Site Proposals document

Ended on the 22 March 2018

5. South Norfolk

5.1 Alpington & Yelverton

Settlement Summary

Yelverton and part of Alpington is classified as a Service Village in the JCS. The main built up areas of Alpington and Yelverton form a contiguous settlement. Development is concentrated around Church Road and Wheel Street. There is also a significant area of development at Mill Road, Alpington.

The settlement has a range of social and community facilities including primary school, pub, church and village hall. Enhancement to sewage treatment capacity may be required to serve new development.

Six sites have been put forward for consideration for residential uses through the GNLP. All of the sites are greenfield, on grade 3 lesser quality agricultural land.

Sites GNLP0529, 0434, 0400, and 0433 are immediately adjacent to the settlement, therefore, sympathetic to the form and character of the area , whilst site 0435 is beyond the settlement limit, and therefore less sympathetic to the built form and is further away to facilities in comparison to other sites. In accessibility terms, to the east site 0529 is located near the school but on Nicholas Road which is a narrow road with access constraints. Site 0434 would front on to Burgh Road where there are no footpaths and opposite to an open field. To the west site 0433 also on Burgh Road would front on to residential development, and would follow on west from the general form of development as allocation ALP1 and is close to the existing facilities but is constrained by impacts on listed buildings. Site GNLP1012 is adjacent to the development boundary for the village close to Bergh Apton, however, in accessibility terms this site is further away to the local schools, bus stops and would require footpath improvements.

Overall, if this settlement is identified for further growth, there is a choice of sites with potential for development, with site 0433 appearing to have the fewest constraints.

Site Promoter Details Site Site Development Description
Reference Title First Name Last Name Organisation Address Area (ha)
(7)GNLP0400 Miss Aimee Fowler Bidwells land at Church Meadow 1.87 Residential development of up to 22 dwellings.
(4)GNLP0433 Mr Julian Wells FW Properties Land in Wheel Road 1.7 Residential development of up to 10 dwellings.
(6)GNLP0434 Mr Julian Wells FW Properties Land in Wheel Road 1.23 Residential development of up to 10 dwellings.
(4)GNLP0435 Mr Julian Wells FW Properties Land in Burgate Road 0.67 Residential development of up to 8 dwellings.
(5)GNLP0529 Mr James Garnham K Garnham Design Land East of Nichols Road 0.37 Residential development proposed of 6 new dwellings, as 3 pairs of semi-detached houses.
(12)GNLP1012 Mr Paul Battle
Mill Field, Mill Road 0.96 Residential development of an unspecified number.
Housing Commitment Sites (At 1 April 2017, 5 or more units only)
Address Planning Permission Ref. Allocation ref. Remaining Dwellings at 1 April 2017
GVA Greater Norwich Employment Land Assessment Sites
Address GVA Reference Dominant Use Class Existing or Allocation?

Ashby St Mary

Settlement Summary
See Thurton settlement summary
Site Promoter Details Site Site Development Description
Reference Title First Name Last Name Organisation Address Area (ha)
GNLP0585 Mr Ian Jessett Walnut Farm Developments Ltd Land opposite Hall Farm Barn and Hill Top Barn 0.4 Residential development of 4 detached properties.
Housing Commitment Sites (At 1 April 2017, 5 or more units only)
Address Planning Permission Ref. Allocation ref. Remaining Dwellings at 1 April 2017
GVA Greater Norwich Employment Land Assessment Sites
Address GVA Reference Dominant Use Class Existing or Allocation?

5.2. Ashwellthorpe & Fundenhall

Settlement Summary

Ashwellthorpe is classified as a Service Village in the JCS. The village has developed in a linear form along the Street, and southwards along New Road. Local facilities include a village hall and pub. To the north of the village is Lower Wood, a designated SSSI, which contributes to the attractive setting of the village.

There is an existing planning permission on Land Rear of Wood Farm (reference 2011/0506) for 31 homes, a village hall, bowling green, sports pitch and village green.

Nine site have been submitted for consideration through the GNLP. Sites GNLP0213, 0230, 0234, and 0235 are on the north side of the Street and would have the benefit of focusing development in the existing heart of the village. Constraints include achieving suitable access onto The Street, proximity to Lower Wood, and potential impact on views of the Grade I All Saints' Church to the east.

The other five sites (GNLP0064, 0239, 0242, 0597 and 0598) are along New Road. A factor to consider here is the form and character implications of elongating the village further. There are also surface water flooding issues in this part of the village.

In conclusion, no fundamental constraints have been identified that would rule out any of the sites in Ashwellthorpe, although the net developable area may be constrained on some. Consequently if the need for additional housing development is identified through the GNLP, several site options are available.

Site Promoter Details Site Site Development Description
Reference Title First Name Last Name Organisation Address Area (ha)
(1)GNLP0213 Mrs Jane Crichton
Timber Yard, The Street 0.35 Residential development of an unspecified number, with either private of custom build proposed.
(1)GNLP0233 Mr Martin Howe Peter Codling Architects Rose Farm, The Street 0.53 Residential development for an unspecified number of dwellings.
(4)GNLP0234 Mr Martin Howe Peter Codling Architects Land adjacent Rose Farm, The Street 1.3 Residential development for an unspecified number of dwellings.
(1)GNLP0236 Mr Martin Howe Peter Codling Architect Land to rear of number 47, The Street 0.49 Residential development for an unspecified number of dwellings.
(1)GNLP0239 Mr Martin Howe Peter Codling Architects Land at New Road 0.73 Residential development for an unspecified number of dwellings.
(1)GNLP0242 Mr Martin Howe Peter Codling Architects Land to West of New Road 0.64 Residential development for an unspecified number of dwellings.
(1)GNLP0598 Mr Andrew Dring
Land East of New Road 1.26 New site: Residential development for an undetermined number of dwellings.
Housing Commitment Sites (At 1 April 2017, 5 or more units only)
Address Planning Permission Ref. Allocation ref. Remaining Dwellings at 1 April 2017
r/o Wood Farm, The Street 2011/0506 n/a 31
GVA Greater Norwich Employment Land Assessment Sites
Address GVA Reference Dominant Use Class Existing or Allocation?
Ashwellthorpe Industrial Estate SN E22 B2 Existing

5.3. Aslacton

Settlement Summary

The JCS identifies Aslacton, together with Great Moulton, as a Service Village. The historic core of Aslacton is concentrated around The Street and Church Road. The former Coopers Scrapyard to the east of the built-up area of the village is allocated and has planning permission for 15 dwellings.

Three sites have been put forward for consideration in the GNLP:

  • GNLP0459, a site of 1.78 hectares on the north side of Church Road opposite Coopers Scrapyard. The site is located close to village services. Development of the site in combination with the existing allocation could have a negative impact on the setting of the village and existing listed buildings including the Grade I listed Church Farm to the east and St Michael's Church to the west.
  • GNLP1042, a 3.7 hectare site to the south of Church Road which is also located close to village services. This site is virtually landlocked and satisfactory highway access could be difficult to achieve. Development of the site at the very low density proposed could result in a form of development poorly integrated with the rest of the settlement and could also have a negative impact on the setting of the village and listed buildings.
  • GNLP1041 is a 1.4 hectare site at the north end of Aslacton parish within the hamlet of Pottergate Street. This site is remote from services, is constrained to some extent by landscape designations and flood risk and additional waste water and sewerage capacity may be required.

