New, Revised and Small Sites
Section 5 - Settlement Summary updates for South Norfolk
No potential site allocations have been consulted on in Aldeby. However, a proposal to amend the settlement boundary has been received:
Site Reference |
Promoter Details |
Site Address |
Site Area (ha) |
Development Description |
Title |
First Name |
Last name |
Organisation |
Mr |
Tom |
Browne |
Station Road |
0.14 |
Settlement boundary |
GNLPSL0014 lies in a row of housing in the north of the parish of Aldeby, remote from the settlement boundary around the main part of the village.
It is unlikely to be considered a suitable location for an additional settlement boundary.
Seven potential housing sites were previously consulted on.
The Regulation 18 Site Proposals document concluded: "no fundamental constraints have been identified that would rule out any of the sites in Ashwellthorpe, although the net developable area may be constrained on some. Consequently if the need for additional housing development is identified through the GNLP, several site options are available."
One new site, and two settlement boundary changes, were submitted through the consultation:
Site Reference |
Promoter Details |
Site Address |
Site Area (ha) |
Development Description |
Title |
First Name |
Last name |
Organisation |
Mr |
Paul |
Clarke |
Brown & Co |
North and south of Ashwellthorpe Industrial Estate |
6.1 |
Commercial development (B1, B2, B8) |
Mr |
Andrew |
Ring |
New Road |
0.23 |
Settlement boundary |
Mr | Tom | Corfield | Irelands Harford Centre |
New Road |
0.22 |
Settlement boundary |
GNLP2182 is to the north and south of Ashwellthorpe Industrial Estate and is proposed for commercial development (B1, B2, B8). Highways would prefer access off Station Station; and, other constraints relate to some surface water flood risk, nearby listed buildings and Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs), as well as proximity to a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI).
GNLPSL0013 lies south of the village, a little removed from the settlement boundary.
GNLPSL0017 lies south of the village, adjacent to the settlement boundary.
In conclusion, GNLPSL0017 may be considered for extension of the settlement boundary.
Please see the settlement summaries for Sneath Common and Great Moulton.
Four sites were consulted on in Barnham Broom during the Regulation 18 consultation. The Site Proposals document stated "In conclusion, the large scale of proposed development on both sites of the village could have significant impacts on the built and natural environment. The two sites to the west (GNLP0174 and GNLP0196) have more constraints than the two to the east".
Two new sites, and one settlement boundary change, have been submitted through the consultation:
Site Reference |
Promoter Details |
Site Address |
Site Area (ha) |
Development Description |
Title |
First Name |
Last name |
Organisation |
Ms |
Nicole |
Wright |
La Ronde Wright |
West of Honingham Road |
4.71 |
35 dwellings, a care home and small business units |
Mrs |
B |
Boorman |
Banham Broom Parish Council |
South of Norwich Road |
0.46 |
Residential development of 5 dwellings |
Mr | Tom | Corfield | Irelands Harford Centre |
North of Norwich Road |
0.18 |
Settlement boundary |
GNLP2089 Is 4.7ha site north of the built-up part of the village and west of Honingham Road. Issues include road network constraints, surface water flood risk by the boundary of the site and proximity to a Special Area of Conservation and a Site of Special Scientific Interest.
GNLP2110 is between recently built housing and a farm on the south side of Norwich Road. Constraints include surface water flood risk, high quality agricultural land and proximity to a Special Area of Conservation and a Site of Special Scientific Interest. It is also likely that the water supply and sewerage network would need to be upgraded
GNLPSL0018 lies north of Norwich Road, adjacent to the settlement boundary.
In conclusion, sites GNLP2089 and GNLP2110 offer alternative options for housing, if Barnham Broom is identified for further growth, and GNLPSL0018 could be considered for a settlement boundary extension.
Two residential and one commercial site were consulted on in early 2018. The Site Proposals document stated "To conclude, if additional development is considered appropriate in Bawburgh, small scale residential development may be possible on part of GNLP0484. Other sites appear less attractive in terms of their relationship to the current built form".
One additional site and one proposal to amend the settlement boundary were submitted through the consultation:
Site Reference |
Promoter Details |
Site Address |
Site Area (ha) |
Development Description |
Title |
First Name |
Last name |
Organisation |
Mr |
Nick |
Saffell |
Brown & Co |
North of New Road, east of A47 |
11.7 |
Residential development (150-200 dwellings proposed) |
Glynis |
Watling |
East of Stocks Hill |
0.24 |
Residential development of x dwellings |
GNLP2043 lies to the east of the A47, unrelated to Bawburgh village but adjacent to another proposed site (GNLP0581). There are employment sites within walking distance but no other key services. Constraints include site access if this was off New Road or the A47, flood risk, landscape, townscape and ecological impacts.
GNLPSL0002 is partially within the settlement boundary at the southern end of the main part of the village and contains one dwelling and its curtilage. Extension of the settlement boundary here would require access to be created alongside the existing dwelling.
In conclusion, GNLP2043 is not suitable for consideration on its own, but may come forward as part of a larger development, relating to Costessey rather than Bawburgh. GNLPSL0002 may be considered for inclusion in the settlement boundary.
Five potential housing sites were consulted on through the Regulation 18 Site Proposals consultation document which concluded "If Bergh Aption is identified for growth, all five sites could have some potential for development, though all suffer form varying degrees of remoteness".
Four additional sites, and one settlement boundary change, have been submitted through the consultation:
Site Reference |
Promoter Details |
Site Address |
Site Area (ha) |
Development Description |
Title |
First Name |
Last name |
Organisation |
Mr |
Milton |
Harris |
Town Farm |
0.29 |
Residential development for 5 dwellings |
Mr |
Tim |
Stephens |
Humberts |
The Dell |
0.34 |
Residential development for 5 dwellings |
Mr |
Tim |
Stephens |
Humberts |
Bergh Apton House |
0.4 |
Residential development for 5 dwellings |
Mr |
Richard |
Shuldham |
Savills |
Adjacent to village hall |
1.81 |
Residential development (unspecified number) |
Milton |
Harris |
Town Farm |
0.22 |
Settlement boundary |
GNLP2015 is a 0.29 ha site, much of which was originally promoted as a settlement limit change (reference SL0007), and is now proposed for five dwellings. It is beyond the built edge of the village, and has poor access to services. Additional constraints include highways issues, the effect on undeveloped views of the church and proximity to a SSSI.
GNLP2022 is a 0.34 ha site promoted for five dwellings. The site is in open countryside and has constraints related to highways, including footpath provision.
GNLP2023 is a 0.4 ha site promoted for five dwellings. The site is in open countryside, is remote from core services and has constraints related to highways.
GNLP2117 is a 1.81 site, adjacent to existing site proposal GNLP0122, and opposite housing allocation site BER 1 which is currently under development. The site is somewhat remote but reasonably accessible to a range of services, although there appears to be no safe access to a primary school. Additional constraints relate to the potential to impact on heritage assets and the townscape character of the village.
GNLPSL0007 lies between a farmhouse and small group of dwellings. It is some distance from the existing settlement boundary.
In conclusion, if additional housing is sought for Bergh Apton, site GNLP2117 may provide further options although the ability to provide a safe route to school would need to be considered. Other sites are not considered to relate as well to the village.
Four potential housing sites and a potential new settlment were included in the early 2018 Regulation 18 Site Proposals consultation document. For the four housing sites, the document concluded "Should Bracon Ash be identified for further development, growth options are available, though consideration would need to be given to site related constraints". In relation to the proposed new settlement, it concluded "If a location for a new settlement is sought, GNLP1055 could provide housing, employment and community facilities, if the CWSs and areas of flood risk are avoided, and assuming appropriate mitigation measures. A very significant amount of work would need to be done to further investigate the constraints and opportunities of a site of this size".
Three additional sites have been submitted through the consultation:
Site Reference |
Promoter Details |
Site Address |
Site Area (ha) |
Development Description |
Title |
First Name |
Last name |
Organisation |
Mr |
Kian |
Saedi |
La Ronde Wright |
South of Cuckoofield Lane |
1.72 |
Residential development for 15 dwellings |
Mr |
Neil |
Dyer |
Raycone Ltd |
East of Potash Lane |
1.18 |
Employment (permission 2011/1041) |
Mr |
Neil |
Dyer |
Raycone Ltd |
South of Hethel Industrial Estate |
0.79 |
10 small business units |
GNLP2087 is a 1.72 ha "backland" site promoted for 15 dwellings. It has reasonable access to services. Constraints relate to access, the shape of the site and its impact on the townscape and surface water flood risk.
GNLP2097 is a 1.18 ha site permitted for industrial development, with that development nearing completion. The site's promotion is acknowledged and is likely best dealt with as a proposed development boundary extension.
GNLP2109 is a 1.18 ha site proposed for 10 small business industrial units adjacent to existing employment uses at Hethel. Constraints relate to a Health and Safety Executive Hazardous Installation consultation Zone and proximity to ancient woodland and a listed building.
Should Bracon Ash be identified for further development, the newly submitted housing site GNLP2087 provides an additional growth option, though its development would not be in keeping with the existing form of the village. Site GNLP2109 provides an opportunity for additional employment development to complement site GNLP2097 which is close to completion.
One small (0.26 hecatre) potential housing site was consulted on in early 2018 through the Regulation 18 Site Proposals consultation document which concluded "Site GNLP0241 …. is within the existing settlement boundary to the west of the village and no fundamental constraints have been identified for the site".
Seven additional sites have been submitted through the consultation:
Site Reference |
Promoter Details |
Site Address |
Site Area (ha) |
Development Description |
Title |
First Name |
Last name |
Organisation |
Mr |
James |
Baker |
Clarke & Simpson |
East of The Street |
0.84 |
Residential development for 10-15 dwellings |
Mr |
James |
Baker |
Clarke & Simpson |
Adjoining Pond Farm |
2.14 |
Residential development for 10-15 dwellings |
Mr |
James |
Baker |
Clarke & Simpson |
East of School Road |
3.51 |
Residential development (unspecified number) |
Mr |
James |
Baker |
Clarke & Simpson |
Fersfield Common |
1.82 |
Residential development for 10 dwellings |
Mr |
James |
Baker |
Clarke & Simpson |
North of A1066 |
1.2 |
Residential development (unspecified number) |
Mr |
Christopher |
Hobson |
Durrants |
Fersfield Road / Folly Lane |
0.93 |
Residential development for 9 dwellings |
Mr |
Ben |
Falk |
North of High Road |
6.41 |
Residential development (unspecified number) |
Sites GNLP2052, 2053 and 2056 are located in open countryside around 3 kilometres from services and are not considered suitable for allocation. The latter site has surface water flood risk constraints;
GNLP2057 is a 1.2 hectare site north of the A1066 which has some access to services, and has highway and historic environment constraints. GNLP2054 is a 3.51 hectare site which also has some access to services, with no additional constraints;
GNLP2113 is a large site (6.41 hectares) located close to services with no additional constraints, whilst GNLP2079 (0.93 hectares) also has good access to services and no additional constraints.
