 Site Proposals document concluded "Overall, should Horsham and Newton St Faith be identified for further growth there are a number of potential site options. The choice of sites could be largely dependent on the scale of growth identified for the parish. Site GNLP0466 for employment (9 ha) forms part of an existing employment allocation HNF2 (approx. 35 ha) benefitting from an airport location. Sites 0085, 1054 and 0471 present opportunities for smaller scale and 0125 and 0482 for large scale residential development on the edge of the existing settlements".

One amended site, three new sites and one settlement boundary extension have been have been submitted through the consultation for consideration:

Site Reference

Promoter Details

Site Address

Site Area (ha)

Development Description


First Name

Last name


(3) acrobat reader GNLP0466R




Brown & Co

Land off the NNDR


Employment uses

(3) acrobat reader GNLP2021




Oak Tree Farm


Residential development (unspecified number)

(3) acrobat reader GNLP2030




The Warren


Residential development

(unspecified number)

(13) acrobat reader GNLP2141





Manor Road/A140 Cromer Road


Residential development for 20-40 dwellings

(3) acrobat reader GNLPSL2007



LP Partnership

Adjacent to Abbey Farm Commercial Park


Extension of settlement limit for employment uses

GNLP0466R is a 33 ha site proposed for employment use, revised up from a 9 ha site that was originally submitted. The site boundary is similar to the existing Policy HNF2 employment allocation for 35 ha in the Broadland Site Allocations Development Plan Document, other than excluding 2 ha at the south-east corner. The site has limited constraints and has already been allocated for employment uses.

GNLP2021 is 10.83 ha greenfield site in open countryside at some distance east of the built edge of Horsham St Faith, with limited access to services and some constraints related to airport noise.

GNLP2030 is a 1.65 ha greenfield site adjacent to the settlement boundary. The site is reasonably located in relation to services in Horsham St Faith and public transport. The majority of the site is in Flood Zones 2 & 3, and it has some additional constraints related to access and ecology.

GNLP2141 is a 2.63 ha site adjacent to the settlement boundary of Newton St. Faith with some access to public transport and services. It has constraints related to landscaping, design layout and noise attenuation due to its elongated form and location next to the A140.

GNLPSL2007 is a 2.8 ha settlement limit proposal to the west of Horsham St Faith for an extension of the Abbey Farm Commercial Park. The land is already allocated for employment uses under Policy HNF3 of the Broadland Site Allocations Development Plan Document.

Depending on the amount of growth identified for Horsham and Newton St. Faith, the newly submitted sites provide additional choices to the existing range of growth options. However GNLP2030 is not considered suitable due to flood risk. GNLPSL2007 has not yet been developed, and as a current employment allocation, the case for inclusion within the settlement boundary is less convincing.

3.26 Marsham

Four sites were consulted on in early 2018 in the parish, one of which overlapped the others. The Site Proposals document stated "To conclude, if Marsham is considered suitable for small scale housing development, parts of GNLP0229 which are adjacent to the existing village, either north or south of High Street have the fewest constraints. For a more significant allcoation, which would potentially be out of scale with the existing villae but could provide additional services, the majority of GNLP0229 (except the part to the east of the A140 but including the other sites) may be suitable subject to appropriate mitigation."

One additional site was submitted through the consultation:

Site Reference

Promoter Details

Site Address

Site Area (ha)

Development Description


First Name

Last name


(3) acrobat reader GNLP2143




Ingleton Wood

South of Le Neve Road


Residential development of 30 dwellings

GNLP2143 lies to the south of Marsham village, and overlays a previously promoted site. The site has access to services but constraints include townscape, heritage and ecological impacts and sewerage infrastructure capacity.

In conclusion, the site offers an option for housing if Marsham is identified for growth.

3.27 Panxworth

The table for the site below is under Woodbastwick (the parish). One site was consulted on in early 2018 in Woodbastwick parish, which related to the village of Panxworth. The Site Proposals document concluded "The remoteness of the site limits its suitability for development".

GNLP2180 is adjacent to low density housing on the south side of South Walsham Road. It has bus services within walking distance, but constraints include the capacity of the local road network, impact on listed buildings, loss of grade 2 agricultural land, sewerage infrastructure capacity, and potential landscape and ecological impacts

In conclusion, the site offers an option for housing, if Panxworth was identified for growth.

