Draft Greater Norwich Local Plan – Part 1 The Strategy

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Draft Greater Norwich Local Plan – Part 1 The Strategy

Question 41. Do you support or object or wish to comment on the approach for the main towns overall? Please identify particular issues.

Representation ID: 22135

Received: 16/03/2020

Respondent: M Scott Properties Ltd

Agent: Strutt & Parker LLP

Representation Summary:

Policy 7.2 – The Main Towns outlines that the settlements in the Plan Area of Aylsham, Diss (with part of Roydon), Harleston, Long Stratton and Wymondham will provide for substantial development of around 6,300 homes. We support this approach, although given the dispersed nature of the settlements consider that a more ambitious level of growth should be deliverable and would provide greater support to enable these rural communities to prosper and thrive. Such an approach would provide the plan with a greater degree of flexibility in the event the larger allocations in the Norwich fringe deliver more slowly than anticipated.

The Main Towns are considered to be sustainable locations that are suitable to accommodate additional growth to contribute to the overall Plan area’s housing need. This approach is supported by paragraph 72 of the NPPF which identifies that the supply of a large number of new homes can often best be achieved through planning for larger scale development, including extensions to existing villages and towns, where they are well located and supported by the necessary infrastructure and facilities. The draft plan identifies sites for approximately 14% of new housing in the main towns. It acknowledges that much of the proposed development has planning permission and there are significant commitments in the main towns, especially in Long Stratton and Wymondham. More capacity for new allocations is available in Aylsham, Diss (with part of Roydon), Harleston and with Wymondham. The 14% proportion of new housing could be increased as a large number of reasonable alternative sites have been proposed in the main towns.

Our clients would strongly encourage the Greater Norwich Local Plan to increase the number of new allocations in these towns. The NPPF challenges local authorities to support the Government’s objective of significantly boosting the supply of new homes and ensure there is a sufficient amount and variety of land which can come forward where it is needed. This also applies to the needs of groups with specific housing requirements such as the elderly. We would therefore encourage the GNLP to review the reasonable alternative sites which have been proposed and bring forward a greater number of new allocations. Our client’s site, Land between Shelfanger and Mount Street, Diss, is one such reasonable alternative which could deliver, albeit a modest number, 24 retirement units in a central location along with other significant community benefits.

Full text:

Please see attached for full submission



Draft Greater Norwich Local Plan – Part 1 The Strategy

Question 42. Do you support or object or wish to comment on the approach for specific towns (Aylsham, Diss (with part of Roydon), Harleston, Long Stratton and Wymondham)? Please identify particular issues.

Representation ID: 22136

Received: 16/03/2020

Respondent: M Scott Properties Ltd

Agent: Strutt & Parker LLP

Representation Summary:

In respect of Aylsham, Diss and Harleston, these settlements are more dispersed lying on the peripheries of the local plan area and support wider rural communities in adjoining districts. They have been identified for lower levels of growth than Long Stratton and Wymondham. As such we strongly support the proposed new allocations in these towns which will help these rural communities to prosper and thrive. To this extent, in addition to the preferred allocations, we recommend that further consideration should be given to those sites identified as reasonable alternative allocations to further boost housing supply and support a prosperous rural economy. In particular, as set out in our response to question 41 above, we would encourage the Greater Norwich Local Plan to revisit the Reasonable Alternative sites which have been proposed and bring forward a greater number of new allocations. Our client’s site, Land between Shelfanger and Mount Street, Diss, is one such Reasonable Alternative which could deliver, albeit a modest number, 24 retirement units in a central location along with other community benefits.

Full text:

Please see attached for full submission



Draft Greater Norwich Local Plan – Part 1 The Strategy

Question 6: Do you support or object to the vision and objectives for Greater Norwich?

Representation ID: 22627

Received: 13/03/2020

Respondent: M Scott Properties Ltd

Number of people: 2

Agent: Bidwells

Representation Summary:

Support, with comments
The objective of delivering high quality homes that contribute to the delivery of mixed, inclusive, resilient and sustainable communities that are supported by appropriate economic and social infrastructure is fully supported. The approach is fully consistent with the National Planning Policy Framework

Full text:

On behalf of M Scott Properties Ltd we are instructed to submit representations to the Greater Norwich Local Plan Regulation 18 (c) consultation. The representations are split into two, reflecting the two parts of the Greater Norwich Local Plan; the Strategy Document and the Sites Plan, in respect of GNLP0337.

The attached document provides a complete record of the representations made on behalf of M Scott Properties Ltd.

The various technical studies referred to in the Representation and the Delivery Statement can be accessed in the attachments also.