With the exception of GNLP0252, 0253 and 2056, and in addition to the small site GNLP0241 which has already been consulted on, the newly submitted sites could provide for varied scales of growth in Bressingham.
Six potential housing sites were consulted on in early 2018. The Regulation 18 Site Proposals document concluded: "A choice of sites has been submitted in Brooke presenting options depending on the amount of growth identified for the village through the GNLP. Site GNLP0432 appears to have the fewest constraints."
Three additional sites and one proposal to change the settlement boundary were submitted through the consultation:
Site Reference |
Promoter Details |
Site Address |
Site Area (ha) |
Development Description |
Title |
First Name |
Last name |
Organisation |
Mr |
Julian |
Wells |
FW Properties |
East of Norwich Road |
9.1 |
Residential development of 50-150 dwellings plus possible school |
Mr |
Magnus |
Magnusson |
North of High Green |
1.9 |
Residential development of 25 dwellings |
Mr |
Tim |
Stephens |
Humberts |
East of Wood Farm |
2.7 |
Residential development of 30 dwellings and a primary school |
Mr | David | White |
High Green |
0.11 |
Settlement boundary |
GNLP2018 is a large site (9.1ha) to the east of Norwich Road. Considerations include the proximity to the Brooke Conservation Area and listed buildings nearby. A few areas are at risk of surface water flooding and ponds around the site could merit ecological investigation. The site is within 3km of a Special Area of Conservation and a Site of Special Scientific Interest. Upgrades to sewerage infrastructure could be required.
GNLP2119 and 2122 lie north of High Green, close to the western edge of the village. Issues include access and the surrounding road network and proximity to the Brooke Conservation Area and listed buildings. Both have small areas at surface water flood risk. Some woodland habitat is included in the sites that could merit ecological investigation.
GNLPSL0020 slightly overlaps the settlement boundary but has no road access.
In conclusion, the additional sites provide varied options for different amounts of growth if appropriate mitigation is provided to overcome site specific constraints. Two sites (GNLP 2018 and 2122) also offer the potential for the relocation of Brooke Primary School.
Three potential housing sites, one mixed use site and one light industrial site were consulted on in early 2018. The Regulation 18 Site Proposals document concluded: "If Bunwell is identified as a suitable location for growth, reducing the depth of GNLP0537 may provide small scale development in keeping with the adjacent built form and the settlement pattern. Whilst they also offer growth options, GNLP0009, GNLP0538, and GNLP0539 are less attractive in terms of their relationship to the current built form."
One additional site and two proposals to change the settlement boundary were submitted through the consultation:
GNLP2126 lies south of Bunwell Street. Considerations include a pond on site that may require ecological investigation. Also, there are several listed buildings nearby; and, waste water treatment capacity may need upgrading.
GNLPSL0001 is adjacent to the settlement boundary on land which may provide habitat.
GNLPSL2004 is opposite a small part of the settlement boundary opposite the church. It may provide habitat and may affect the setting of the church.
In conclusion, site GNLP2126 offers an alternative option for housing, if Bunwell is identified for further growth.
Six sites were consulted on in Burston through the Regulation 18 consultation in eraly 2018. The Site Proposals document concluded "If Burston is identified for growth through the GNLP, a number of site options are available, though in all cases cosntraints would have to be addressed. In addition, any growth in Burston would have to address sewerage infrastructure constraints".
One request to amend the settlement boundary was submitted through the consultation:
Site Reference |
Promoter Details |
Site Address |
Site Area (ha) |
Development Description |
Title |
First Name |
Last name |
Organisation |
Mr |
Adam |
Horwood |
Arundel Group Limited |
South-east of Diss Road |
0.12 |
Settlement boundary |
GNLPSL0005 is 80m from the settlement boundary, with one dwelling between. Although a small site, it has a wide frontage which could provide for several small dwellings.
In conclusion, the site offers an alternative option for the settlement boundary, if Burston is considered a suitable location for incremental growth.
Five potential housing sites, including one large scale proposal and one mixed use development, were consulted on in early 2018. The Regulation 18 Site Proposals document concluded: "Site GNLP0532 is located in the countryside north of the village on Stoke Road, adjacent to the water works. There are limited services and facilities close to the site." The other four sites related to Poringland and are discussed under proposals for that settlement.
Three additional sites were submitted through the consultation within the parish of Caistor St Edmund, all of which are listed here. However, two of these sites relate to Poringland and are covered in the Poringland section below.
Site Reference |
Promoter Details |
Site Address |
Site Area (ha) |
Development Description |
Title |
First Name |
Last name |
Organisation |
Mr |
Christopher |
Hobson |
Durrants |
South of Caistor Lane |
5.5 |
Residential development of 150 dwellings |
Mr |
Christopher |
Hobson |
Durrants |
North of Stoke Road |
4.37 |
Residential development of 110 dwellings |
Mr |
Brian |
Flynn |
Carter Jonas |
East of Ipswich Road |
49.9 |
Commercial development |
GNLP2158 is an approximately 50 ha site at the western extent of the parish, east of the A140 and adjacent to Tesco at Harford Bridge which is proposed for commercial development. Depot Meadow County Wildlife Site is within the site, a Scheduled Ancient Monument is within 400m, and there is a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) within 3 km. Flood Zones 2 and 3 cover the area of the County Wildlife Site, as well as some areas at surface water flood risk.
In conclusion, subject to addressing site constraints, GNLP2158 provides an alternative for commercial development adjacent to the A140 at Harford.
Three potential housing sites were consulted on in early 2018. The Regulation 18 Site Proposals document concluded: "GNLP0438 and GNLP0439 are both recent allocations and would therefore not contribute additional growth beyond that planned for in the adopted local plan. GNLP0547 is along The Turnpike, close to a cluster of dwellings but remote from the centre of the village, providing a significant constraint."
One new site was submitted through the consultation.
Site Reference |
Promoter Details |
Site Address |
Site Area (ha) |
Development Description |
Title |
First Name |
Last name |
Organisation |
Mr |
Christopher |
Hobson |
Durrants |
South of Flaxlands Road |
0.73 |
Residential development of 10 dwellings |
GNLP2086 is to the south of Flaxlands Road, adjacent to Carleton Rode Primary School. Constraints include a small area at surface water flood risk, several listed buildings nearby, and a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) within 3 km. Upgrades to sewerage infrastructure could be required as well.
In conclusion, GNLP2086 site offers an alternative option for housing, if Carleton Rode is identified for further growth.
(see Loddon)
Six sites were consulted on in early 2018, three for residential use, one submission was made for university uses, one site was proposed for commercial uses, and one site for retirement-led housing. The Regulation 18 Site Proposals document concluded: "the sites proposed for housing and retirement properties do not relate well to the existing built form of the settlement; the sites proposed for employment over and above those already allocated may be suitable for expansion of existing institutions if this is necessary, and if landscape policies to protect the setting of the A47 are reviewed. Site GNLP0140 A-C have existing planning permissions."
One revised submission divided into three parts which is related to the Norwich Research Park was submitted through the consultation:
Site Reference |
Promoter Details |
Site Address |
Site Area (ha) |
Development Description |
Title |
First Name |
Last name |
Organisation |
Mr |
Michael |
Carpenter |
CODE Development Planners Ltd |
South-east of N&N |
14.8 |
Employment-led mixed use development |
Mr |
Michael |
Carpenter |
CODE Development Planners Ltd |
South of NRP extension |
1.26 |
Employment |
Mr |
Michael |
Carpenter |
CODE Development Planners Ltd |
South of NRP extension |
5.59 |
Employment |
GNLP0331R A Is to south-east of the hospital, measures 15ha, and is promoted for employment led mixed use development. Constraints include areas at risk of surface water flooding, that the site is within the Southern Bypass Landscape Protection Zone, high voltage cables cross the site, as well as that sewerage and water supply facilities would need upgrading.
GNLP0331R B measures 1.2 ha and is adjacent to the hospital car park and accessed from Hethersett Lane. It is promoted for employment use. It is within the Southern Bypass Landscape Protection Zone, plus sewerage and water supply facilities would likely need upgrading.
GNLP0331R C measures 5.6 ha, which would be accessed from Hethersett Lane, is promoted for employment use. Constraints include a small area at risk of surface water flooding, that the site is within the Southern Bypass Landscape Protection Zone, as well as that sewerage and water supply facilities would need upgrading.
In conclusion, the three newly submitted sites offer alternatives for the further development of the Norwich Research Park (NRP)if landscape policies to protect the setting of the A47 are reviewed.
Nine potential housing sites, and one mixed use site, were consulted on in early 2018. The Regulation 18 Site Proposals document concluded: "subject to decisions on the quantum of housing/employment to be allocated to Costessey and any on-site mitigation required, the sites which appear to be better related to the existing settlement pattern and/or the least constrained are GNLP0593 (Roundwell works); parts of GNLP0206 and GNLP0284 together; GNLP0238 (north of Farmland Road) and parts of GNLP0266 (Costessey Landfill Site, and adjoining land), and GNLP0581 (off Long Lane and New Road)."
Four new sites, one revised site, and one settlement limit proposal were submitted through the consultation:
Site Reference |
Promoter Details |
Site Address |
Site Area (ha) |
Development Description |
Title |
First Name |
Last name |
Organisation |
Mr |
Richard |
Seamark |
Carter Jonas LLP |
Townhouse Road |
8.98 |
Residential development (unspecified number) |
Mr |
John |
Andrews |
Rear of 23 Longwater Lane |
0.6 |
Residential development of 4-10 dwellings |
Mr |
Michael |
Haslam |
Norfolk Showground |
74.66 |
Food, farming, leisure, tourism, recreation, arts, exhibition |
Ms |
Maureen |
Darrie |
GP Planning Ltd |
North of Gunton Lane |
2.6 |
Residential development (unspecified number) |
Mr |
David |
Pyle |
10 Longwater Lane |
1.9 |
Residential development (unspecified number) |
Mr |
Belinder |
Gill |
Veolia ES (UK) Ltd |
Adjacent to waste transfer site |
2 |
Settlement boundary |
GNLP0284R is 8.98 ha site that lies to the south of Town House Road, between the church and existing housing at Lime Tree Avenue. Constraints include possible highways improvements, adverse impact on the setting of the church, as well as ecological and landscape implications from the location in the river valley.
GNLP2004 is a 0.64 ha site to the east of Longwater Lane. Constraints relate to ecological and landscape implications from the location in the Wensum river valley, a designated species habitat is within the site, and that the easterly edge is in Flood Zone 2.