3.29 Rackheath

In addition to the extensive existing commitment in Rackheath, seven sites (six for housing, one for housing and sports use) were previously consulted on. The Regulation 18 Site Proposals document concluded "Should further development allocations be considered necessary in Rackheath, there is potential from the sites put forward for both small scale and large scale growth. For larger strategic sites (GNLP0172, 0478 and 1060) the constraints relate to achieving suitable accesses from Green Lane West, implications from the proximity to the Northern Distributor Road, as well as impacts on landscape and managing surface water flood risk. Of the smaller sites (GNLP0095, 0351, 1029, and 1030), GNLP0351 best relates to the settlement's existing built form and appears to have the fewest constraints."

Three new sites have been have been submitted through the consultation:

Site Reference

Promoter Details

Site Address

Site Area (ha)

Development Description


First Name

Last name


acrobat reader GNLP2037




GP Planning Ltd

North-east of Green Lane West


Residential development for 10 dwellings

(3) acrobat reader GNLP2092




GP Planning Ltd

South of Salhouse Road


Residential development (unspecified number)

(3) acrobat reader GNLP2166





South of Warren Road


Residential development

(for 216 dwellings)

GNLP2037 is a 1.04 ha site promoted for 10 dwellings, next to an existing site allocation and adjacent to the settlement boundary of Rackheath. The site has few constraints.

GNLP2092 is a 20 ha site which has been bisected by the Broadland Northway (A1270). Whilst beyond the current built edge of Rackheath, the site is adjacent to committed sites, within an accessible distance of core services. It could also in the future benefit from the transport improvements proposed along the Salhouse Road. Constraints relate to site access, utilities capacity, noise from the A1270, surface water flood risk and proximity to ancient woodland.

GNLP2166 is a 13 ha site abutting the north-eastern edge of Thorpe End and next to an existing allocation. The site has some access to core services in Rackheath, and it could in the future benefit from the transport improvements proposed along the Salhouse Road and new services resulting from nearby development. Constraints relate to surface water flood risk, a gas pipeline and proximity to ancient woodland.

Depending on the amount of additional growth identified for Rackheath, the newly submitted sites provide additional choices for different scales of growth to the existing range of growth options.

3.30 Reedham

One potential housing site was consulted on through the Regulation 18 Site Proposals consultation document which stated "Site GNLP1001 is a 1.01 ha site located adjacent to allocation RED1, and it appears to rely upon the neighbouring allocation for an access to Station Road. Some regard will be needed to the landscape impact over the river valley, but the site appears generally suitable if further development is concluded to be necessary in Reedham".

Two additional sites have been submitted through the consultation:

Site Reference

Promoter Details

Site Address

Site Area (ha)

Development Description


First Name

Last name


(1) acrobat reader GNLP2151




North of Church Road


Residential development for 6 dwellings

(1) acrobat reader GNLP2175




One Planning & Heritage

East of Witton Green


Residential development for 5-6 dwellings

Both are small sites with limited pedestrian access to key services in the village which are around 1 km away with no footpath access.

Site GNLP2151 is a 0.36 hectare infill site within a row of houses on Church Road at some distance from the settlement boundary. Some regard will be required to the landscape impact on the nearby river valley and County Wildlife Site. There are no other significant constraints.

Site GNLP2175 is a 0.2 hectare site adjacent to the settlement boundary. Highways alterations may be required. Some regard will be required to the landscape impact on the nearby river valley and on the neighbouring listed building. Again, there are no other significant constraints.

Depending on the amount of growth identified for the village, both sites could provide for small scale growth in Reedham, though they are smaller and less favourably located than site GNLP1001 which has already been consulted on.

3.31 Reepham

Eight potential housing sites were consulted on in early 2018 through the Regulation 18 Site Proposals consultation document which stated "To conclude, if Reepham is identified for small scale housing growth, GNLP0096, GNLP0221 and GNLP0180 may provide growth options, subject to appropriate mitigation. If larger levels of growth are considered appropriate for Reepham, all or part of GNLP0353 and GNLP0183 may be sustainable locations for additional housing".