In conclusion, should further development be concluded to be necessary in Aslacton, sites GNLP0459 and GNLP1042 close to village services are more likely to be suitable for consideration for allocation. However, this would be subject to the constraints noted above, most particularly potential townscape impacts.

Site Promoter Details Site Site Development Description
Reference Title First Name Last Name Organisation Address Area (ha)
(2)GNLP0459 Mr Edward Plumb Brown & Co. Land off Church Road 1.71 Residential development of up to 40 dwellings, with open space available to the north as necessary.
(1)GNLP1041 Mr Nick Moys Brown & Co Land at Pottergate Street 1.4 Residential development -- approximately 5 to 10 properties
(2)GNLP1042 Mr Nick Moys Brown & Co Land at Church Road 3.7 Residential development -- approximately 30 to 40 properties
Housing Commitment Sites (At 1 April 2017, 5 or more units only)
Address Planning Permission Ref. Allocation ref. Remaining Dwellings at 1 April 2017
Coopers Scrap Yard 2006/0171 ASL 1 (South Norfolk Site Specific Allocations and Policies Document) 14
GVA Greater Norwich Employment Land Assessment Sites
Address GVA Reference Dominant Use Class Existing or Allocation?

5.4. Barford

Settlement Summary

Barford is classified in the JCS as a Service Village. It is located on the B1108 and is in the Tiffey Valley. An existing allocation (BAR1) for approximately 10 homes is situated south of Church Lane within the village.

Three sites have been submitted for consideration through the GNLP:

  • GNLP0416 (Land at Barford Church) is a site of 1.47 ha that is slightly disconnected from services in Barford. Development here could be unsympathetic to the character of the village, with the site's main constraint being possible impact on the setting of the Grade II* St Boltolph's Church.
  • GNLP0552 (Land off Watton Road) is a substantial site of 37 ha proposed for 117 homes and extensive amounts of green infrastructure (GI). Housing developed is proposed for the north of the site. Constraints, which largely apply to the area proposed for GI in the south of the site, include flood risk, power lines and landscape impact on the Tiffey Valley. The potential for delivery and maintenance of the extensive GI proposed would also be a significant issue.
  • GNLP1013 (Land at the Hall between Church Lane and Back Lane) is a 2 ha site that would be an extension to the existing BAR 1 allocation. There are potential issues in achieving a suitable access and potential townscape and landscape impacts, but these are likely to be capable of being mitigated.

Site GNLP0415-F in the north west of Barford parish is proposed as a nature reserve as part of the new settlement proposals for Honingham Thorpe. Due to the nature of its proposed use, it does not form part of the settlement summary.

Should further development be required in Barford, no fundamental constraints have been identified that would rule out any of the proposed sites. However, the scale of site GNLP0552 and its GI in relation to Barford presents a range of issues and site GNLP 0416 is slightly disconnected from the village. Site GNLP1013 is well located in relation to village services.

Site Promoter Details Site Site Development Description
Reference Title First Name Last Name Organisation Address Area (ha)
(7)GNLP0416 Mrs Amber Slater Brown & Co. Land at Barford Church, Church/ Barnham Broom Road 1.47 Residential development of approx. 8 dwellings, with associated access.
(21)GNLP0552 Mr Philip Atkinson Lanpro Services Ltd Land off Watton Road 37.39 Residential development proposed of 117 dwellings (including custom build), with open space and recreation/leisure.
(5)GNLP1013 Mr Malcolm Dixon MDPC Ltd Land at the Hall (between Church Lane and Back Lane) 2.0 Residential development of an unspecified number.
Housing Commitment Sites (At 1 April 2017, 5 or more units only)
Address Planning Permission Ref. Allocation ref. Remaining Dwellings at 1 April 2017
West of The Hall, off Church Lane n/a BAR 1 (South Norfolk Site Specific Allocations and Policies Document) 10
GVA Greater Norwich Employment Land Assessment Sites
Address GVA Reference Dominant Use Class Existing or Allocation?

5.5. Barnham Broom

Settlement Summary

The JCS classifies Barnham Broom as a Service Village. There is a range of facilities including a primary school, village hall, garage, shop and pub.

The adopted local plan allocation at Bell Road (BARN 1) for approximately 20 dwellings would form a southern extension to an existing area of estate development to the south of Mill Road.

Four sites have been proposed for consideration in the GNLP, two large adjoining sites of roughly 2 hectares each situated to the west of the existing allocation toward Mill House (GNLP0174 and GNLP0196) proposed for 100 dwellings in total; and two sites which would extend the existing linear settlement along Norwich Road beyond the existing settlement limit, occupying the open gap between the settlement boundary and Grove Farm (GNLP0324 and GNLP0055) to the east. Development on the sites to both the east and west of the village could have potentially significant heritage impacts by encroaching on the setting of nearby listed farm and mill buildings and compromising the historic form of the settlement, whilst the two sites south of Mill Road (GNLP0174 and GNLP0196) have access constraints, which in the case of GNLP0196 appear difficult to address.

In conclusion, the large scale of proposed development on both sides of the village could have significant impacts on the built and natural environment. The two sites to the west (GNLP0174 and GNLP0196) have more constraints than the two to the east.

Site Promoter Details Site Site Development Description
Reference Title First Name Last Name Organisation Address Area (ha)
(13)GNLP0055 Mr Tom Corfield Irelands Land to East of Spur Road and south of Norwich Road 1.91 Residential development for an unspecified number of dwellings.
(14)GNLP0174 Mr Graham Tuddenham United Business and Leisure Land off Bell Road 1.97 Residential development of up to 50 dwellings with associated affordable housing, public open space and green infrastructure.
(12)GNLP0196 Mr Graham Tuddenham United Business and Leisure Land to the West of Mill View 2.06 Residential development of up to 50 dwellings including affordable housing, public open space and green infrastructure.
(6)GNLP0324 Mr Will Wright Savills Land South-West of Dades Farm, Norwich Road 0.89 Residential development of approx. 20 dwellings.
Housing Commitment Sites (At 1 April 2017, 5 or more units only)
Address Planning Permission Ref. Allocation ref. Remaining Dwellings at 1 April 2017
Bell Road 2013/0854 BARN 1 (South Norfolk Site Specific Allocations and Policies Document) 24
GVA Greater Norwich Employment Land Assessment Sites
Address GVA Reference Dominant Use Class Existing or Allocation?

5.6. Bawburgh

Settlement Summary

Bawburgh is classified as an Other Village in the JCS and is close to the A47. There some local services (a pub, primary school and a recently built village hall), but the village lacks access to public transport or local employment, although there are a range of employment opportunities nearby at Costessey. The conservation area, southern bypass protection zone, river valley and fluvial and surface water flooding are the most notable constraints.