GNLP2074 is a 75.65 ha site encompassing the current Norfolk Showground site. Constraints include two designated species' locations within the site, Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs), a small area at risk of surface water flooding, and proximity to a ground water protection zone.
GNLP2138 is 2.65 ha site which is located to the North of Gunton Lane. Constraints relate to access being along a private road, the site's status as a County Wildlife Site, its position in the river valley landscape character area, and that the majority of land is with Flood Zone 2 and 3.
GNLP2156 is a 1.93 ha site to the west of Longwater Lane. Considerations are the river valley landscape character area and an area at risk of surface water flooding along the site's northern boundary. Near to the site is a designated species location for Lime Beetle and an area with Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs).
GNLPSL2008 is requested to be included within the settlement boundary, which currently encircles it. It is surrounded by industrial development which is within the settlement boundary.
In conclusion, three of the sites provide alternative options for housing, site GNLP2074 diversifies alternatives for the Norfolk Showground site uses, and GNLP2138 (North of Gunton Lane) is considered unsuitable mainly due to its designated status and associated flood risk issues. GNLPSL2008 may be considered for inclusion within the settlement boundary.
Thirteen sites were consulted on in early 2018. The Regulation 18 Site Proposals document concluded "If Dickleburgh is identified for further development, a range of growth options is available, subject to overcoming site specific constraints".
Three additional sites of widely varying sizes and one revised site have been submitted for consideration:
Site Reference |
Promoter Details |
Site Address |
Site Area (ha) |
Development Description |
Title |
First Name |
Last name |
Organis-ation |
Mr |
Christopher |
Hobson |
Durrants |
East of Norwich Road |
0.77 |
Residential development for 10 to 15 dwellings |
Mr |
Christopher |
Hobson |
Durrants |
East of Norwich Road |
0.24 |
Residential development for 5 dwellings |
Mr |
Kian |
Saedi |
La Ronde Wright |
West of Norwich Road |
6.1 |
Residential-led mixed use development for 80 dwellings, retirement home, community facility, offices and open space |
Mr |
Will |
Prewer |
Land opposite Bridge Farm |
0.84 |
Residential development of 15-20 dwellings |
Site GNLP2030R is a revised 0.84 hectare site with limited constraints and good access to services on Norwich Road in the north of the village and adjacent to the settlement boundary. The site has been reduced in area to that originally submitted by approximately 0.3 ha.
Site GNLP0283 is a 0.77 hectare site to the north of the village with reasonable access to services. It has constraints in relation to site access and some flood risk, and development here would further elongate the village.
Site GNLP2084 is a 0.23 hectare site to the north of the village also with reasonable access to services. It has some constraints in relation to site access and development here would also further elongate the village.
GNLP2145 is a 6.1 ha site north-west of the village proposed for mixed use development including a retirement home, community facilities and open space as well as housing. It has some constraints in relation to site access, proximity to the A140, flood risk, townscape and distance from the core of the village.
Depending on the amount of growth identified for Dickleburgh, the newly submitted sites provide additional choices to the existing wide range of growth options. The revised site, GNLP2030R, is the most favourably located of the additional sites.
Ten potential housing sites were consulted on in early 2018. The Regulation 18 Site Proposals document concluded: "Dependent on the growth strategy identified for Diss through the GNLP, there are several small to medium sized sites promoted in and around the town, especially to the north along Shelfanger Road, which provide options for growth. Sites could be considered individually, or in combination, though the principle of de-allocating employment sites to residential use would require further evidence. An overriding consideration is congestion on the A1066 and the need for evidence that the highway network could accommodate the sites promoted."
Two new sites were submitted through the consultation:
Site Reference |
Promoter Details |
Site Address |
Site Area (ha) |
Development Description |
Title |
First Name |
Last name |
Organisation |
Mr |
Michael |
Haslam |
Victoria Road |
0.42 |
Repair and retail warehouse, business and offices |
Ms |
Eleanor |
Havers |
Clarke & Simpson |
West of Shelfanger Road |
49 |
Residential development (unspecified number) |
GNLP2067 is a 0.42 ha site located south of Victoria Road suggested for warehousing, business and offices. Considerations are that the site is wholly within Flood Zone 2, the boundary of the site is in Flood Zone 3, it is adjacent to Stuston Common, and is within the Waveney river valley character area.
GNLP2104 is a 50.51 ha site west of Shelfanger Road. Constraints relate to the suitability of the local road network, risk of surface water flooding, the northern border of the site is within fluvial Flood Zone 3, it is adjacent to Brewer's Green County Wildlife Site, and the southern portion is within the Waveney river valley character area.
In conclusion, subject to addressing site specific constraints and town wide issues relating to traffic, GNLP2104 offers an option for large-scale housing development. GNLP2067 provides an option for small scale commercial use.
Five sites were consulted on during the Regulation 18 consultation in early 2018. The Site Proposals document concluded "If Ditchingham is identified for growth, a range of site options is available. Small scale housing development may be appropriate on GNLP0078, GNLP0343 and GNLP0345. If further sites are required, GNLP0373 and GNLP0078 may also be suitable".
One additional site was submitted through the consultation:
Site Reference |
Promoter Details |
Site Address |
Site Area (ha) |
Development Description |
Title |
First Name |
Last name |
Organisation |
Miss |
Kate |
Jackson |
Lambert's Way |
0.35 |
Residential development (unspecified number) |
GNLP2011 lies to the south of Ditchingham village, at the end of Lambert's Way and adjacent to another site, GNLP0078. The site is well related to local services but constraints include site access, landscape, townscape, heritage and ecological impacts.
In conclusion, the site offers an alternative option for housing, if Ditchingham is identified for further growth.
Six sites were consulted on in the parish, three each in East Carleton and Lower East Carleton, in early 2018. The Site Proposals document concluded "Should further development be considered necessary in the built up area of East Carleton, site options are available, but only GNLP0428 has reasonable access to services. Likewise, should further development be considered appropriate in Lower East Carleton, site choices are available, but all sites suffer from poor access to services to some extent".
Three additional sites in the parish were submitted through the consultation, all relating to East Carleton settlement:
Site Reference |
Promoter Details |
Site Address |
Site Area (ha) |
Development Description |
Title |
First Name |
Last name |
Organisation |
Dr and Mr |
Georgina and Timothy |
Pope and Lacey |
East of Hethersett Road |
0.51 |
Residential development (unspecified number) |
Dr and Mr |
Georgina and Timothy |
Pope and Lacey |
South of Wymondham Road |
1.15 |
Business park, offices, plus 4 dwellings |
Dr and Mr |
Georgina and Timothy |
Pope and Lacey |
East of Hethersett Road |
0.88 |
Residential development (unspecified number) |
GNLP2152 is adjacent to GNLP0600 and would be backland development. The road network is constrained, there are few services and no safe route to a primary school. There could also be impact on the nearby church.
GNLP2165 is beyond the existing built edge of the village. The road network is constrained and there are few services with no safe route to a primary school.
GNLP2167 is beyond the existing built edge of the village, adjacent to another proposed site GNLP0600. The road network is constrained, there are few services and no safe route to a primary school. There could also be impact on the nearby church.
In conclusion, if East Carleton is identified for further growth, these sites are less appropriate for housing than GNLP0428.
One site was promoted and consulted upon during the Regulation 18 consultation in early 2018. The Site Proposals document concluded: "If Flordon is identified for development through the GNLP, there may be a need to identify an additional site or sites as the submitted site, GNLP0566, is constrained by its location in an environmentally sensitive area adjacent to a listed building".
One additional site was submitted:
Site Reference |
Promoter Details |
Site Address |
Site Area (ha) |
Development Description |
Title |
First Name |
Last name |
Organis-ation |
Mr |
David |
Pownall |
East of Greenways |
0.4 |
Residential development for an unspecified number of dwellings |
GNLP2147 is close to the existing settlement boundary of the village. Constraints include the capacity of the local road network, the lack of services, ecological impacts, and noise from the adjacent railway line.
If Flordon is identified for further development, this site
may be considered suitable, although alternative sites may
also be sought.
Please note, sites in Forncett End are considered as part of the Tacolneston & Forncett End settlement summary
Nine sites were submitted in the parish of Forncett, and during the Regulation 18 Consultation in early 2018 five of these were described under Forncett St Mary and Forncett St Peter villages (four were described under Tacolneston & Forncett End – please see section 5.76).
The Site Proposals document concluded "Whilst the pattern of Forncett is linear, and interspersed with open space, none of these sites are well-related to the main part of the settlement. Therefore if the GNLP identifies the need for additional housing sites in Forncett, there may be a case for seeking alternative sites".
Two additional sites and one revised site were submitted for consideration through the consultation:
Site Reference |
Promoter Details |
Site Address |
Site Area (ha) |
Development Description |
Title |
First Name |
Last name |
Organis-ation |
Mr |
Richard |
Ball |
Four Seasons Plant Nursery |
Four Seasons Nursery |
2.15 |
Three self-build houses for plantsmen or residential development for 6 dwellings |
Mr |
Roger |
Ranson |
Low Road |
1.51 |
Residential development for 6 dwellings |
Mr |
Harry |
Bowers |
Tawny Farm |
0.96 |
Residential development 15 dwellings |
GNLP0559R is a revised site which now includes a frontage along Cheneys Lane. The proposal submitted is for three self-build houses for plantsmen or for six dwellings. The site has constraints relating to highways, sewerage, landscape and the historic environment and is on grade 2 agricultural land. It is in open countryside away from the settlement boundary of the village and has limited access to services.
GNLP2028 is a 2 ha site on the east side of Low Road in Forncett St Mary. Although it is very close to the settlement boundary, it has constraints related to access to services and sewerage capacity and its development would have an impact on the setting of the Grade I listed St Mary's Church which is immediately to the south of the site.
GNLP2058 is a 0.96 ha part brownfield site which has some on site constraints and, despite being on a bus route, has limited access to services. On the opposite side of Station Road, on a former fuel depot, is a scheme by Bennett Homes for 17 properties.
The linear nature of the villages mean that limited access to services is an issue for many sites. If it is concluded that additional growth is appropriate in Forncett St Mary and St Peter, the additional sites provide growth options, though each has some constraints.
5.34 Framingham Earl & Framingham Pigot
One site was consulted on in the parish in early 2018, which related to the village of Poringland. One additional site was submitted through the consultation:
Site Reference |
Promoter Details |
Site Address |
Site Area (ha) |
Development Description |
Title |
First Name |
Last name |
Organisation |
Ms |
Avis |
Judd |
Orchard Farm |
2.4 |
Residential development (unspecified number) |
GNLP2127 lies between Framingham Earl and Yelverton villages, to the west of Burgate Lane. It is poorly related to the built environment but has some access to services. Constraints include local road network capacity, flood risk, sewerage infrastructure network capacity and a national grid gas pipeline which runs through the site.
