

Representation ID: 23954

Received: 18/03/2021

Respondent: Chris Tilley

Number of people: 2

Agent: Mr Henry Isotta

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:

See attached Ground of Objection Statement and technical appendices as contained in separate uploaded documents.

Grounds of Objections document
Appendix A – Flood Risk Issues
Appendix B – Clayland Revised Objective HELAA Suitability Assessment document
Appendix C – C1 Highways Report
C2 Pedestrian Routes review
Appendix D – Landscape, Townscape and Heritage Issues
Appendix E – Compatibility with Adjoining Uses
Appendix F – F1 Indicative site layout for 0298/0335/4007,
F2 Biodiversity community benefits,
F3 Housing mix policy issues
F4 Proximity to SSSI’s
Appendix G – Weight given to Community and Local Representation issues
Appendix H – Clayland Proposed Modification to the Allocations
Appendix I – Clayland Draft Statement of Common Ground with GNLP
Appendix J – Clayland Statement of Common Ground with Hingham Town Council

Change suggested by respondent:

Please see attached Grounds of Objection document and in particular the Proposed Modification within Appendix H

Full text:

Document list provided:

Grounds of Objections document
Appendix A – Flood Risk Issues
Appendix B – Clayland Revised Objective HELAA Suitability Assessment document
Appendix C – C1 Highways Report
C2 Pedestrian Routes review
Appendix D – Landscape, Townscape and Heritage Issues
Appendix E – Compatibility with Adjoining Uses
Appendix F – F1 Indicative site layout for 0298/0335/4007,
F2 Biodiversity community benefits,
F3 Housing mix policy issues
F4 Proximity to SSSI’s
Appendix G – Weight given to Community and Local Representation issues
Appendix H – Clayland Proposed Modification to the Allocations
Appendix I – Clayland Draft Statement of Common Ground with GNLP
Appendix J – Clayland Statement of Common Ground with Hingham Town Council