There is a current housing commitment south of the Village Hall for 10 homes.

The following sites have been submitted for consideration through the GNLP:

Site GNLP0581 (Land Off Bawburgh Lane and New Road) is within the parish of Bawburgh but is related to the built up area of Costessey (see the Costessey summary for further details).

Two other residential sites in Bawburgh have been submitted:

  • GNLP0015 (New Road) is an 0.4 hectare site separated from the built-up area of the village;
  • GNLP0484 (Land East of Stocks Hill) is 13.48 hectare site which is better related to the village, but has significant areas at risk of flooding, though the site proposal does include open space.

There is also a proposal (GNLP0376) for employment and possibly retail development on part of the Costessey Park and Ride site, outside the village but within the parish of Bawburgh. This site has good access to the A47 but does not have pedestrian access from nearby housing on the other side of the A47. Employment development would therefore require access improvements, and would at the same time reduce the number of car park spaces available.

To conclude, if additional development is considered appropriate in Bawburgh, small scale residential development may be possible on part of GNLP0484. Other sites appear less attractive in terms of their relationship to the current built form.

Site Promoter Details Site Site Development Description
Reference Title First Name Last Name Organisation Address Area (ha)
GNLP0015 Mr Richard Greengrass
New Road, Bawburgh 0.4 Residential development of one dwelling
GNLP0376 Mr Richard Smith NPS Costessey Park and Ride, Long Lane 1.09 Employment and commercial development, featuring potential for office and retail uses. The proposed office or commercial floorspace would be in the region of 4,000 – 5,000m2 per hectare of developable land.
(1)GNLP0484 Mr Ben Kemp Gable Developments Norfolk Ltd Land East of Stocks Hill 13.68 Residential development of an unspecified number and open space
(7)GNLP0581 Mr Malcolm Vincent Vincent Howes Chartered Surveyors / NPS Norwich Ltd Land Off Bawburgh Lane and New Road 49.65 Residential development of an unspecified number with associated amenity land, woodland and green areas.
Housing Commitment Sites (At 1 April 2017, 5 or more units only)
Address Planning Permission Ref. Allocation ref. Remaining Dwellings at 1 April 2017
South of the Village Hall 2015/2028 n/a 10
GVA Greater Norwich Employment Land Assessment Sites
Address GVA Reference Dominant Use Class Existing or Allocation?

5.7. Bergh Apton

Settlement Summary

Bergh Apton is identified as a Service Village in the JCS and the two existing Local Plan allocations have been approved for 16 units.

Five sites have been put forward ranging in size from 0.2-2.4ha, giving various options for growth. The dispersed nature of development in the parish means that all sites have potential impacts on character and townscape of the village, and most may need sewerage and/or mains upgrades.

GNLP0122 (Cooke's Road) is a site of 0.23 ha.This small site is opposite housing allocation site BER 1 currently under development. There are no significant site constraints identified. The site's remoteness could lead to increased car dependency.

GNLP0203 (Church Road) is a sites of 0.87 hain a remote location in the south of the parish. There are no known significant constraints other than the site's remoteness and the suitability of the local road network.

GNLP0210 (Church Wood, Wellbeck Road) is a site of 2.38 ha in a remote location. Known constraints include the sites location adjacent to a listed church. The site adjoins a County Wildlife site and there are protected species identified in the vicinity. Development would affect established woodland. The local road network is considered unsuitable.

GNLP0412 (Former concrete works site, Church Road).This is a 1.31 ha former industrial site in the south of the parish. There are no known significant constraints other than the site's remoteness and the suitability of the local road network.

GNLP0533 (The Street). This is a 0.58 hasite located to the north of housing allocation BER 2. There are no known significant constraints other than the site's remoteness and the suitability of the local road network.

Overall, if Bergh Apton is identified for growth, all five sites could have some potential for development, though all suffer from varying degrees of remoteness.

Site Promoter Details Site Site Development Description
Reference Title First Name Last Name Organisation Address Area (ha)
(20)GNLP0122 Mr Mark Thompson Small Fish Cooke's Road 0.23 Residential development of an unspecified number.
(14)GNLP0203 Ms Melissa Burgan Small Fish Land to the South of Church Road 0.87 Residential development of an unspecified number.
(20)GNLP0210 Mr Andrew Carr
Church Wood, Welbeck Road 2.38 Residential development of an unspecified number, but proposed for 'contemporary building'.
(20)GNLP0412 Mr Julian Wells FW Properties Former Concrete Works site in Church Road 1.31 Residential development of 12 new family houses.
(16)GNLP0533 Mr James Garnham K Garnham Design Land East of the Street, The Street 0.58 Residential development, proposed as 5 detached market houses.
Housing Commitment Sites (At 1 April 2017, 5 or more units only)
Address Planning Permission Ref. Allocation ref. Remaining Dwellings at 1 April 2017
Cookes Road 2015/2836 BER 1 (South Norfolk Site Specific Allocations & Policies Document) 11
West of St Martin's Church, The Street 2016/2006 BER 2 (South Norfolk Site Specific Allocations & Policies Document) 5
GVA Greater Norwich Employment Land Assessment Sites
Address GVA Reference Dominant Use Class Existing or Allocation?

5.8. Bixley

Settlement Summary

Bixley parish includes Arminghall village and development adjacent to Poringland/ Framingham Earl. It is in the Smaller Rural Community and the Countryside classification in the JCS.

GNLP0323 is proposed for employment use at an isolated farm. Access to services is poor, there are significant areas at risk of surface water flooding, and development may impact on the setting of the Church of St Wandregelius (a Grade II* listed building). The suitability of the site is therefore considered to be limited. Another site in the parish is proposed which is adjacent to the built up area of Poringland/Framingham Earl – see that settlement summary for details of GNLP1032.

Site Promoter Details Site Site Development Description
Reference Title First Name Last Name Organisation Address Area (ha)
(5)GNLP0323 Mrs Nicole Wright La Ronde Wright Limited Park Farm, Bungay Road 9.83 Employment and commercial development, featuring offices, light industrial and retail units, including a brewery, with associated landscaping and infrastructure.
(8)GNLP1032 Mr Mark Brown La Ronde Wright Ltd Land adjacent to and to the north of Octagon Farm 4.2 Mixed use development for commercial business use and for approximately 100 dwellings with landscaping and associated infrastructure.
Housing Commitment Sites (At 1 April 2017, 5 or more units only)
Address Planning Permission Ref. Allocation ref. Remaining Dwellings at 1 April 2017
West of Octagon Barn, Bungay Road 2015/2326 n/a 60
GVA Greater Norwich Employment Land Assessment Sites
Address GVA Reference Dominant Use Class Existing or Allocation?

5.9. Bracon Ash

Settlement Summary

Under the Joint Core Strategy, Bracon Ash is classified with Mulbarton as a Service Village. The main part of Bracon Ash is on the B1113, with other small clusters of housing near the church and towards Hethel.