In conclusion, the site is remote from the built-up areas of the villages, and is unlikely to offer an alternative option for housing.
5.36 Gillingham
Two sites were consulted on in early 2018 in Gillingham. The Site Proposals document stated "To conclude, both sites proposed for residential development in Gillingham are heavily constrained".
One request to change the settlement boundary was submitted through the consultation:
Site Reference |
Promoter Details |
Site Address |
Site Area (ha) |
Development Description |
Title |
First Name |
Last name |
Organisation |
(1) GNLPSL0021 |
Mr |
Robin |
Bramley |
South-west of Norwich Road |
0.68 |
Settlement boundary |
GNLPSL0021 is adjacent to the settlement boundary, lying behind a hall, adjacent to Norwich Road.
In conclusion, GNLPSL0021 may be considered for inclusion within the settlement boundary.
Four sites were consulted on in early 2018 in Great Moulton. The Site Proposals document concluded that "Residential development may be possible on reduced sites at GNLP0554 and GNLP0555 if the number of services and road capacity at Gt Moulton is considered appropriate for more development".
Three additional sites were submitted through the consultation:
Site Reference |
Promoter Details |
Site Address |
Site Area (ha) |
Development Description |
Title |
First Name |
Last name |
Organisation |
Mr |
Jake |
Lambert |
Bidwells |
Former Meat Processing Plant |
1.13 |
Residential development for 20-30 dwellings |
Ms |
Amanda |
Thacker |
Overwood Lane |
0.33 |
Residential development for 1-3 dwellings |
Mr |
John |
Poole |
Cherry Tree Farm |
0.86 |
Residential led mixed use development for 16 dwellings and 3 shops |
GNLP2003 is a brownfield site of a former meat processing plant. It is slightly north of the settlement boundary of Great Moulton village and has some access to services. Constraints include potential ground contamination, surface water flooding, proximity of listed buildings and the lack of a safe route to a primary school.
GNLP2008 is a small isolated site in open countryside which is poorly related to village services and has no safe access to a primary school. Constraints relate to access, highways, surface water flood risk and proximity to a listed building.
GNLP2068 is a greenfield site midway between Gt Moulton and Sneath Common villages which is proposed for residential-led mixed use (including 3 shops). The site is poorly related to existing services and there is no safe route to a primary school. Constraints relate to highways, surface water flood risk and proximity to listed buildings.
If it is concluded that additional growth is appropriate in Great Moulton, additional sites GNLP2003 and 2068 provide growth options, though each has some constraints. As a small isolated site in open countryside, GNLP2008 is unlikely to be suitable for allocation.
Three sites were consulted on in early 2018 in Harleston. The Site Proposals document stated "To conclulde, subject to growth plans for Harleston, GNLP0209, GNLP0263 and GNLP0237 could each be suitable for development, with various mitigation measures required and the potential need to replace a lost amenity asset. However, if further levels of growth are required in Harleston, additional sites would need to be identified".
Seven additional sites were submitted through the consultation, plus one which falls in Needham parish, but relates to Harleston town so is described below:
Site Reference |
Promoter Details |
Site Address |
Site Area (ha) |
Development Description |
Title |
First Name |
Last name |
Organisation |
Mr |
Christopher |
Hobson |
Durrants |
West of Shotford Road |
7.3 |
Residential development (150 dwellings proposed) |
Mr |
Christopher |
Hobson |
Durrants |
North of Green Lane |
2.52 |
Residential development (65 dwellings proposed) |
Mr |
Christopher |
Hobson |
Durrants |
South of Redenhall Road |
4.4 |
Residential development (110 dwellings proposed) |
Mr |
Christopher |
Hobson |
Durrants |
Mendham Lane |
1 |
Residential development (20 dwellings proposed) |
(5) GNLP2108 |
Mr |
Christopher |
Hobson |
Durrants |
South of Spirketts Lane |
7.1 |
Residential development (160-175 dwellings proposed) |
Mr |
Christopher |
Hobson |
Durrants |
South of Needham Road |
7 |
Residential development (160 dwellings proposed) |
Miss |
Victoria |
Cutmore |
M Scott Properties |
Briar Farm |
27 |
Residential-led development 350 dwellings, care, retail, employment |
GNLP2088 lies south of Needham Road, Harleston, north of the A143 and reasonably well related to the town, so is accessible to services. Constraints include ecological, townscape and landscape impacts, flood risk and loss of grade 2 agricultural land. Sewerage, surface water and water supply network enhancements would all be necessary.
GNLP2105 is a small site lying to the west of the A143 off Mendham Lane and is currently in use as allotments. Development of the site would not be practicable without the adjacent site GNLP2136. It is reasonably well related to the town, so is accessible to services. Constraints include ecological and landscape impacts, flood risk. Sewerage, surface water and water supply network enhancements would all be necessary. Development of the site would result in the loss of public allotments.
GNLP2108 lies south of Spirketts, Harleston, north of the A143. It is reasonably well related to the town, so is accessible to services. Constraints include ecological, landscape and townscape impacts, and flood risk. Sewerage, surface water and water supply network enhancements would all be necessary.
GNLP2116 lies south of Needham Road, Harleston, north of the A143. It is reasonably well related to the town, so is accessible to services but would development here would not be practicable without the adjacent site GNLP2088. Constraints include the loss of Grade 2 agricultural land, landscape impacts, flood risk and ecological impacts. Sewerage, surface water and water supply network enhancements would all be necessary
GNLP2098 lies north of Green Lane and adjacent to existing housing to the east of the town. Being well-related to the built form, it has access to services. Constraints include ecological, landscape and townscape impacts and flood risk. Sewerage, surface water and water supply network enhancements would all be necessary.
GNLP2099 lies south of Redenhall Road and adjacent to existing housing to the east of the town, with good access to services. Constraints include ecological, townscape and landscape impacts and flood risk. Sewerage, surface water and water supply network enhancements would all be necessary. The site is approximately 150m from the sewage works (there are intervening dwellings) which makes it less suitable than others if there is a surplus of sites to meet Harleston's growth needs.
GNLP2136 is of a scale to allow an urban extension to the town. It lies to the east of the town, west of the A143. Being well-related to the built form, it has access to services. Constraints include ecological, landscape and townscape impacts and flood risk. Sewerage, surface water and water supply network enhancements would all be necessary.
In the parish of Needham:
GNLP2115 lies at the edge of Harleston, north of Needham Road, with good access to Harleston's services. Constraints include ecological and townscape impacts, loss of grade 2 agricultural land and flood risk. Sewerage, surface water and water supply network enhancements would all be necessary.
In conclusion, the sites recently submitted have provided scope for higher levels of development in Harleston. Those sites which are adjacent to the existing built up area would be the most appropriate, avoiding any flood risk areas. Therefore up to 1.8ha of GNLP2098, GNLP2099, GNLP2108, GNLP2115, GNLP2136, and possibly 6ha of GNLP2088, offer alternative options for housing alongside previously submitted sites.
Eight sites were consulted on in the parish in early 2018, five of which relate to the village of Hempnall, the others to Hempnall Green. The Site Proposals document concluded "Should further development be required in Hempnall, and subject to specific site constraints, housing growth could be accommodated on sites close to services in Hempnall village. Sites in Hempnall Green are less likely to be suitable for development due to their poor relationship to the services and facilities in Hempnall village".
Two additional sites were submitted through the consultation:
Site Reference |
Promoter Details |
Site Address |
Site Area (ha) |
Development Description |
Title |
First Name |
Last name |
Organisation |
Mrs |
Cathy |
Jenkins |
(daughter) |
Pear Tree Farm |
1.5 |
Residential development (unspecified number) |
Mr |
Christopher |
Hobson |
Durrants |
West of Field Lane |
2.39 |
Residential development (40 dwellings proposed) |
GNLP2046 is in Hempnall Green. It is not well related to the built up part of Hempnall village, although it does have access to some services. Constraints include the local road and footpath network and townscape impact.
GNLP2081 lies to the south of the village, with some access to services. Constraints include the local road network capacity and townscape impacts.
In conclusion, GNLP2081 offers an alternative option for housing, if Hempnall is identified for further growth.
If you wish to comment on site GNLP2104, West of Shelfanger Road, please see Diss.
Ten sites were submitted for consideration in early 2018 in Hingham. The Site Proposals document concluded: "Overall, if Hingham is identified as a location for additional growth there are a number of potential site options, subject to site-specific constraints. However, site GNLP0395 appears particularly constrained."
One site has been revised, and there is one proposal to amend the settlement boundary:
Site Reference |
Promoter Details |
Site Address |
Site Area (ha) |
Development Description |
Title |
First Name |
Last name |
Organisation |
Mr |
William |
Edwards |
Swan Field, Hardingham Road |
3.8 |
Residential development for up to 96 dwellings |
Mr |
Ronald |
Hawkins |
North of Low Road |
0.09 |
Settlement boundary |
GNLP0544R on the eastern side of Hingham has been extended to the west. The site has good access to core services but constraints include the suitability of the local road network, upgrades to sewerage infrastructure and impact on ecological sites.
GNLPSL2002 lies some 350m from the settlement boundary to the south of the village. The site is close to a small group of dwellings.
GNLP0544R remains one of the potential site options if growth is identified as appropriate for Hingham. There is no strong case to consider extending the settlement boundary as requested.
A 6.9 hecatre potential employment site was consulted on in early 2018. The Regulation 18 Site Proposals consultation document concluded "If further employment land is required in the Norwich fringe area, GNLP0497 could be suitable, subject to mitigation".
One additional site and one proposal to change the settlement boundary were submitted through the consultation:
Site Reference |
Promoter Details |
Site Address |
Site Area (ha) |
Development Description |
Title |
First Name |
Last name |
Organisation |
Mr |
Ben |
Phillips |
Intwood Road |
1.14 |
Residential/office development |
Mr |
Fegus |
Bootman |
Land north of Eaton Gate, Low Road |
0.24 |
Settlement boundary |
GNLP 2014 has fairly good access to services in Cringleford, though it is separated from the built up area by a railway. Constraints include a lack of footpaths, landscape impacts and constraints related to sewerage, surface water flooding, listed buildings and proximity to a County Wildlife Site.
GNLPSL0012 lies adjacent to low density housing but is 180m from the settlement boundary.
The newly submitted site and extension to the settlement
boundary could provide for limited housing growth in Keswick
and Intwood. However, there are significant constraints
related to site GNLP2014 and there is no clear case for
creating a new settlement boundary.