Draft Greater Norwich Local Plan – Part 1 The Strategy

Question 9: Do you support, object, or have any comments relating to the approach to Housing set out in the Delivery Statement?

Representation ID: 22628

Received: 13/03/2020

Respondent: M Scott Properties Ltd

Number of people: 2

Agent: Bidwells

Representation Summary:

Support, with comments
The requirement that sites should only be allocated for housing where, having regard to policy requirements, there is a reasonable prospect that housing can be delivered fully accords with para 67 of the NPPF and is supported.
Whilst the submission of Delivery Plans as part of a planning applications is supported the documents need to recognise that there may be unforeseen material changes in circumstances, which could impact the delivery of an allocation.
The Council’s approach to providing choice and flexibility in terms of housing growth by accommodating 9% more homes than are needed (increasing to 10% at the Regulation 19 stage), is supported. This buffer will help maintain the supply and delivery of housing in accordance with the NPPF and specifically the Government’s objective of encouraging authorities to consider more growth than required to meet local housing need, particularly where there is potential for significant economic growth. This is particularly relevant given the under delivery of housing in the Greater Norwich Area between 2011 and 2019

Full text:

On behalf of M Scott Properties Ltd we are instructed to submit representations to the Greater Norwich Local Plan Regulation 18 (c) consultation. The representations are split into two, reflecting the two parts of the Greater Norwich Local Plan; the Strategy Document and the Sites Plan, in respect of GNLP0337.

The attached document provides a complete record of the representations made on behalf of M Scott Properties Ltd.

The various technical studies referred to in the Representation and the Delivery Statement can be accessed in the attachments also.



Draft Greater Norwich Local Plan – Part 1 The Strategy

Question 12: Do you support, object, or have any comments relating to the Climate Change Statement?

Representation ID: 22629

Received: 13/03/2020

Respondent: M Scott Properties Ltd

Number of people: 2

Agent: Bidwells

Representation Summary:

Support, with comments
Whilst there is support, in principle, for the proposed approach to infrastructure, particularly the need for key stakeholders to work collaboratively, the Delivery Statement should make it clear that infrastructure requirements will be proportionate to each development and based on clear assessments of need. In addition, the Delivery Statement should recognise the impact that significant infrastructure costs can have on the viability and deliverability of large strategic sites.

Full text:

On behalf of M Scott Properties Ltd we are instructed to submit representations to the Greater Norwich Local Plan Regulation 18 (c) consultation. The representations are split into two, reflecting the two parts of the Greater Norwich Local Plan; the Strategy Document and the Sites Plan, in respect of GNLP0337.

The attached document provides a complete record of the representations made on behalf of M Scott Properties Ltd.

The various technical studies referred to in the Representation and the Delivery Statement can be accessed in the attachments also.



Draft Greater Norwich Local Plan – Part 1 The Strategy

Question 13: Do you agree with the proposed Settlement Hierarchy and the proposed distribution of housing within the hierarchy?

Representation ID: 22630

Received: 13/03/2020

Respondent: M Scott Properties Ltd

Number of people: 2

Agent: Bidwells

Representation Summary:

The proposed Settlement Hierarchy is fully supported. Norwich and the Norwich Fringe, which includes Taverham, is the most sustainable location within the Greater Norwich area and is the focus for significant economic growth. Norwich is the catalyst for economic growth in the area and provides a range of amenities, services and infrastructure to support sustainable housing. Accordingly, it is wholly appropriate and consistent with Government Guidance that it should be identified as the preferred location to accommodate 69% of the housing growth during the period to 2038.
The identified Settlement Hierarchy will also ensure consistency with the draft Local Plan’s Climate Change policy.

Full text:

On behalf of M Scott Properties Ltd we are instructed to submit representations to the Greater Norwich Local Plan Regulation 18 (c) consultation. The representations are split into two, reflecting the two parts of the Greater Norwich Local Plan; the Strategy Document and the Sites Plan, in respect of GNLP0337.

The attached document provides a complete record of the representations made on behalf of M Scott Properties Ltd.

The various technical studies referred to in the Representation and the Delivery Statement can be accessed in the attachments also.



Draft Greater Norwich Local Plan – Part 1 The Strategy

Question 14: Do you support, object or wish to comment on the approach for housing numbers and delivery?

Representation ID: 22631

Received: 13/03/2020

Respondent: M Scott Properties Ltd

Number of people: 2

Agent: Bidwells

Representation Summary:

See comments made in relation to Question 9.