Five sites within the parish have been proposed for future development through the GNLP.

Related to the village of Bracon Ash, GNLP0026 is a small backland 0.35 ha site accessed from the B1113 by a shared drive-way. Development of the site could have an impact on the setting of the village. If taken forward, it is perhaps most appropriate as a settlement limit extension, given the proposal is to build one property on the site.

To the south of the village, off Hawkes Lane, is the 1.76 ha site GNLP0549. There are some considerations about highway access improvements, adverse effect on the rural setting of the Grade II Home Farm and Mergate Farmhouse, and some areas at risk of surface water flood risk, but overall the site has limited constraints.

Two other sites would in essence be extensions of Mulbarton. Site GNLP0195, despite being well-related to Lark Rise / Partridge Close, is constrained by a narrow access, and perhaps relies upon a new access from the B1113 that would be difficult to achieve. Site GNLP0299 to the south-east of Mulbarton would be an extension of recent developments, it being opposite allocation MUL 1 on the other side of Long Lane.

Should Bracon Ash be identified for further development, growth options are available, though consideration would need to be given to site related constraints.

The fifth site is GNLP1055, which is 377ha of land which extends across the parish boundaries with Wymondham, Ketteringham, East Carleton and a small part of Wreningham. The site is proposed for a new settlement. It has areas at risk of surface water flooding, and contains and is adjacent to CWSs, but given the size of the site, development could avoid these parts. The site's limited access to existing services would need to be addressed by improved access to Wymondham. In the long term, the site is large enough to provide a school, village hall, local shops and so on and is adjacent to existing, and proposes additional, employment opportunities. If a location for a new settlement is sought, GNLP1055 could provide housing, employment and community facilities, if the CWSs and areas of flood risk are avoided, and assuming appropriate mitigation measures. A very significant amount of work would need to be done to further investigate the constraints and opportunities of a site of this size. A New Settlements Topic Paper provides additional information on this issue and question 12 in the Growth Options consultation document covers new settlements.

Site Promoter Details Site Site Development Description
Reference Title First Name Last Name Organisation Address Area (ha)
(1)GNLP0026 Mr Howard Marriott
Jasmine Cottage, The Street 0.35 Residential development, mostly likely to be proposed as a single dwelling setback from the B1113.
(5)GNLP0195 Mrs Renata Garfoot South Norfolk Council Land off B1113 Norwich Road 0.53 Residential development of approx. 15 homes, public open space, landscaping and associated infrastructure
(3)GNLP0299 Mrs Margaret Shelley Lanpro Services Ltd Land West of Long Lane 2.16 Residential development, proposed as 7 self-build / custom build plots
(6)GNLP0549 Mrs Heather Moriarty-Philips
Barracks Meadow, Hawkes Lane 1.76 Residential development of up to 9 dwellings.
(5)GNLP1055 Miss Hannah Smith Lanpro West of Hethel, Stanfield Hall Estate, Stanfield Road 364 New high tech employment uses together with residential and community facilities in the form of a new Garden Village.
Housing Commitment Sites (At 1 April 2017, 5 or more units only)
Address Planning Permission Ref. Allocation ref. Remaining Dwellings at 1 April 2017
Norwich Road - BRA 1 (South Norfolk Site Specific Allocations & Policies Document) 20
GVA Greater Norwich Employment Land Assessment Sites
Address GVA Reference Dominant Use Class Existing or Allocation?
South and west of Lotus SN A13 Vacant Allocation
Hethel Engineering SN E11 B1/B2 Existing
Lotus Cars SN E12 B2/B8 Existing

5.10. Bramerton

Settlement Summary

The JCS identifies Bramerton as a Service Village. It contains a village hall and provides for a journey to work by public transport, with a pub and chandlery out of the village but within the parish.

The village has a conservation area, and most of the parish is high quality agricultural land (class 2).

One site has been proposed: GNLP0366. This site lies adjacent to a recent housing allocation (which is being built out) and is also adjacent to the conservation area. This would be backland development, but is well-related to the built form of the village and could provide a low number of dwellings. Therefore, if Bramerton is identified for growth, small scale development may be possible in Bramerton on this site.

Site Promoter Details Site Site Development Description
Reference Title First Name Last Name Organisation Address Area (ha)
(13)GNLP0366 Mr Neil Walker
The Street 0.58 Residential development for an unspecified number.
Housing Commitment Sites (At 1 April 2017, 5 or more units only)
Address Planning Permission Ref. Allocation ref. Remaining Dwellings at 1 April 2017
GVA Greater Norwich Employment Land Assessment Sites
Address GVA Reference Dominant Use Class Existing or Allocation?

5.11. Bressingham

Settlement Summary

Bressingham is classified as an Other Village in the JCS. The parish contains a number of scattered settlements of which the largest are the part of Bressingham located on High Road, and Bressingham Common located along Common Road. It has a small range of services; a village hall, a bus service to Diss and a primary school and 'Blooms' of Bressingham provides for some employment opportunities locally.

One small (0.26 ha) site has been put forward for the consideration for residential development through the GNLP: site GNLP0241. It is within the existing settlement boundary to the west of the village and no fundamental constraints have been identified for the site.

Site Promoter Details Site Site Development Description
Reference Title First Name Last Name Organisation Address Area (ha)
GNLP0241 Mr Oliver Chapman
Land to the North of High Road 0.26 Residential development for an unspecified number.
Housing Commitment Sites (At 1 April 2017, 5 or more units only)
Address Planning Permission Ref. Allocation ref. Remaining Dwellings at 1 April 2017
GVA Greater Norwich Employment Land Assessment Sites
Address GVA Reference Dominant Use Class Existing or Allocation?

5.12. Brockdish (including Thorpe Abbotts)

Settlement Summary

Brockdish including Thorpe Abbotts is classified as an Other Village in the JCS. The parish has very limited services, consisting of a village hall and bus service. Brockdish is primarily a linear village located along the northern side of the Waveney Valley on the A143. Thorpe Abbotts is a group of mainly detached houses approximately 2.5 kilometres west of Brockdish. A development boundary has been drawn to include the main built form of the settlement at Brockdish. No development boundary has been defined at Thorpe Abbotts.

Two sites have been put forward for consideration for allocation through the GNLP. Site 0385 is located to the north of Brockdish's built up area and site 0464 is to the north of Thorpe Abbotts within its conservation area. The main constraint for these two sites is the limited access to services.

Site Promoter Details Site Site Development Description
Reference Title First Name Last Name Organisation Address Area (ha)
(1)GNLP0385 Mr William Lusty Savills Land at Brockdish, Church Lane 1.72 Residential development of approx. 50 dwellings.
(1)GNLP0464 Mr Edward Plumb Brown & Co. Land to the west of Mill Road, Thorpe Abbotts 0.62 Residential development of 5 dwellings
Housing Commitment Sites (At 1 April 2017, 5 or more units only)
Address Planning Permission Ref. Allocation ref. Remaining Dwellings at 1 April 2017
GVA Greater Norwich Employment Land Assessment Sites
Address GVA Reference Dominant Use Class Existing or Allocation?

