Draft Local Plan-Part 2 Site Allocations
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Draft Local Plan-Part 2 Site Allocations
Representation ID: 22452
Received: 16/03/2020
Respondent: Gladman Developments
3.5.1 If allocated, the development of Land at Burgate Lane, Poringland would deliver significant benefits
to the local area and wider community, this includes:
The development of up to 98 dwellings, providing for a wide range of tenure, size and types
of new homes;
Up to 36% of the development will be affordable;
2.56ha of Green Infrastructure including new planting resulting in an increase in
5 live/work units to meet the needs set out in the Neighbourhood Plan;
Child play provision inclusive of a locally equipped play area;
Integrated walking trails that will connect into the public right of way system to the south
of the site, and;
Sustainable transport improvements.
Please find attached the representations of Gladman made specifically in relation to our land interest in Poringland.
Draft Local Plan-Part 2 Site Allocations
Representation ID: 22456
Received: 16/03/2020
Respondent: Gladman Developments
3.5.1 If allocated, the development of Land off Long Lane, Costessey would deliver significant benefits to
the local area and wider community, this includes:
The development of over 600 dwellings, providing for a wide range of tenure, size and
types of new homes;
The delivery of policy compliant 33% affordable homes;
Child Play provision;
Access links to the southern land parcel;
Pedestrian and cycling links/improvements;
Recreational green open space;
A net-biodiversity gain;
Support existing local services through increased use and spend.
Please find attached the representations of Gladman made specifically in relation to our land interest in Costessey
Draft Local Plan-Part 2 Site Allocations
Representation ID: 22462
Received: 16/03/2020
Respondent: Gladman Developments
If allocated, the development of Land at Norwich Common, Wymondham would deliver significant benefits to the local area and wider community, this includes:
The development of up to 630 dwellings, providing for a wide range of tenure, size and types of new homes;
The delivery of 208 affordable homes;
Land sufficient to accommodate a new two form entry primary school;
C2 apartments responding to the housing needs of the elderly, ensuring that the Local Plan effectively responds to this source of housing need;
A new local centre with opportunity for retail space and a community hub for new and existing residents;
Child play provision inclusive of a NEAP;
A Community Park representing a major benefit from the community, environmental net gain and huge contribution to the Councils Green Infrastructure Agenda;
The opportunity to enhance the gateway into Wymondham; and
Pedestrian and cycling links/improvements.
Please find attached the representations of Gladman made specifically in relation to our land interest in Wymondham