Two additional sites have been submitted through the consultation:

Site Reference

Promoter Details

Site Address

Site Area (ha)

Development Description


First Name

Last name


(4) acrobat reader GNLP2026




Orchard Lane


Residential development of 5 dwellings

(6) acrobat reader GNLP2075





Cawston Road


Residential development for unspecified number of dwellings

GNLP2026 is well related to the village, with some access to services. Constraints include site access, the capacity of the local road network, townscape and ecological impacts.

GNLP2075 is a large site north of the village, with some access to services. Constraints include the capacity of the local road network, site access, lack of footpaths, flood risk, townscape impacts and loss of Grade 2 agricultural land.

In conclusion, site GNLP2026 provide an alternative option for small scale housing development. GNLP2075 is more constrained than some of the previously submitted sites, though it may provide an option if higher levels of growth are required.

3.35 Sprowston

Three sites were consulted upon in Sprowston in early 2018. The Site Proposals document concluded "If further development in Sprowston is considered suitable, the three sites provide growth options, but all are constrained to some degree. GNLP0042 is less preferable due to its separation from the existing built edge of Sprowston. GNLP0132 appears generally suitable. GNLP0383 could be strategically important in providing a secondary school but is also potentially suitable for residential development."

One additional site was submitted through the consultation:

Site Reference

Promoter Details

Site Address

Site Area (ha)

Development Description


First Name

Last name


acrobat reader GNLP2178





Lushers Loke


Residential development of 25 dwellings

GNLP2178isa0.91 ha site located off Lushers Loke. Constraints relate to road capacity, lack of footpath provision, high risk of surface water flooding on the south-east portion of the site, the previous use of the site as a builder's yard, and the compatibility of uses with the land to the south that is in light industrial use.

In conclusion, the newly promoted site offers an alternative option for housing, if Sprowston is identified for further growth.

3.36 Strumpshaw

Four potential housing sites were previously consulted on.

The Regulation 18 Site Proposals document concluded "Overall, if it is considered that additional growth is required in Strumpshaw, site options are available, though constraints would have to be addressed."

Two new sites, and one settlement boundary change, were submitted through the consultation:

Site Reference

Promoter Details

Site Address

Site Area (ha)

Development Description


First Name

Last name


(1) acrobat reader GNLP2017




Mill Road


Residential development (unspecified number)

(3) acrobat reader GNLP2071




MDCP Town Planning

Rear of 33 Norwich Road


Residential development of 6 dwellings

(2) acrobat reader GNLPSL0006





Rear of 33 Norwich Road


Settlement boundary

GNLP2017 is a 3.78 ha site with an existing hybrid planning permission for 10 houses in outline and full permission for a community hall. The site is accessible to services, but constraints include the local road network, loss of high quality agricultural land, impacts on the setting of the church and potential ecological impacts.

GNLP2071 is a 0.28 ha site, accessible to services at the north-eastern edge of Strumpshaw, which is proposed for six dwellings. Constraints include the local road network, potential ground instability, sewerage infrastructure and potential ecological impacts.

GNLPSL0006 is adjacent to the settlement boundary but has a narrow access off Norwich Road.

Should Strumpshaw be identified for further development, the newly submitted sites GNLP2017 and 2071 provide an additional growth option, and a change to the settlement boundary at GNLPSL0006 may also be considered.

3.37 Taverham

Five sites of widely varying scales (four for housing, one for mixed use development) were previously consulted on. The Regulation 18 Site Proposals document concluded "Should Taverham be identified for further development through the GNLP, site 0337 appears to have fewer constraints in comparison to other sites as it has access to services and is at some distance from significant environmentally sensitive areas to the south. However, issues related to proximity to the NDR would need to be addressed on this site."