5.13. Brooke

Settlement Summary

The JCS identifies Brooke as a Service Village.

Brooke is 12 km south of Norwich on the B1332 Norwich to Bungay road and has good road and public transport access to both destinations. It is characterised by a varied mix of dwellings, centred on The Street and High Green where there are numerous historic buildings. There is scattered development of individual homes and farms away from the village core with an industrial estate to the north of the village on the B1332.

There are three existing allocations in the adopted local plan. These are: land north of the village either side of Norwich Road (BKE1), allocated for 12 dwellings and very recently developed; land at High Green Fam (BKE2) on the south side of the village allocated for 8 dwellings; and an employment allocation (BKE3) at the established Brooke Industrial Park.

Seven sites have been proposed for consideration through the GNLP.

The three sites to the east of the village centre: GNLP0490, GNLP0583 and GNLP0584 are assessed as having a potentially significant adverse impact on the historic character and form of the village, with site GNLP0490 off Mereside having potential impacts in addition on a nearby County Wildlife Site at Kirstead Wood which would need to be mitigated.

Site GNLP0432, effectively a northerly extension of the recently developed Norwich Road BKE1 housing allocation, would further reduce the separation of the village from the listed Brooke Lodge and encroach on its setting.

The small remoter sites at Waldor Cottage High Green (GNLP0579) and Howe Lane (GNLP0077) at opposite ends of the parish have constraints in relation to highways access and accessibility to services, the former having a potentially significant impact on an area of ancient woodland and the latter being particularly prone to surface water flooding as well as both sites being isolated from the village and its services.

A choice of sites has been submitted in Brooke presenting options depending on the amount of growth identified for the village through the GNLP. Site GNLP0432 appears to have the fewest constraints.

Site Promoter Details Site Site Development Description
Reference Title First Name Last Name Organisation Address Area (ha)
(2)GNLP0077 Mrs Susan Carr
The Field, Howe Lane 0.40 Residential development of an unspecified number.
(3)GNLP0432 Mr Julian Wells FW Properties Land in Norwich Road 1 Residential development of approx. 15 family houses.
(4)GNLP0490 Mr Philip Atkinson Lanpro Services Ltd Land off Mereside 1.64 Residential development of approx. 17 dwellings, and 0.76 ha of green infrastructure.
(3)GNLP0579 Mr Stephen Tring McArthur Tring Architects Waldor Cottage, High Green 0.19 Residential development, proposed as at least 10 new cottages fronting onto High Green.
(5)GNLP0583 Mr David Harvey Harvey & Co North of the Street and Laurel Farm 6.69 Residential development of approx. 150 dwellings.
(2)GNLP0584 Mr David Harvey Harvey & co West of Burgess Way 0.75 Residential development of approx. 25 dwellings.
Housing Commitment Sites (At 1 April 2017, 5 or more units only)
Address Planning Permission Ref. Allocation ref. Remaining Dwellings at 1 April 2017
High Green Farm 2014/2041 BKE 2 (South Norfolk Site Specific Allocations & Policies Document) 13
GVA Greater Norwich Employment Land Assessment Sites
Address GVA Reference Dominant Use Class Existing or Allocation?
Brooke Industrial Park SN E7 B2/B8 Existing

5.14. Broome

Settlement Summary

Broome is classified as a Service Village in the JCS. It has a range of social and community facilities and has good access to a wider range of services in Ditchingham, which it merges with at the south-western end of the village. Local road and pedestrian links provide access to Bungay to the south. Part of the parish lies within the Broads Authority area.

Two sites have been put forward for consideration for future development:

GNLP0346 (Old Yarmouth Road)is a site of 1.82 ha proposed for residential development and community facilities. The main constraints on development relate to its location in a landscape protection zone and the adjacent Broome Heath (a local open space and GI corridor, County Wildlife site and local nature reserve), and protected species in the vicinity.

GNLP0410 (Yarmouth Road)is a site of 0.88 ha that overlaps allocation site BRO1 and expands to a site for 15 to 20 dwellings.Apart from its location within a landscape protection zone, there are no significant constraints to development.

If Broome is identified as a suitable location for growth, subject to mitigating environmental impacts, both sites appear suitable for further consideration.

Site Promoter Details Site Site Development Description
Reference Title First Name Last Name Organisation Address Area (ha)
(2)GNLP0346 Mr Philip Rankin Savills Land to the North of Old Yarmouth Road 1.82 Residential development of approximately 15-20 homes, which could involve a specified area for community facilities.
GNLP0410 Mrs Amber Slater Brown & Co. Land at Yarmouth Road 0.88 Residential development of between 15 to 20 dwellings with associated access.
Housing Commitment Sites (At 1 April 2017, 5 or more units only)
Address Planning Permission Ref. Allocation ref. Remaining Dwellings at 1 April 2017
Yarmouth Road n/a BRO 1 (South Norfolk Site Specific Allocations & Policies Document) 5
Adj Broome Heath 2016/2689 BRO 2 (South Norfolk Site Specific Allocations & Policies Document) 5
GVA Greater Norwich Employment Land Assessment Sites
Address GVA Reference Dominant Use Class Existing or Allocation?

5.15. Bunwell

Settlement Summary

Bunwell is identified in the JCS as a Service Village, as it contained a range of services including a post office, butcher and convenience store along Bunwell Street, and a primary school and village hall close to The Turnpike, as well as journey to work bus services. However, an application has been received for change of use of the convenience stores, which could mean the eventual loss of one of the services. The village is formed of dispersed clusters of dwellings, some in linear form. Recently the built form has been expanded with two allocations for a total of 15 dwellings.

Five sites have been promoted, ranging from 0.7ha to just over 6ha (the latter incorporates one of the recent allocations). There are a few listed buildings to consider, but otherwise the main constraint on development would be the loss of views to the open countryside or the church, and constraining development to a suitable scale for the level of services available.

GNLP0009 is the largest site and development of the entire site would be of a scale to risk dominating the existing village (part of the site has recently been allocated, at a scale which complements the existing village). GNLP0537, 0538 and 0539 are reasonably well related to the existing built form and services, however the latter two sites provide a break in development which contributes to the character of the village and provides an open setting for the listed farmhouse. GNLP0224 does not relate as well to the settlement pattern and the location of services.

If Bunwell is identified as a suitable location for growth, reducing the depth of GNLP0537 may provide small scale development in keeping with the adjacent built form and the settlement pattern. Whilst they also offer growth options, GNLP0009, GNLP0538, and GNLP0539 are less attractive in terms of their relationship to the current built form.