Full text:

On behalf of M Scott Properties Ltd we are instructed to submit representations to the Greater Norwich Local Plan Regulation 18 (c) consultation. The representations are split into two, reflecting the two parts of the Greater Norwich Local Plan; the Strategy Document and the Sites Plan, in respect of GNLP0337.

The attached document provides a complete record of the representations made on behalf of M Scott Properties Ltd.

The various technical studies referred to in the Representation and the Delivery Statement can be accessed in the attachments also.



Draft Greater Norwich Local Plan – Part 1 The Strategy

Question 17: Do you support, object or wish to comment on the approach to Infrastructure?

Representation ID: 22632

Received: 13/03/2020

Respondent: M Scott Properties Ltd

Number of people: 2

Agent: Bidwells

Representation Summary:

Support, with comments
The need to support sustainable growth through the provision of infrastructure improvements, such as schools and health centres, is, in principle, supported. However, the policy should recognise that infrastructure provision must be proportionate to each development, based on a local need and not undermine delivery.
When considering infrastructure, consideration should be given to whether it is viable for some of the larger strategic sites, which have high infrastructure costs associated with their delivery i.e. the requirement to provide schools and health centres on land which otherwise would be land developable for alternative uses, to pay the Community Infrastructure Levy, in addition to the policy requirements of the Local Plan.
The potential for infrastructure costs which are specific to larger strategic sites to be secured by appropriate and negotiable Section 106 planning obligations, in order to ensure that such sites are deliverable and,
Greater Norwich Local Plan, Regulation 18 (c ), GNLP033
Page 5
importantly, that there is certainty regarding the timely delivery of the infrastructure on site, should be fully explored. This approach, which has been adopted by Mid Suffolk District Council, is entirely consistent with the Community Infrastructure Regulations (2019).

Full text:

On behalf of M Scott Properties Ltd we are instructed to submit representations to the Greater Norwich Local Plan Regulation 18 (c) consultation. The representations are split into two, reflecting the two parts of the Greater Norwich Local Plan; the Strategy Document and the Sites Plan, in respect of GNLP0337.

The attached document provides a complete record of the representations made on behalf of M Scott Properties Ltd.

The various technical studies referred to in the Representation and the Delivery Statement can be accessed in the attachments also.



Draft Greater Norwich Local Plan – Part 1 The Strategy

Question 18: Do you support, object or have any comments relating to the preferred approach to sustainable communities including the requirement for a sustainability statement?

Representation ID: 22633

Received: 13/03/2020

Respondent: M Scott Properties Ltd

Number of people: 2

Agent: Bidwells

Representation Summary:

Support, with comments
The principle of ensuring that developments are high quality and contribute to delivering inclusive growth in mixed, resilient and sustainable communities, whilst assisting in mitigating and adapting to climate change is supported. To demonstrate the ability to secure these objectives, we support the preparation of a Sustainability Statement as part of an application for a major development. The use of master planning, in conjunction with community engagement, and provision of Delivery plans is also supported.
Whilst the requirement to ensure the efficient use of land by, amongst other things, providing an indicative minimum density of 25 dwellings per hectare, is supported, the policy, or supporting text, should make it clear that, as well as giving consideration to on site characteristics, consideration will be given to a range of other site / scheme specific issues, such as housing mix and design considerations. For example, the inclusion of bungalows within a development to meet an identified need is likely to result in a lower density development, although a density of 25 dwellings per hectare should still be achievable on a net basis.

Full text:

On behalf of M Scott Properties Ltd we are instructed to submit representations to the Greater Norwich Local Plan Regulation 18 (c) consultation. The representations are split into two, reflecting the two parts of the Greater Norwich Local Plan; the Strategy Document and the Sites Plan, in respect of GNLP0337.

The attached document provides a complete record of the representations made on behalf of M Scott Properties Ltd.

The various technical studies referred to in the Representation and the Delivery Statement can be accessed in the attachments also.



Draft Greater Norwich Local Plan – Part 1 The Strategy

Question 19: Do you support, object or have any comments relating to the specific requirements of the policy?

Representation ID: 22634

Received: 13/03/2020

Respondent: M Scott Properties Ltd

Number of people: 2

Agent: Bidwells

Representation Summary:

See comments made in relation to Question 9.

Full text:

On behalf of M Scott Properties Ltd we are instructed to submit representations to the Greater Norwich Local Plan Regulation 18 (c) consultation. The representations are split into two, reflecting the two parts of the Greater Norwich Local Plan; the Strategy Document and the Sites Plan, in respect of GNLP0337.

The attached document provides a complete record of the representations made on behalf of M Scott Properties Ltd.

The various technical studies referred to in the Representation and the Delivery Statement can be accessed in the attachments also.


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