
Draft Greater Norwich Local Plan – Part 1 The Strategy

Representation ID: 21543

Received: 16/03/2020

Respondent: Hingham Town Council

Representation Summary:

Sites should not be allocated for development when they are so clearly contrary to the policies that should be applied and would permanently destroy the natural environment and have a detrimental impact on landscape

Full text:

With regard to the Natural Environment –“ Development proposals will be required to conserve and enhance the natural environment. Key elements of the natural environment include valued landscapes”. Again with specific reference to GNLP0520. Development of GNLP0520 would be contrary to Policy 3 “The Natural Environment …. Development proposals will be required to conserve and enhance the natural environment. Key elements of the natural environment include valued landscapes” … it is clear from residents objections that the loss of such prominent and valued open landscape by developing GNLP0520 would definitely not “conserve or enhance the natural environment”, but permanently destroy it, on the approach to Hingham via the Norwich Road.
Sites should not be allocated for development when they are so clearly contrary to the policies that should be applied.