Site Promoter Details Site Site Development Description
Reference Title First Name Last Name Organisation Address Area (ha)
(2)GNLP0009 Mr William Easton
Church Farm, Church Lane 6.15 Residential development of an unspecified number.
(1)GNLP0224 Mr William Easton
Land at Little Green 2.5 Employment use – light industrial
(2)GNLP0537 Mr John Mason Carter Jonas LLP Land to the North of Bunwell Street 1.03 Mixed use development of light industrial and housing of an unspecified number, with community open space and play area.
(1)GNLP0538 Mr John Mason Carter Jonas LLP Land Opposite Lilac Farm, Bunwell Street 1.63 Residential development of an unspecified number with community open space and play area.
GNLP0539 Mr John Mason Carter Jonas LLP Lilac Farm 0.78 Residential development of an unspecified number.
Housing Commitment Sites (At 1 April 2017, 5 or more units only)
Address Planning Permission Ref. Allocation ref. Remaining Dwellings at 1 April 2017
Bunwell Street 2017/0185 BUN 1 (South Norfolk Site Specific Allocations & Policies Document) 8
Adj Church Farm House, Church Lane 2016/1855 BUN 2 (South Norfolk Site Specific Allocations & Policies Document) 8
GVA Greater Norwich Employment Land Assessment Sites
Address GVA Reference Dominant Use Class Existing or Allocation?

5.16. Burston and Shimpling

Settlement Summary

Burston is identified as an 'Other Village' in the JCS and has a development boundary around the village but not the outlying hamlets of Mill Green and Shimpling. A further group of dwellings is located at Audley End. The village has limited facilities including a school, pub, outdoor recreation area and bus service.

Six sites greenfield have been put forward for the consideration for future residential development. Sites 0560, 0561 and 0562 to the west of the village are beyond the settlement boundary, as is site 1028 to the north and as such these are considered disconnected from the village and unsympathetic to the form and character of the village. Site 1028 is also significantly constrained by access issues.

Site 0386 is adjacent to the settlement boundary to the south on Rectory Road though there is an open field opposite, which would result in extending the village further into the countryside. Site 0349 is also adjacent to the settlement boundary to the north east on Gissing Road and opposite residential development. Both 0386 and 0349 are outside the conservation area and close to the local school. In addition, the sites are within the 3,000 m buffer of SSSI Shelfanger Meadows to the west.

If Burston is identified for growth through the GNLP, a number of site options are available, though in all cases constraints would have to be addressed. In addition, any growth in Burston would have to address sewerage infrastructure constraints.

Site Promoter Details Site Site Development Description
Reference Title First Name Last Name Organisation Address Area (ha)
(6)GNLP0349 Mr Philip Rankin Savills Land to the West of Gissing Road 1.54 Residential development of approx. 15-20 dwellings, with landscaping and open space.
(4)GNLP0386 Mr William Lusty Savills Land at Burston, Rectory Road 2.44 Residential development of an unspecified number.
(5)GNLP0560 Mr Andrew Cann Planning Direct Diss Road 1.51 Residential development of approx. 5 dwellings, proposed as 'Stonnet-Haus' type homes.
(6)GNLP0561 Mr Andrew Cann Planning Direct Diss Road 0.88 Residential development, proposed as 30 'starter homes'.
(3)GNLP0562 Mr Andrew Cann Planning Direct Diss Road 0.75 Residential development, proposed for one dwelling.
(1)GNLP1028 Mr Mark Philpot One Planning Consultants Land east of Mill Road, Crown Farm Barn 0.3 Residential development of 5 dwellings
Housing Commitment Sites (At 1 April 2017, 5 or more units only)
Address Planning Permission Ref. Allocation ref. Remaining Dwellings at 1 April 2017
GVA Greater Norwich Employment Land Assessment Sites
Address GVA Reference Dominant Use Class Existing or Allocation?

5.17. Caistor St Edmund

Settlement Summary

Caistor St Edmund is a Small Rural Community in the South Norfolk Site Allocations and Policies Document. It is classified as an Other Village the JCS, however the services identified, although technically in the parish, are not in the village. Caistor St Edmund does not therefore have a defined development boundary.

Five sites have been put forward for consideration within this parish, 0131, 0485, 0491, 0532, and 0087. However, these sites are closer to Poringland settlement therefore these are discussed in the Poringland section of this document with the exception of site 0532 (see below).

Site 0532 is located in the countryside north of the village on Stoke Road, adjacent to the water works. There are limited services and facilities close to the site. Other constraints include surface water flooding. Also, Caistor St Edmund Chalk Pit SSSI is 90m north east of the site, and it is within 400m buffer of an Ancient Monument.

The site is not well related to services and facilities and development here could have an effect on designated areas as well as the Tas Valley landscape. The site is therefore heavily constrained.

Site Promoter Details Site Site Development Description
Reference Title First Name Last Name Organisation Address Area (ha)
(14)GNLP0131 Mr Mark Thompson Small Fish Land East of French Church Farm, Caistor Lane 1.23 Residential development of an unspecified number.
(25)GNLP0485 Mr Philip Atkinson Lanpro Services Ltd Land North of Caistor Lane, 36.33 Residential development of approx. 180 dwellings, proposed with 24ha for a new 'Caistor County Park'.
(19)GNLP0491 Mr Philip Atkinson Lanpro Services Ltd Land South of Caistor Lane 9.71 Residential development of an unspecified number and public open space.
(2)GNLP0532 Mr James Garnham K Garnham Design Land East of Norwich Road 0.5 Residential development of approx. 5 dwellings.
(9)GNLP1047 Mrs Susan Barber
Pine Lodge School of Classical Equitation, Pine Loke 2.81 Mixed development of an Unspecified Amount
Housing Commitment Sites (At 1 April 2017, 5 or more units only)
Address Planning Permission Ref. Allocation ref. Remaining Dwellings at 1 April 2017
North of Heath Farm 2014/1302 n/a 16
GVA Greater Norwich Employment Land Assessment Sites
Address GVA Reference Dominant Use Class Existing or Allocation?
Ex-MOD site, Pine Loke SN A21 Sui Generis Allocation

5.18. Carleton Rode

Settlement Summary

The JCS identifies Carleton Rode as a Service Village, as it contains a village hall, a primary school, and public transport services. The settlement pattern is linear and fragmented, and the principal constraints are the listed buildings and surface water flood risk, along with the capacity constraints and operational impacts on the sewage treatment works on the edge of the village.

Three sites have been proposed in Carleton Rode but only one is actually a new site. GNLP0438 and GNLP0439 are both recent allocations and would therefore not contribute additional growth beyond that planned for in the adopted local plan. GNLP0547 is along The Turnpike, close to a cluster of dwellings but remote from the centre of the village, providing a significant constraint.

Site Promoter Details Site Site Development Description
Reference Title First Name Last Name Organisation Address Area (ha)
(1)GNLP0438 Mrs Amber Slater Brown & Co. Land South of Flaxlands Road 0.53 Residential development of approx. 11 dwellings with associated access.
(4)GNLP0439 Mrs Amber Slater Brown & Co. Land West of Rode Lane 0.2 Residential development of approx. 10 dwellings with associated access.
(7)GNLP0547 Mrs Susan Dennis
Carleton Barn, Rode Lane 1.17 Residential development of approx. 10-15 dwellings.
Housing Commitment Sites (At 1 April 2017, 5 or more units only)
Address Planning Permission Ref. Allocation ref. Remaining Dwellings at 1 April 2017
Cooks Garage 2010/1776 n/a 2
West of Rode Lane n/a CAR 1 5
Flaxlands Road n/a CAR 2 5
GVA Greater Norwich Employment Land Assessment Sites
Address GVA Reference Dominant Use Class Existing or Allocation?