Three sites were consulted on in early 2018. The Site Proposals document concluded "Overall, if Kirby Cane/Ellingham is identified as a location for additional housing, a number of sites have been submitted which could be considered further, with site 0350 offering better access to the local school in comparison to other sites. The main constraint in this settlement is proximity to environmentally sensitive sites in the neighbouring Broads Authority area. As such further assessment may be required to ascertain impacts and mitigation measures. In terms of utilities and local infrastructure, improvements to water recycling centre treatment capacity and sewerage infrastructure may be required".
One settlement boundary change proposal was submitted through the consultation:
Site Reference |
Promoter Details |
Site Address |
Site Area (ha) |
Development Description |
Title |
First Name |
Last name |
Organisation |
Mr |
Michael |
Skipper |
Old Post Office Lane |
0.18 |
Settlement boundary |
GNLPSL0019 is adjacent to the settlement boundary to the east of the village.
In conclusion, the site offers an option for amending the settlement boundary.
No sites were submitted during the call for sites, but a site has been submitted since then.
Site Reference |
Promoter Details |
Site Address |
Site Area (ha) |
Development Description |
Title |
First Name |
Last name |
Organisation |
Mr |
Ian |
Reilly |
Lanpro |
East of Kirstead Green |
0.76 |
Residential development of 20 dwellings |
GNLP2174 is on the southern edge of Kirstead Green hamlet, with the main constraints being access to the site, access to services, flood and ecological issues.
If Kirstead Green is identified as a suitable location for further housing, this site may be appropriate.
Eight sites were consulted on in Little Melton in early 2018. The Site Proposals document stated "In conclusion, if Little Melton is identified for development, small scale residential development could occur at GNLP0495, or the small part of GNLP0182 off Gibbs Close, or on GNLP1046 if access constraints can be addressed. Larger scale development, if considered suitable for Little Melton, could take place on parts of GNLP0340, GNLP0397 and GNLP0591 combined, or on parts of GNLP0182".
Two revised and one additional site were submitted through the consultation:
Site Reference |
Promoter Details |
Site Address |
Site Area (ha) |
Development Description |
Title |
First Name |
Last name |
Organisation |
Mr |
Simon |
Henry |
North and south of Mill Road |
3.1 |
Residential development of unspecified number of dwellings |
Mr |
Philip |
Atkinson |
Lanpro Services Ltd |
East of Burnthouse Road |
1.98 |
Residential development of unspecified number of dwellings |
Mr |
Nick |
Saffell |
Brown & Co |
Braymeadow Lane |
15.6 |
Residential development (400-500 dwellings proposed) |
GNLP0182R has been reduced considerably in size from 21.61 ha to two sites totalling 3.15 ha. It is fairly well related to the village, with access to some services. Constraints include ecological, heritage and townscape impacts, site access, local road network capacity and sewerage infrastructure capacity, as well as flood risk.
GNLP0477R is a 2 ha site located to the south of the village that combines previously submitted sites GNLP0477 and GNLP0495. Considerations relate to the setting of the nearby listed building at Elm Farm, as well as ecological surveys to take account of the mature hedge/trees and pond.
GNLP2044 is 16.15 ha site located off Braymeadow Lane. Considerations relate to the limited transport network, the location of part of the site within the Norwich Southern Bypass Land Protection zone and adjacent to the Hethersett Strategic Gap, and nearby listed buildings. Due to a historic landfill site to the north, investigation may be needed into land contamination. Other issues include mitigation of surface water flooding, the need for ecological investigations due to protected trees and the close proximity to a County Wildlife Site at Braymeadow.
In conclusion, the revision of GNLP0182R, subject to overcoming site-specific constraints, provides an option for small scale growth. GNLP2044 offers an alternative option for housing, if Little Melton is identified for larger scale growth.
Six sites were consulted on in Loddon, and three in Chedgrave, in early 2018. The Regulation 18 Site Proposals consultation document concluded "Overall, if Loddon and Chedgrave are identified for additional growth, there are potential options, subject to mitigating the constraints noted above."
One further site has been submitted in Loddon, one in Chedgrave, and a settlement boundary change has been proposed in Chedgrave.
Site Reference |
Promoter Details |
Site Address |
Site Area (ha) |
Development Description |
Title |
First Name |
Last name |
Organisation |
Ms |
Erica |
Whettingsteel |
EJW Planning |
South of Beccles Road |
0.54 |
Residential development of an unspecified number of dwellings |
Mr |
George |
Birchman |
Big Back Lane |
3.45 |
Residential development of an unspecified number of dwellings |
Mr |
John |
Jenkins |
John Jenkins Architectural design limited |
0.21 |
Settlement boundary |
GNLP2032 is well related to the built up area of Loddon. The principal constraint is flood risk, with other constraints including access, heritage impacts and ecological constraints.
GNLP2055 is reasonably related to Chedgrave. Constraints include the local road and footpath network, townscape impacts including TPOs, and potential impact on Langley Park which is an historic park.
GNLPSL0015 is on the south side of Norwich Road, opposite the nearest settlement boundary, but separated from the boundary on the south side by 88m.
In conclusion, the flood issues of GNLP2023 make it less suitable than previously submitted sites. GNLP2055 offers an alternative option for housing, if Loddon/Chedgrave is identified for growth.
Seven sites were consulted on in the parish of Marlingford and Colton in early 2018, some of which related to the expansion of Barnham Broom Country Club or a proposal for a new settlement at Honingham. One site related to Marlingford village, two to Colton village. The Site Proposals document stated "To conclude, if this area was identified as a location for development, small scale housing development may be possible on GNLP0424, while GNLP0415-E could be suitable for a country park. If a new settlement is identified for the Honingham Thorpe/Marlingford area, the need for GNLP0415-D would require assessment, but as a stand-alone site it is not considered a sustainable location".
Two revised sites were submitted through the consultation:
Site Reference |
Promoter Details |
Site Address |
Site Area (ha) |
Development Description |
Title |
First Name |
Last name |
Organisation |
Mr |
Alan |
Presslee |
Cornerstone Planning Ltd |
High House Farm Lane |
2.85 |
Residential development possibly including retirement and holiday/staff accommodation for Barnham Broom Golf and Country Club |
Mr |
Alan |
Presslee |
Cornerstone Planning Ltd |
North of Church Lane |
23.67 |
As above |
GNLP0475R has increased in size by 0.41 ha to 2.85 ha. At the north of Colton, this site is adjacent to the pub but is poorly related to existing housing in the village. Constraints include local road network capacity, poor access to services, sewerage network capacity, townscape and ecological impact and loss of grade 2 agricultural land.
GNLP0476R has been reduced in size by 5.67 ha to 23.67 ha. The site does not relate well to any existing settlement. Constraints include local road network capacity, poor access to services, the water supply and sewerage network capacity, flood risk, landscape, townscape and ecological impacts.
In conclusion, if Marlingford or Colton villages are identified for further growth, neither site offers an obvious option for housing.
Two sites were consulted on in Mulbarton parish in early 2018, and two in Bracon Ash parish which related to the village of Mulbarton. The Site Proposals document stated "In conclusion, these two sites could be considered if Mulbarton is identified as a suitable location for large scale growth, though providing adequate access to the main road network, particularly the A140, could be difficult to achieve".
Two additional sites were submitted through the consultation:
Site Reference |
Promoter Details |
Site Address |
Site Area (ha) |
Development Description |
Title |
First Name |
Last name |
Organisation |
Ms |
Anna |
Brookman |
Strutt and Parker |
South of Rectory Lane |
14.7 |
Residential development (unspecified number) |
Ms |
Anna |
Brookman |
Strutt and Parker |
North of Rectory Lane |
4.7 |
Residential development (unspecified number) |
GNLP2038 is fairly well related to the village, with good access to services. Constraints include the local road and footpath network capacity, townscape impacts and some flood risk.
GNLP2039 is also fairly well related to the village, with good access to services. Constraints include the local road and footpath network capacity, townscape impacts and some flood risk.
In conclusion, the sites offer alternative options for housing, if Mulbarton is identified for further growth.
One site was consulted on in Needham in early 2018. The Site Proposals document highlighted the potential impact on the setting of the church and lack of services.
Two additional sites were submitted in the parish through the consultation, but only one relates to the village of Needham (the other is summarised under Harleston):
Site Reference |
Promoter Details |
Site Address |
Site Area (ha) |
Development Description |
Title |
First Name |
Last name |
Organisation |
Mr |
Stephen |
Weatherley |
North of High Road and Harman's Lane |
2.3 |
Residential development (8 dwellings proposed) |
Mr |
Christopher |
Hobson |
Durrants |
North of Needham Road |
6 |
Residential development (175 dwellings proposed) |
GNLP2065 lies to the north of Needham village, with some access to services. Constraints include possible townscape and ecological impacts, sewerage infrastructure capacity, flood risk and landscape impacts.
In conclusion, parts of the site offer an alternative option for housing, if Needham is identified for further growth.
Fifteen sites were consulted in early 2018 which related to the village of Poringland/Framingham Earl, including some in parts of the neighbouring parishes which form part of the built up area. The Site Proposals document stated: "To conclude, should Poringland/Framingham Earl be identified as suitable locations for growth, GNLP0223, GNLP0169, GNLP0589-A and GNLP0589-B may be sustainable locations for development. If further development is required in Poringland/Framingham Earl, GNLP0280, GNLP0316 and GNLP0321 may be suitable, although these sites would contribute to the linear growth of the village."
One additional site in Poringland parish (plus two in Stoke Holy Cross parish and two in Caistor St Edmund parish) have been submitted:
Site Reference |
Promoter Details |
Site Address |
Site Area (ha) |
Development Description |
Title |
First Name |
Last name |
Organisation |
Mr |
Neil |
Lewis |
Gladman |
South of Burgate Lane |
9.3 |
Residential development of 165 dwellings |
Sites submitted in the parish of Poringland:
GNLP2153 is adjacent to the eastern edge of Poringland, with access to services. Constraints include the capacity of the local road network and sewerage infrastructure, and flooding.
Sites submitted in the parish of Stoke Holy Cross:
GNLP2111 is at the western edge of Upper Stoke, with good access to services, but potentially extending the village in a linear form. Constraints centre on the local road and footpath network.
GNLP2124 is well-related to Poringland village, with good access to services. The site's access, sewerage infrastructure and flood issues would need to be addressed, and the nearby telecoms mast may impact on viability.
Sites submitted in the parish of Caistor St Edmund:
GNLP2093 is well related to Poringland village and its services. Constraints include local road network issues, particularly the junction with Norwich Road, ecological impacts, flood risk, water supply and sewerage infrastructure.
GNLP2094 is well related to Poringland village and its services. Constraints include ecological impacts, flood risk, water supply and sewerage infrastructure.