Four new sites were submitted through the consultation:

Site Reference

Promoter Details

Site Address

Site Area (ha)

Development Description


First Name

Last name


(2) acrobat reader GNLP2047





High Breck Farm


Residential development for 5 dwellings

(2) acrobat reader GNLP2050




East of Fir Covert Road


Residential development (unspecified number) or business use

(37) acrobat reader GNLP2051




151 Taverham Road


Residential development

(unspecified number)

(49) acrobat reader GNLP2106





South of Taverham Road


Residential development for 70 dwellings

(Please note, site 2129 is included in the Attlebridge section of this addendum and site GNLP2027 is in the Drayton section)

GNLP2047 is a 0.6 ha site which is well-related to services. It has few constraints, though it is within a SSSI impact zone.

GNLP2050 is a 0.34 ha site for residential or business use. The site is adjacent to the settlement boundary and a committed site and is well-related to services. It has few constraints, though it is also within a SSSI impact zone.

GNLP2051 is a 1.31 ha site at the southern edge of Taverham, which is partly within and partly adjacent to the settlement boundary, with good access to services. Constraints relate to access and ecology, the latter due to the site's close proximity to the River Wensum.

GNLP2106 is a 3.3 ha site. The site is adjacent to the settlement boundary and within an accessible distance of services in Drayton. Constraints relate to access, landscape and ecology, the latter two due to the site's close proximity to the River Wensum.

Depending on the amount of growth identified for Taverham, the new sites offer further choice. Sites GNLP2047 and 2050 are small sites which have few constraints as they have good access to services and are at some distance from significant environmentally sensitive areas to the south. Sites GNLP2051 and 2106 are larger sites which are close to the environmentally sensitive Wensum Valley.

3.38 Thorpe St Andrew

Three potential housing sites were included in the Regulation 18 Site Proposals consultation document. For the three housing sites, the document concluded "Given the extensive current commitments in Thorpe St Andrew and the generally built up nature of the parish, there appears to be little capacity for additional growth beyond the permitted site GNLP0540. The other submitted sites, GNLP0228 and 0442, are heavily constrained, chiefly by their ecological value and the County Wildlife Site status of Thorpe Woodlands".

Two additional sites have been submitted through the consultation:

Site Reference

Promoter Details

Site Address

Site Area (ha)

Development Description


First Name

Last name


(4) acrobat reader GNLP2170




Barton Willmore

Langley North


Residential development of 40 dwellings

(3) acrobat reader GNLP2171




Barton Willmore

Langley South


Residential development of 70 dwellings

GNLP2170 is a 1.33 ha site for 40 homes on land previously used as playing fields by the Langley Preparatory School. The main constraints include surface water flood risk, and impacts on the landscape, townscape and the adjacent woodland.

GNLP2171 is a 4.38 ha site for 70 homes on land previously used by the Langley Preparatory School. Access is proposed via Yarmouth Road. The main constraints include surface water flood risk, and impacts on the landscape, townscape and the adjacent woodland.

Should Thorpe St Andrew be identified for further development, the newly submitted sites GNLP2170 and 2171 provide an additional growth option.

3.40 Woodbastwick

Woodbastwick parish contains the villages of Woodbastwick and Panxworth. An additional site has been submitted in the parish (details below) - please see Panxworth settlement summary for narrative.

Site Reference

Promoter Details

Site Address

Site Area (ha)

Development Description


First Name

Last name


(3) acrobat reader GNLP2180




South Walsham Road


Residential development of 5 dwellings

3.41 Wroxham

Two sites were consulted on in early 2018. The Site Proposals document states "In conclusion, if Wroxham is identified for growth, with its potential for subdivision GNLP0504 offers a range of options, subject to appropriate mitigation. If the relocation of Wroxham FC is to be supported, site GNLP0041 may also have development potential, although this would also require mitigation".

Two further sites have been submitted:

Site Reference

Promoter Details

Site Address

Site Area (ha)

Development Description


First Name

Last name


(4) acrobat reader GNLP2131




Wood Plc

East of Salhouse Road


Residential development of 100 dwellings

(5) acrobat reader GNLP2135




Wood Plc

South of Wherry Gardens


Residential development of 100 dwellings

GNLP2131 is adjacent to the built-up part of the village, but is a subset of GNLP0504. It therefore offers an alternative form of development within the same site.

GNLP2135 is adjacent to a newly built development, with access to bus services. Constraints include site access and potential landscape impacts.

Although both sites could be considered as potential alternatives, only GNLP2135 is an additional site.

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