5.19. Chedgrave (see Loddon)

5.20. Claxton

Settlement Summary

Claxton is classified as an Other Village in the JCS. The parish contains very limited services comprising of a village hall and bus service. The village is located on the edge of the Broads Authority Area with development concentrated in a linear form along The Street

One site has been put forward for the consideration for future development through the GNLP. Site GNLP0530 is a greenfield site located to the north of Ashby St Mary off Church Lane, a narrow country lane with no footpaths. Development would intrude into the mostly open agricultural landscape separating Ashby from Claxton and Hellington and is not considered sympathetic to the character of the area. The site is has poor access to services, occupiers are likely to be highly dependent upon the use of the private car. The site falls within the buffer zones of designated national and international environmental sites, there is a designated species recorded at this site and it is within higher grade (two) agricultural land. Overall, therefore, there are significant constraints on the site.

Site Promoter Details Site Site Development Description
Reference Title First Name Last Name Organisation Address Area (ha)
(7)GNLP0530 Mr James Garnham K Garnham Design Land West of Claxton Church Road 1.79 Residential development of approx. 8 dwellings.
Housing Commitment Sites (At 1 April 2017, 5 or more units only)
Address Planning Permission Ref. Allocation ref. Remaining Dwellings at 1 April 2017
GVA Greater Norwich Employment Land Assessment Sites
Address GVA Reference Dominant Use Class Existing or Allocation?

5.21. Colney

Settlement Summary

Colney is a small village, but the parish is a strategic employment location, including parts of the Norwich Research Park and the Norfolk & Norwich and Spire hospitals. It is situated on the B1108 close to the A47. The River Yare forms the parish boundary, therefore some areas are prone to fluvial and surface water flood issues and may be ecologically sensitive. The parish is also partially covered by landscape policies protecting the A47 Norwich southern bypass and the river valley landscape.

Eight sites have been submitted for consideration, two of which (GNLP0140 – A and B) are proposed for leisure use. Both sites are within a recently granted permission (2016/0233) for new sports pitches, pavilion/club house, parking areas, and equipment storage facility; the allocation of these would be consistent with the existing planning permission on the sites. Other sites range from 0.6ha to 63.5ha and are proposed for housing or employment uses, giving various theoretical options for growth.

The sites proposed for housing are within walking distance of major employers and close to a bus route, but otherwise remote from services:

  • GNLP0158 (Land at Hall Farm, Watton Road), a site of just under 3ha which is not well-related to the existing built form;
  • GNLP0514 (Old Watton Road) is an 0.6ha site in the river valley, almost adjacent to a small group of dwellings;
  • GNLP0253 (Colney Hall) is over 26ha, is currently in use as a residential dwelling, with ancillary buildings in use as offices and with a recent permission for a pre-school. This site is proposed for 200 retirement properties and a research facility;
  • GNLP0592 (32 Watton Road) is a site of just under 3ha proposed for housing or an extension to the research park which is not well related to the existing built form. It is in the Norwich Southern Bypass Landscape Protection Zone, but is adjacent to GNLP0331 and could form part of a larger employment allocation.

Sites proposed for employment are:

  • GNLP0331 (Land adjacent to Norwich Research Park) is a 63.5ha site which partially overlaps an employment allocation (by 4ha) and would be incremental growth when the allocation is built out but is entirely within the Norwich Southern Bypass Landscape Protection Zone;
  • GNLP0140-C is a 7.52 hectare site already permitted for an innovation centre and is now proposed for university-related development.

To conclude, the sites proposed for housing and retirement properties do not relate well to the existing built form of the settlement; the sites proposed for employment over and above those already allocated may be suitable for expansion of existing institutions if this is necessary, and if landscape policies to protect the setting of the A47 are reviewed. Site GNLP0140 A-C have existing planning permissions.

Site Promoter Details Site Site Development Description
Reference Title First Name Last Name Organisation Address Area (ha)
(49)GNLP0140 A- C Mr John Long Bidwells University of East Anglia Sites Adjacent to Norwich Research Park and Jones Innes Institute


University research and teaching uses, a sports pavilion, and car parking:

A: Proposed Colney Lane Clubhouse/Pavilion and Artificial Grass Match Pitch (application ref: 2016/0233);

B: Colney Lane Car Park extension - included as part of Clubhouse/Pavilion (application ref: 2016/0233); and,

C: UEA 'Triangle Site' university related development such as teaching / research / accommodation / general infrastructure / ancillary uses.

(20)GNLP0158 Mr Vince Douglas
Land at Hall Farm, Watton Road 2.92 Residential development of an unspecified number dwellings.
(24)GNLP0253 Mr Feng Li Lixin Ltd Colney Hall, Watton Road 26.3 Mixed-use residential development, proposed for 200 retirement properties, an associated facility for life-long learning and support, and a well-being therapy centre.
(5)GNLP0331 Mr Michael Carpenter CODE Development Planners Ltd Land adjacent to Norwich Research Park 63.55 Commercial and employment – business, office, academic, medical and healthcare facilities.
(22)GNLP0514 Mr Shaun Vincent Abzag Ltd Old Watton Road 0.59 Residential development for an unspecified numbers of dwellings.
GNLP0592 Mrs Sondra Gorick
32 Watton Road 2.99 Residential development of an unspecified number or continuation of the Research Park.
Housing Commitment Sites (At 1 April 2017, 5 or more units only)
Address Planning Permission Ref. Allocation ref. Remaining Dwellings at 1 April 2017
GVA Greater Norwich Employment Land Assessment Sites
Address GVA Reference Dominant Use Class Existing or Allocation?
Adjacent to NRP SN A1 B1b/Sui Generis Allocation
Rear/east of Inst Food Research SN A2 Sui Generis Allocation
Colney Hall SN E23 Sui Generis Existing

5.22. Costessey

Settlement Summary

Costessey is a suburb on the fringes of the Norwich urban area. Along with Easton, it is identified in the JCS as a major growth location and has seen significant amounts of development in recent years. The parish has one of the largest populations in South Norfolk. As well as benefiting from facilities in Norwich, residents have access to a wide range of shops, services, and leisure facilities, a recently developed medical centre, and a strategic employment area at Longwater. The Royal Norfolk Showground is an important asset to the local economy. Costessey residents have good access to the NRP including UEA and the N&N University Hospital.

The valley of the River Tud divides Old Costessey and Queens Hills from New Costessey. To the north the River Wensum is a designated Special Area of Conservation (SAC) and contains a number of Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) and County Wildlife Sites (CWS). Therefore, there are river valley landscape, ecology and heritage constraints in this area. With two rivers running through it, Costessey has areas at risk of fluvial and surface water flooding. Costessey parish has access to the A47 at Longwater junction, which is under significant pressure, and to Norwich via Dereham Road, which is also under pressure.