In conclusion, the additional sites, in combination with the previously submitted sites, offer alternative options for housing, if Poringland/Framingham Earl is identified for further growth. The sites which do not contribute to further linear growth of the village may be preferred.
Four sites were consulted on in early 2018. The Regulation 18 Site Proposals document stated "To conclude, if Pulham Market is identified for growth, the least constrained sites for additional housing are GNLP1024, and possibly GNLP0418".
Three additional sites were submitted through the consultation:
Site Reference |
Promoter Details |
Site Address |
Site Area (ha) |
Development Description |
Title |
First Name |
Last name |
Organisation |
Mr |
Christopher |
Hobson |
Durrants |
East of Colegate End Road |
0.66 |
Residential development (12 dwellings proposed) |
Mr |
Christopher |
Hobson |
Durrants |
West of Mill Lane |
2.95 |
Residential development (50 dwellings proposed) |
GNLP2095 is fairly well related to the village. Constraints include the local road network, areas at risk of surface water flooding, townscape and ecology impacts and the need to upgrade the sewerage infrastructure network.
GNLP2096is well relatedto the village, with good access to services. Constraints include the local road network, potential ecological impacts and sewerage infrastructure constraints.
GNLP2128 is fairly well related to the village, with constraints including flood risk, potential contamination and sewerage infrastructure constraints.
In conclusion, the additional sites offer alternative options for housing, if Pulham Market is identified for further growth.
Seven sites were consulted on in the Regulation 18 consultation in early 2018. The Site Proposals document stated "To conclude, if Pulham St Mary is identified as a location for growth, various options are available. Part of GNLP1027, all or part of GNLP1052, or a slightly reduced GNLP0430 could provide additional dwellings, while other sites appear less suitable for a variety of reasons".
A site revision and a proposal to amend the settlement boundary were submitted through the consultation:
Site Reference |
Promoter Details |
Site Address |
Site Area (ha) |
Development Description |
Title |
First Name |
Last name |
Organisation |
Mr |
Hamish |
Lamp |
Durrants |
Norwich Road |
4.03 |
Residential development |
Mr |
Mark |
Philpot |
One Planning Consultants |
South of Norwich Road |
0.19 |
Settlement boundary |
The proposed site size of GNLP1052R has been increased. It is well related to the village and its services. There are TPOs on the boundary of the site.
GNLPSL0008 is located within the settlement boundary. It has fallen into this category as it failed to meet the minimum size threshold of 0.25ha. As a small site within the settlement boundary, this site is not appropriate to allocate, and no change to the settlement boundary is needed.
In conclusion, the amended site offers an alternative option for housing covering a larger area if Pulham St Mary is identified for growth.
Two sites were consulted on in early 2018. The Regulation 18 Site Proposals consultation document concluded "these two sites could be considered if Rockland St Mary is identified as a suitable location for development, although larger-scale development of GNLP0531 is heavily constrained."
Five additional housing sites were submitted through the consultation:
Site Reference |
Promoter Details |
Site Address |
Site Area (ha) |
Development Description |
Title |
First Name |
Last name |
Organisation |
Mr |
Christopher |
Hobson |
Durrants |
South of New Inn Hill |
0.54 |
Residential development for 15+ dwellings |
Mr |
Julian |
Wells |
FW Properties |
North of The Street |
1.98 |
Residential development for 25 dwellings |
Mr |
Julian |
Wells |
FW Properties |
North of The Street |
1.95 |
Residential development for 25 dwellings |
Mr |
Julian |
Wells |
FW Properties |
South of The Street |
2.04 |
Residential development for 25 dwellings |
Mr |
James |
Andrews |
E&EJ Andrews |
West of The Oaks |
0.96 |
Residential development for 5 dwellings |
GNLP2007 is a 0.54 ha at the eastern edge of Rockland St Mary. The site is adjacent to the settlement boundary and within an accessible distance of services in the village. Constraints relate to the site's proximity to habitats in the Broads.
GNLP2061 and GNLP2063 are "backland" sites on the north side of The Street. Constraints for each site relate to access, surface water flood risk and the site's proximity to habitats in the Broads.
GNLP2064 is a "backland" site on the south side of The Street. Constraints relate to access and the site's proximity to habitats in the Broads.
GNLP2070 is a site beyond the built edge of the village which has limited access to services. Constraints relate to proximity to habitats in the Broads.
If Rockland St. Mary is identified as as a location for additional housing, the additional sites with the exception of GNLP2070 provide options which can be considered for allocation. Access issues would be a key consideration for sites GNLP2061, 2063 and 2064.
If you wish to comment on site GNLP2104, West of Shelfanger Road, please see Diss.
Four sites were consulted on during the Regulation 18 consultation. The Site Proposals document concluded "Overall, if Scole is identified as a location for additional housing and depending on the scale of additional housing required, site 0511 offers the potential to increase the density on an existing allocation located close to the school and other services. This site apperars to be the least constrained in comparison to other submitted sites".
One additional site and one revision to a site boundary have been received:
Site Reference |
Promoter Details |
Site Address |
Site Area (ha) |
Development Description |
Title |
First Name |
Last name |
Organisation |
Mr |
Philip |
Rankin |
Savills |
Land at Rose Farm |
0.59 |
Residential development of 10-14 dwellings |
Mr |
Martin |
Ward |
1 Bridge Road |
0.5 |
Residential development of an unspecified number of homes |
GNLP0338R is well related to the village, with good access to services. Constraints include impact on townscape and historic environment, ecological impact, and further impact on the river valley landscape, concerns over site access and lack of footpath provision, and flood risk.
GNLP2066 is well related to the village, with good access to services. Constraints include concerns over access to the site, impact on townscape and historic environment, flood risk and impact on the river valley landscape.
In conclusion, if Scole is identified for growth these two sites offer alternative options for housing, although they may not be preferable to other sites already submitted.
Five sites were consulted in early 2018. The Regulation 18 Site Proposals document concluded: "If Seething is identified as a location for additional housing, GNLP0405, GNLP0406, GNLP0587 and GNLP0588 may all be suitable for small-scale residential development."
Another site was submitted through the consultation:
Site Reference |
Promoter Details |
Site Address |
Site Area (ha) |
Development Description |
Title |
First Name |
Last name |
Organisation |
Mr |
John |
Long |
John Long Planning |
West of Mill Lane |
0.5 |
Residential development for 12 dwellings |
GNLP2148 is north of the village, adjacent to housing and with some access to services. Constraints include the capacity of the local road network, heritage and ecological impacts, odour nuisance from a sewage works, and off-site water mains reinforcement.
If Seething is identified as suitable for additional housing, other sites in the village may be more appropriate.
5.68a Sneath Common
No sites were consulted on in Sneath Common in early 2018, which is a village in Aslacton parish. Two sites were submitted through the consultation:
Site Reference |
Promoter Details |
Site Address |
Site Area (ha) |
Development Description |
Title |
First Name |
Last name |
Organisation |
Mr |
Jake |
Lambert |
Bidwells |
West of Woodrow Lane |
2.5 |
Residential development of 20-30 dwellings |
Mrs |
Sarah |
Boosey |
Peter Codling Architects |
South of Sneath Road |
0.54 |
Residential development of 8-10 dwellings |
Both GNLP2005 and GNLP2118 relate to the settlement of Sneath Common. There is access to bus services and some local employment nearby but no safe route to a primary school has been identified. Constraints for both are local road network capacity, flood risk, townscape and ecological impacts and sewerage infrastructure constraints.
In conclusion, subject to overcoming constraints and if a safe access to a primary school could be identified, the sites offer options for housing if Sneath Common is identified for growth.
5.69 Spooner Row
Nine sites were consulted on in Spooner Row in early 2018. The Site Proposals document stated: "To conclude, if Spooner Row is identified as a location for further growth, small scale housing growth could be accommodated on parts of GNLP0567 and GNLO0568 subject to suitable surface water flood mitigation, and on GNLP0446 subject to appropriate design which mitigates the impact on nearby listed buildings. GNLP0404, GNLP0444, GNLP0445, GNLP0447, GNLP0448 and GNLP0569 are less attractive in terms of the combination of relationship to the existing built form, services and flood risk."
Three further sites were submitted through the consultation:
Site Reference |
Promoter Details |
Site Address |
Site Area (ha) |
Development Description |
Title |
First Name |
Last name |
Organisation |
Mr |
Christopher |
Hobson |
Durrants |
South of Station Road |
3.17 |
Residential development of 30 dwellings |
Mr |
David |
Hill |
Linden Homes |
East and west of railway line |
77.26 |
Residential led mixed use development |
Mr |
Mark |
Philpot |
One Planning Heritage |
School Lane |
0.7 |
Residential development of 5 dwellings |
GNLP2082 by itself does not relate well to the village form, but could be considered alongside, and take access from the adjacent site (GNLP0567). The site has access to some services and few constraints.
GNLP2101 is a large site, well related to the A11, the railway and Spooner Row village. Although out of scale with the existing village, the site could provide additional services. Constraints include flood risk and townscape impacts. A site of this size would require substantial off-site sewerage infrastructure and an ecological assessment, although no ecological sites appear to be directly affected.
GNLP2181 lies behind existing housing, with a narrow access which may not be acceptable in highways terms. The site has access to some services, but sewerage capacity would need to be provided, and part of the site has flood risk issues. There may be townscape impacts.
To conclude, if Spooner Row is identified for further growth,
the additional sites offer some options for housing (and
possibly provision of services) at different scales.
No sites were consulted on in Starston during the Regulation 18 consultation in early 2018. However, a proposal to amend the settlement boundary has been received:
Site Reference |
Promoter Details |
Site Address |
Site Area (ha) |
Development Description |
Title |
First Name |
Last name |
Organisation |
Mr |
Robert |
Gooderham |
West of Cross Road |
0.17 |
Settlement boundary |
GNLPSL2001 is opposite a few dwellings, but remote from the nearest settlement boundary.
In conclusion, there is no clear case for creating a new settlement boundary.
5.72 Stoke Holy Cross
Six sites were consulted on in the parish in early 2018, three of which related to the village of Stoke Holy Cross. The Site Proposals document concluded "Should further development be considered in Stoke Holy Cross, subject to the constraints identified above, all three sites are potential options".
Three additional sites in the parish were submitted through the consultation, but two relate to Poringland settlement and are discussed in Poringland section. One site relates to Stoke Holy Cross village:
Site Reference |
Promoter Details |
Site Address |
Site Area (ha) |
Development Description |
Title |
First Name |
Last name |
Organisation |
Ms |
Nicole |
Wright |
La Ronde Wright |
Off Norwich Road |
1.24 |
Residential development of 11 dwellings |
Mr |
Adrian |
King |
South of Long Lane |
2.89 |
Residential development of 50-60 dwellings |
Mr |
Simon |
Henry |
Bidwells |
Model Farm |
4.56 |
Residential development of 80 dwellings |
GNLP2091 is well related to Stoke Holy Cross village and accessible to core services. The main constraints are potential impacts on the listed church, the River Tas, the river valley landscape and a SSSI.
