

Representation ID: 23811

Received: 22/03/2021

Respondent: Glavenhill Ltd

Agent: Lanpro Services Ltd

Representation Summary:

If an allocation for a new Garden Village at Hethel is not made within this plan period, then policy 7.6 Preparing for New Settlements is supported. However, Glavenhill consider that a new Garden Village at Hethel should be allocated now and the choice to not allocate the Stanfield Garden Village site at Hethel within this plan period is a missed opportunity. Glavenhill’s previously submitted comments on the Regulation 18C plan still stand.

Full text:

Glavenhill’s previously submitted comments on the Regulation 18C plan still stand.

Glavenhill consider that a new Garden Village at Hethel should be allocated now and the choice to not allocate the Stanfield Garden Village site at Hethel within this plan period is a missed opportunity. Identification of a first phase of development on this site within the plan period would provide a clear commitment to delivering the plan’s stated Vision and a clear means to meeting that Vision in a sustainable manner.

Glavenhill and its developer partner Human Nature have undertaken a considerable amount of site assessment and technical work to date and are confident that a first phase of development could be delivered within the plan period. In order to supplement the Vision and Delivery Documents and Technical Reports submitted with previous representations, we attach a Delivery Statement prepared by Human Nature which sets out how the site will be brought forward using innovations for the accelerated delivery of affordable homes, the potential for public/private partnership and IMPACT investment.

If an allocation for a new Garden Village at Hethel is not made within this plan period, then policy 7.6 Preparing for New Settlements is supported. It is a sensible approach to start preparing for delivery of a new Garden Village as soon as possible and we are ready to work with the GNDP to assist with the site options assessment and technical consultation immediately, having undertaken a significant amount of work to assess constraints and delivery already.

We are confident that there are no over-riding constraints to development and that a new Garden Village can be delivered in a sustainable manner at Hethel. In addition to the lack of technical constraints, the site has little requirement of upfront major road infrastructure, which had hampered many other projects nationally.

We are also confident that the site at Hethel represents the best location for a new Garden Village, in terms of its geographical location within the Cambridge-Norwich Tech corridor, its alignment with strategic policies, the focus that it can bring to investment and economic growth within this key area and the lack of technical constraints to development or impact upon the amenity of local residents. The site has been selected on its technical, environmental and market suitability coupled with the ambition to deliver an exemplar scheme on all levels.