Site Proposals document

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Site Proposals document


Representation ID: 16355

Received: 22/03/2018

Respondent: Vello Ltd

Agent: Vello Ltd

Representation Summary:

We wish to provide the attached information to further assist with the site suitability assessment for the Hardley Road / Pits Lane GNLP0541.

The current GNLP site assessment GNLP0541 notes a number of site constraints (refer attached copy of the GNLP0541 suitability assessment), we have reviewed the points raised and note the following for your consideration. See attached supporting info

Full text:

We wish to provide the attached information to further assist with the site suitability assessment for the Hardley Road / Pits Lane GNLP0541.

The current GNLP site assessment GNLP0541 notes a number of site constraints (refer attached copy of the GNLP0541 suitability assessment), we have reviewed the points raised and note the following for your consideration :
- Not particularly well related to services, We note the local convenience store & other local shops , bus stop etc are located approximately 200M from the site and are within easy walking distance along an existing public footpath. Refer PL011B.
- Not particularly sympathetic to the character of the village. The site is effectively an infill "brown field" site which is surrounded on 3 sides by existing houses and by a commercial site on the 4th side so if developed would integrate well with the existing built form of the village and tidy up an unused piece of brown field land. Developing this site would not extend the village into the open countryside.
- Potential access constraints The site could be readily accessed from Hardley Rd which is a 4.8M wide carriageway and has a 30MPH speed limit. We note good visibility is available in both directions from the proposed Hardley Rd site access.
- Road capacity & footpath provision not suitable We note that Hardley Rd is a standard width road at 4.8M with no apparent abnormal capacity issues, it doesn't feel a busy road due to the surrounding rural area & low density housing. There is also a public footpath on Hardley Rd which starts at the corner of Hardley Rd & Pits Lane (adjacent to the site) and provides pedestrian access to the local shops & services etc which are located approximately 200M to the West of the site.
- Risk of surface water flooding. We are not aware of any local surface water flooding issues associated with the site. The site is also located well outside the local flood plain and has a very low risk of flooding on the Environment agencies flood maps , refer attached PL013.
- Close proximity to the Broads, We note that the site is well outside the flood risk areas associated with the Broads. We feel the proximity to the Broads is a benefit to the site as it provides good access to recreational opportunities such as boating, dog walking etc.
- Partly in a conservation area and proximity to a Listed building . Following a detailed site analysis of the surrounding conservation area we feel the site has the potential to provide a residential development which could enhance the character & setting of the adjacent conservation area through careful & thoughtful design. If required the proposed new dwellings could be single storey to minimise the impact on long distance views to and from the nearby listed building.
- Within 3000M of a SSSI Hardley Flood. The Hardley Flood area is located approximately 1500M to the South East of the site. As part of the planning process an ecology site assessment would be undertaken by a suitably qualified Ecologist to assess any potential impacts on the Hardley Flood SSSI. If any were noted then mitigation measures would be undertaken as part of the site development.

We hope the attached information assists with further work on the GNLP site suitability assessment for the Hardley Rd, Pits Lane site and please call if you have any queries.

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