In conclusion, the site offers an alternative option for housing if Stoke Holy Cross is identified for further growth.
Three sites were consulted on in Surlingham in early 2018. The Site Proposals document concluded "Although the submitted sites are adjacent to the settlement boundary, they are not sympathetic to the existing linear form and character of the village. The sites are also heavily constrained in terms of access. Therefore, if Surlingham is identified as as a location for additional housing, other sites in the village may be preferable".
Three additional sites, plus one settlement boundary change, were submitted through the consultation:
Site Reference |
Promoter Details |
Site Address |
Site Area (ha) |
Development Description |
Title |
First Name |
Last name |
Organisation |
Mr |
Julian |
Wells |
FW Properties |
Mill Road East |
0.84 |
Residential development (up to 10 dwellings) |
Mr |
Julian |
Wells |
FW Properties |
Land in The Covey |
0.24 |
Residential development (6 dwellings) |
Mr |
Ian |
Stiff |
West of Mill Road |
0.28 |
Residential development (5 dwellings) |
Peter |
Garrod |
The Covey |
0.24 |
Settlement boundary |
Site GNLP2010, which is promoted for up to 10 dwellings, is adjacent to the settlement boundary to the south of the village. The site has good access to services and limited constraints.
GNLP2045 is opposite GNLP2010. It is a smaller site, promoted for up to 5 dwellings. It is also adjacent to the settlement boundary and has good access to services and limited constraints.
GNLP2016 is promoted for six dwellings. It is not adjacent to the settlement boundary and has more limited access to services. Its major constraint is significant flood risk, but also site access and impact on listed buildings. It is also within the buffer zones for environmental designations protecting the Broads.
GNLPSL2009 is adjacent to the settlement boundary, but has a narrow access.
If Surlingham is identified as as a location for additional housing, GNLP2010 and 2045 provide sites which are in keeping with the existing linear form and character of the village and have fewer constraints. Consideration should be given to amending the settlement boundary.
Four sites were consulted on in Swainsthorpe in early 2018. The Site Proposals document concluded "Should further development be considered necessary in Swainsthorpe, there is some limited development potnetial amongst the sites put forward".
Three site boundaries were amended through the consultation:
Site Reference |
Promoter Details |
Site Address |
Site Area (ha) |
Development Description |
Title |
First Name |
Last name |
Organisation |
Mr |
Nicholas |
Gowing |
Church Road |
2.66 |
Residential development of 20 dwellings |
Mr |
James |
Garnham |
K Garnham Design |
Land off Church View |
3.93 |
Residential development of 25 dwellings |
Mr |
James |
Garnham |
K Garnham Design |
Land West of A140, adjacent Hickling Lane |
10.99 |
Workshops, stores, offices, agricultural sales |
GNLP0191R boundary has been revised to join the two parts and the western boundary has altered. The highway access concern remains, alongside the site's other constraints.
GNLP0603R boundary to the neighbouring site GNLP0604R has been redrawn. Constraints affecting the site have not changed.
GNLP0604R has been expanded from 6.5 ha and now adjoins the neighbouring site GNLP0603R. The original Highways authority concern about access to/from the A140 Ipswich Road remains.
The conclusion remains that some limited development may be possible on these sites, if Swainsthorpe is identified for further growth.
5.76 Tacolneston & Forncett End
Five sites were consulted on in the combined villages of Tacolneston and Forncett End in early 2018, relating to various parts of the villages. The Site Proposals document stated "In conclusion, if Tacolneston and Forncett End are identified for housing development through the GNLP, a range of broadly suitable sites have been submitted for consideration".
Two additional sites and one settlement boundary amendment were submitted through the consultation:
Site Reference |
Promoter Details |
Site Address |
Site Area (ha) |
Development Description |
Title |
First Name |
Last name |
Organisation |
Ms |
Carol |
Sharp |
Black Barn |
1.0 |
Residential development for 5 dwellings |
Mr |
Andrew |
Fox |
Norwich Road |
1.2 |
Residential development (unspecified number) |
Mr and Mrs |
Manning |
Norwich Road |
0.09 |
Settlement boundary proposal to incorporate a self-build property |
GNLP2013 is located to the south of Forncett End with reasonable accessibility to services. There are potential access constraints unless the site is considered alongside site GNLP0536. There are also constraints relating to surface water flooding and sewerage.
GNLP2031 is fairly well related to the village. Constraints include flood risk and townscape impacts.
GNLPSL0016 is close to the settlement boundary but with dwellings intervening, this is not an obvious amendment to the settlement boundary.
In conclusion, if flood areas are avoided and impacts mitigated, the two additional sites offer alternative options for housing, if Tacolneston and Forncett End are identified for further growth.
Three sites were consulted on in Thurton village in early 2018. The Site Proposals document concluded "Therefore, should further development be deemed necessary in Thurton the three promoted sites give the opportunity for incremental growth of the village".
One additional site was submitted through the consultation:
Site Reference |
Promoter Details |
Site Address |
Site Area (ha) |
Development Description |
Title |
First Name |
Last name |
Organisation |
Mr |
Paul |
Braybrook |
East of The Street |
0.65 |
Residential development (unspecified number) |
GNLP2048 is fairly well related to the village. The constraints include site access, flood risk and townscape impacts.
In conclusion, the part of the site outside Flood Zone 3 offers an alternative option for housing, if Thurton is identified for further growth.
One site was consulted on in the parish in early 2018, which related poorly to the village of Tibenham. The Site Proposals document concluded " is not well related to a settlement and is therefore significantly constrained for development".
Two additional sites were submitted through the consultation:
Site Reference |
Promoter Details |
Site Address |
Site Area (ha) |
Development Description |
Title |
First Name |
Last name |
Organisation |
Mr |
Adrian |
Lambert |
Lambert Bros |
Long Row |
0.27 |
Residential development of 5-6 dwellings |
Mr |
Adrian |
Lambert |
Lambert Bros |
Black Barn Road |
1.46 |
Residential development of 16-18 dwellings |
GNLP2102 lies at the southern extent of the parish, poorly related to the village. Constraints include lack of access to services, the capacity of the local road network, townscape and ecological impacts, and sewerage infrastructure capacity.
GNLP2112 is close to the village, but is less than 30m wide and is proposed as a linear scheme linking Black Barn Road/The Street to Mill Road (i.e. a new road). Constraints include lack of services, site access and the capacity of the local road network, flood risk, townscape and ecological impacts, and sewerage infrastructure capacity.
In conclusion, if Tibenham is identified for further growth, neither site offers an attractive option for housing.
No sites were submitted in the parish previously, but one has been submitted now. It relates to the settlement of Tivetshall St Mary, and is described below, but listed here:
Site Reference |
Promoter Details |
Site Address |
Site Area (ha) |
Development Description |
Title |
First Name |
Last name |
Organisation |
Mr |
Christopher |
Hobson |
Durrants |
North of School Road |
0.85 |
Residential development of 10-15 dwellings |
Miss |
Francesca |
Wray |
Sirius Planning |
Former waste transfer station |
1.8 |
Retail/petrol station |
Three sites were consulted in early 2018 in Tivetshall St Mary. The Site Proposals document stated: "Should Tivetshall be identified for development, the sites submitted provide growth options. Development of site GNLP0317 could widen a very narrow point in Mill Road, and this is the site best related to the existing settlement form."
Three additional sites were submitted through the consultation, two are in Tivetshall St Mary parish and are listed below, the other is in Tivetshall St Margaret parish, so is listed in that section above:
Site Reference |
Promoter Details |
Site Address |
Site Area (ha) |
Development Description |
Title |
First Name |
Last name |
Organisation |
Mr |
James |
Baker |
Clarke & Simpson |
East of Tivetshall |
19.8 |
Residential development of unspecified number of dwellings |
Mr |
Ian |
Smith |
Cheffins |
South of Rectory Road |
4.1 |
Residential development of 45 dwellings |
GNLP2041 is a large site on the east of the village, out of scale with the existing village form, but with access to some services. Constraints include site access and local road network issues, ecological and townscape impacts, constraints on the sewerage infrastructure, some flood concerns.
GNLP2042 lies south of the village, adjacent to existing housing and with some access to services. Constraints include the local road network, flood issues, townscape impacts and constraints on the sewerage infrastructure.
GNLP2103 is well related to the north of the village, with access to some services. Constraints include local road capacity issues, constraints on the sewerage infrastructure, ecological and townscape impacts.
In conclusion, if Tivetshall is identified for further growth, GNLP2103 could provide an alternative option for housing, alongside previously submitted sites. GNLP2041 and 2042 could be considered out of scale with the existing village, and are perhaps less suitable.
Two sites were consulted on in the village during the Regulation 18 consultation in early 2018. The Site Proposals document concluded "To summarise, if Toft Monks is identified for development, GNLP1031 or a reduced GNLP0518 could be suitable for frontage development subject to highway authority approval".
One proposed change to the settlement boundary was submitted through the consultation:
Site Reference |
Promoter Details |
Site Address |
Site Area (ha) |
Development Description |
Title |
First Name |
Last name |
Organisation |
Malcolm |
Dixon |
MDPC Ltd |
Bulls Green Lane |
0.25 |
Settlement boundary |
GNLPSL2005 is adjacent to the settlement boundary, but habitat retention may be a constraint.
In conclusion, subject to addressing habitat constraints, changes to the settlement boundary could be considered.
No sites were consulted on in the Regulation 18 consultation in early 2018.
However, two sites were submitted through the consultation:
Site Reference |
Promoter Details |
Site Address |
Site Area (ha) |
Development Description |
Title |
First Name |
Last name |
Organisation |
Mr |
John |
Jenkins |
JJ Architectural Designs |
West of Topcroft Street |
0.26 |
Residential development of 7 dwellings |
Mr |
John |
Jenkins |
JJ Architectural Designs |
West of The Street |
0.43 |
Residential development of 5 dwellings |
GNLP2029 lies just north of the village, with some access to services but no obvious safe access to a primary school. The major constraint is flood risk, but other concerns include local road network issues, townscape and ecological impacts and sewerage infrastructure constraints.
GNLP2146 is well related to the village, with access to some services but no obvious safe access to a primary school. There local road network issues, extensive surface water flood risk, townscape and ecological impacts, and sewerage infrastructure constraints.
In conclusion, if Topcroft is identified for further growth, due to the extent of Flood Zone 3 within the site, GNLP2029 is unlikely to be considered suitable. However, part of GNLP2146 may offer an option for housing subject to the consideration of a safe route to a primary school.
Five sites were consulted on in Wicklewood in early 2018. The Site Proposals document stated "To conclude, if Wicklewood is identified for growth, a choice of sites is available. The northern part of GNLP0232 appears to be the least constrained site to provide for small scale development".
One additional site was submitted through the consultation:
Site Reference |
Promoter Details |
Site Address |
Site Area (ha) |
Development Description |
Title |
First Name |
Last name |
Organisation |
Mrs |
Mary |
Shepherd |
High Street |
3.3 |
Residential development of an unspecified number of dwellings |
GNLP2179 lies at the northern edge of the village adjacent to a stream and with access to services. Constraints include the capacity of the local road network, flood risk, water supply, sewerage infrastructure and townscape impacts.
In conclusion, if Wicklewood is identified for growth, although other sites may be more appropriate, part of the site offers an alternative option for housing.
One site was consulted on in Winfarthing in early 2018. The Site Proposals document concluded "Only one site has been put forward: GNLP0556. While the site is on the edge of the existing built-up area, a large proportion of it is at risk of surface water flooding, including Short Green/Wash Road along the site's frontage. Therefore, access and site layout could be challenging, presenting constraints for development".
One additional site was submitted through the consultation:
Site Reference |
Promoter Details |
Site Address |
Site Area (ha) |
Development Description |
Title |
First Name |
Last name |
Organisation |
Ms |
Amy |
Tyrell |
Lewis + Tyrrell Architects |
South of Stocks Hill |
0.39 |
Residential development of 5-7 dwellings |
GNLP2049 is well-related to the village, with access to services. Constraints include access, townscape and ecological impacts, risk of flooding and sewerage capacity.
In conclusion, if Winfarthing is identified for further growth, subject to addressing constraints, the site offers an alternative option for housing.
Seven sites were consulted on in the Regulation 18 consultation in early 2018. The Site Proposals document stated "To conclude, if Woodton is identified for growth, each of the seven sites have some potential for development, allowing for a range of development options in principle. However, to provide cohesive development and avoid the major constraints, the net developable area on GNLP0150, GNLP0231, GNLP0262, GNLP0268, GNLP0278 and GNLP0452 would need to be significantly reduced."
Two additional sites were submitted through the consultation:
Site Reference |
Promoter Details |
Site Address |
Site Area (ha) |
Development Description |
Title |
First Name |
Last name |
Organisation |
Mr |
David |
Hill |
Linden Homes |
North of Hempnall Road |
0.65 |
Residential development of 5-10 dwellings |
Mr |
Christopher |
Hobson |
Durrants |
South of The Street |
1.9 |
Residential development of 25 dwellings |
GNLP2100 is submitted as an additional option to site GNLP0452. It is well-related to the village with good access to services. Constraints include the local road network, sewerage infrastructure capacity and townscape impacts.
GNLP2130 is also submitted as an additional option to site GNLP0452. It is well-related to the village with good access to services. Constraints include the sewerage infrastructure capacity, townscape impacts and flood risk at the site boundary.
In conclusion, the two new sites are actually potential reductions in a previously considered site, and both offer alternative options for housing, if Woodton is identified for growth.
Three sites were consulted on in the Reguation 18 consultation in early 2018. The Site Proposals document concluded "Should further development be considered necessary in Wortwell, then there are likely to be suitable site options available, though improvements to the local road network may be required".
Two additional sites and one small change to the development boundary have been proposed:
Site Reference |
Promoter Details |
Site Address |
Site Area (ha) |
Development Description |
Title |
First Name |
Last name |
Organisation |
Mr |
Robert |
Hadingham |
East of Low Road |
1.25 |
Residential development (unspecified number) |
Mr |
Mark |
Philpot |
One planning & Heritage |
High Road |
13.75 |
Residential-led mixed use development |
Mr |
Kevin |
Parson |
Parson Ltd |
High Road |
0.25 |
Settlement boundary |
GNLP2036 overlaps a current local plan allocation. The rest of the site has some constraints, including the local road network capacity, landscape and townscape impacts and some areas of flood risk.
GNLP2121 is fairly well related to the village and has some access to services. Constraints include restricted site access, the local road network capacity, landscape and townscape impacts and flood risk.
GNLPSL2006 lies 300m from the settlement boundary, adjacent to a few dwellings to the north of Wortwell village.
In conclusion, if Wortwell is identified for further growth, the two sites offer alternative options for housing if constraints can be mitigated, and infill development may also be possible if the settlement boundary is reviewed.
Three sites were consulted on in the village. The Site Proposals document concluded "Therefore, should further development be considered necessary in Wreningham, two promoted sites (GNLP0187 and 0431) appear to provide the opportunity for incremental growth of the village if site specific constraints can be addressed and mitigated".
One additional site and small change to the development boundary has been proposed:
Site Reference |
Promoter Details |
Site Address |
Site Area (ha) |
Development Description |
Title |
First Name |
Last name |
Organisation |
Mr |
Paul |
Clarke |
Brown & Co |
South of Wymondham Road |
2.7 |
Residential development (20-25 dwellings proposed) |
Mr |
Mark |
Philpot |
One Planning Consultants |
Top Row |
0.18 |
Settlement boundary |
GNLP2183 lies south of the village, with access to Wreningham Primary School. Constraints include surface water flood risk, ecological and townscape impacts, and sewerage infrastructure constraints.
GNLPSL0009 lies some distance from Wreningham village, adjacent to the settlement boundary of Top Row.
In conclusion, if Wreningham is identified for further growth, GNLP2183 may offer an alternative option for housing, and the settlement boundary could be considered for extension.
Fourteen potential sites were previously consulted on in early 2018. The Regulation 18 Site Proposals document concluded: "the sites proposed offer the potential for significant growth, with the necessary inclusion of supporting services and infrastructure provided alongside housing within GNLP0006, GNLP0032, GNLP0320, most of GNLP0515, GNLP0525. However, without provision of infrastructure such as relief roads and high school provision, Wymondham is likely to be able to accommodate fewer dwellings potentially on the smaller sites such as GNLP0092/ part of GNLP0525, GNLP0032 and GNLP0355."
Eight new sites, including a revised site and a proposal for a new settlement for 6,500 dwellings, have been have been submitted through the consultation (sites proposed in Spooner Row are covered in section 5.69 above):
Site Reference |
Promoter Details |
Site Address |
Site Area (ha) |
Development Description |
Title |
First Name |
Last name |
Organisation |
Mr |
Andrew |
Wilford |
Barton Willmore |
North Wymondham |
157 |
Up to 1500 dwellings, school, employment, recreation etc |
(1) GNLP2073 |
Mr |
Jonathan |
Greenfield |
Burnthouse Lane, Silfield |
0.65 |
Residential development (5 dwellings proposed) |
Mr |
Peter |
Dewath |
East of Field House |
1.7 |
Residential development (50 dwellings proposed) |
Mr |
Mark |
Thompson |
Smallfish |
South of Norwich Common |
0.32 |
Residential development (8 dwellings proposed) |
James |
Millard |
Millard Tuddenham |
North east of Carpenters Barn |
6.5 |
Residential development (150 dwellings proposed) |
Mr |
Geoff |
Armstrong |
Armstrong Rigg Planning |
West of Carpenter Close |
3.4 |
Residential development (80 dwellings proposed) |
Mr |
Peter |
Jubb |
Great Expectations |
Great Expectations |
9 |
Residential development (unspecified number) |
Ms |
Nicola |
Webster |
Harvey & Co |
Park Farm |
340 |
New settlement (6,500 dwellings proposed) |
Ms |
Nicola |
Webster |
Harvey & Co |
within WYM3 & WYM13 allocation |
1.36 |
Residential development (32 dwellings proposed) |
GNLP0525R is in several large parcels of land which total 157 hectares to the north of the town. Constraints include the need to deliver strategic scale infrastructure, amongst which are highway improvements, management of surface water, and new sewerage capacity. Parts of the site are in the strategic gap between Hethersett and Wymondham, as well as there being a County Wildlife Site within the land promoted. Some parts of the site may require decontamination from previous uses and there would be requirements for new green infrastructure and enhancing existing semi-natural habitat.
GNLP2073 is to the south-east of Wymondham, off Burnthouse Lane in Silfield. Considerations are the site's remoteness from facilities and the absence of footpath provision. The site is also within 3 km of the Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) at Lower Wood, Ashwellthorpe,
GNLP2090 is in Silfield. Considerations are a pond on site that may need ecological investigation, nearby listed buildings, and possible sewerage infrastructure upgrades.
GNLP2125 comprises a dwelling and its curtilage, south of Norwich Common. Constraints relate to parts of the site being at risk of surface water flooding and its location within the Wymondham to Hethersett strategic gap.
GNLP2150 comprises a recently-added part of GNLP0525R. It lies to the north-east of the recently developed housing in the north of Wymondham at Carpenters Close. Constraints include veteran trees within and along the boundary, areas mainly along the boundary being at surface water flood risk, and the potential need for sewerage infrastructure improvements.
GNLP2155, which contains the curtilage of Downham Grove House, lies to the west of recently developed housing in the north of Wymondham at Carpenters Close. Considerations are some areas are at surface water flood risk; and, a pond, along with two wooded areas, that may trigger the need for an ecological assessment.
GNLP2157 is to the south of Wymondham, accessed from London Road, and north-east of Wymondham College, is proposed for housing alongside the existing commercial uses. Constraints include surface water flood risk in parts of the site, a veteran tree at the site's boundary, and sewerage infrastructure upgrades would likely be required.
GNLP2168 is 340 ha site prosed for a new settlement of some 6,500 dwellings at Silfield, south of the A11. As well as major strategic infrastructure requirements, considerations include: parts of the land are of Grade 2 agricultural value; there are wooded areas (some of which is ancient woodland); ponds and habitat on site are likely to require ecological assessment; and, there are veteran trees at the site's boundary.
GNLP2169 is within an area of land allocated by the last local plan for 1,230 dwellings (Policy WYM 3).
In conclusion, if Wymondham is identified for further growth,
the newly submitted and revised sites give a further range of
differently sized sites for residential-led development.
No sites were consulted on Yelverton in early 2018. However, one site was submitted through the consultation:
Site Reference |
Promoter Details |
Site Address |
Site Area (ha) |
Development Description |
Title |
First Name |
Last name |
Organisation |
Mr |
Tony |
Wilde |
Wilde and Wilde Architecture llp |
South of Loddon Road |
1.8 |
Residential development (10 dwellings proposed) |
GNLP2006 is poorly related to existing development, but with some access to services. The main constraint is flood risk, which covers much of the site. Other constraints include site access, ecological and townscape impacts, and sewerage infrastructure capacity.
In conclusion, if Yelverton is identified for further growth, alternative sites should be sought.