Eleven sites have been proposed for development, ranging from 0.4ha up to 49.6ha, potentially providing a range of options for development.

Two sites have significant constraints:

  • GNLP0039 (north of Townhouse Rd) is a site of 11.39ha. It has a number of significant constraints, is surrounded by undeveloped land that includes a sewage pumping station and has no access to Townhouse Road. It is not well related to the existing settlement pattern.
  • GNLP0510 (off Longwater Lane) is a small site of 0.4ha. The majority of the site is in a designated river valley and at risk of flooding. It contains a bowls club currently protected as important local open space. It has no suitable access.

The remaining nine sites are:

  • GNLP0206 (Cleves Way/Longwater Lane) is a large site of 17.82ha but has a significant band of land at risk of flooding, and avoiding this area means the site would need to be considered with GNLP0284 (a 3.86ha site off Townhouse Road) for access and to form a cohesive development. However, GNLP0206 and GNLP0284 together would almost close the gap between Old Costessey and New Costessey. Both sites are entirely within the designated river valley and GNLP0284 may impact on the setting of the church; landscaping and ecology mitigation are very likely to be required.
  • GNLP0238 (north of Farmland Road) would be an extension of existing development in New Costessey – it would need mitigation to deal with surface water flood issues and avoid harmful impact on the adjacent CWS, but is otherwise largely unconstrained.
  • GNLP0243 (off Longwater Lane) is a site of 2.75ha. Approximately half the site is in a designated river valley. Access between a dwelling and a belt of TPO trees is constrained and could be difficult to improve.
  • GNLP0266 (Costessey Landfill Site, and adjoining land) is a large site over 46ha proposed for housing and employment use located on Dereham Road between the Longwater employment area and Round Well Park (a Gipsy and Travellers site) and opposite recent housing development at Lodge Farm. Part of the site contains a closed landfill and an area under consideration by Norfolk County Council for a Longwater link road. Other constraints affecting parts of the site include risks of surface water flooding on some areas, a County Wildlife site, and areas of semi-natural habitat.
  • GNLP0468 (off Ringland Lane) is a site of 4.3ha that lies between a garden centre and a small cluster of dwellings in a less-developed part of the parish between Queens Hills and Costessey Pits. It is not well related to the existing settlement pattern;
  • GNLP0489 (off Gunton Lane) is a site of 2.57ha. Constraints include its location in a river valley, impact on the Marriots Way, adjacent County Wildlife Sites and flood risk on parts of the site.
  • GNLP0581, (off Long Lane and New Road) is a large site of nearly 50ha adjacent to Bowthorpe and the Lodge Farm development. While it is mostly in Bawburgh parish it relates well to Costessey and is in an area currently being considered for a boundary change. Constraints include woodland, overhead power cables, adjacent contaminated land, and a strip of land at risk of surface water flooding, but the site is large enough for development to avoid these. Most of the site is within the designated river valley and the entire site is within the southern bypass landscape protection zone although it has potential to provide green infrastructure linking Lodge Farm and Bowthorpe with Bawburgh Lakes.
  • GNLP0593 (Roundwell works) would be an infill site of 1.27ha, redeveloped from an existing employment use. It was previously allocated in the 2003 South Norfolk Local Plan for housing. It has few constraints, but would entail the loss of local employment.

To conclude, subject to decisions on the quantum of housing/employment to be allocated to Costessey and any on-site mitigation required, the sites which appear to be better related to the existing settlement pattern and/or the least constrained are GNLP0593 (Roundwell works); parts of GNLP0206 and GNLP0284 together; GNLP0238 (north of Farmland Road) and parts of GNLP0266 (Costessey Landfill Site, and adjoining land), and GNLP0581 (off Long Lane and New Road).

Site Promoter Details Site Site Development Description
Reference Title First Name Last Name Organisation Address Area (ha)
(6)GNLP0039 Mr Scott Parke TW Gaze Land to the North East of Town House Road 11.39 Residential development of an unspecified number of dwellings.
(7)GNLP0206 Mr Mark Knight Taylor Wimpey Land South of Cleves Way / East of Longwater Lane 17.82 Residential development of an unspecified number of dwellings.
(7)GNLP0238 Mr Stuart Willsher Boyer Planning Land North of Farmland Road 7.09 Residential development of approx. 83 dwellings, and public open space.
(5)GNLP0243 Mr Stuart Willsher Boyer Planning 12 Longwater Lane 2.75 Residential development of an unspecified number of dwellings.
(4)GNLP0266 Mr Henry Bonham RPS Group Plc Costessey Landfill Site, and adjoining land, Dereham Road 46.62 Mixed use development, comprising an unspecified amount of residential development, employment uses near to the Longwater Industrial Estate, and public open space. Master planning of the site is dependent on considerations for the Longwater Link Road.
(7)GNLP0284 Mr Richard Seamark Carter Jonas LLP Land at Town House Road 3.86 Residential development of approx. 92 dwellings, and open space.
(2)GNLP0468 Mr Edward Plumb Brown & Co. Land off Ringland Lane 4.43 Residential development of approximately 50 dwellings with open space.
(5)GNLP0489 Mr Ian Douglass Lanpro Services Ltd Land off Gunton Lane 2.57 Residential development of an unspecified number.
(7)GNLP0510 Mr and Mrs Stephen and Allison Miles
Side and Rear of 61 Longwater Lane 0.4 Residential development of approx. 6 homes.
(2)GNLP0593 Ms Sally Minns Tredwell Developments Ltd Roundwell Works Site 1.27 Residential development for approx. 55 dwellings.
Housing Commitment Sites (At 1 April 2017, 5 or more units only)
Address Planning Permission Ref. Allocation ref. Remaining Dwellings at 1 April 2017
Queen's Hill/North of the River Tud 2007/1443, 2008/1569, 2015/0570 n/a 220
Hampton View/West of Lodge Farm 2013/0567, 2016/0402 COS 1 (South Norfolk Site Specific Allocations & Policies Document) 402
Townhouse Road 2014/1440 n/a 62
Bridge Farm 2003/0614 n/a 3
GVA Greater Norwich Employment Land Assessment Sites
Address GVA Reference Dominant Use Class Existing or Allocation?
Longwater (n) SN A3 A/B2/B8 Allocation
Longwater (n) SN A4 A/B2/B8 Allocation
Longwater (n) SN A5 A/B2/B8 Allocation
Longwater (n) SN A6 A/B2/B8 Allocation
Longwater (n) SN E8 A/B2/B8 Existing
Longwater (s) SN E9 B8/Sui Generis Existing
Longwater (n) SN E10 A/B2/B8 Existing

5.23. Cringleford

Settlement Summary

Cringleford is classified as an Urban Fringe Parish and major growth location in the JCS. It benefits from good transport links into the city centre, is close to the UEA, N&N University Hospital and Norwich Research Park, and also hosts three community halls, a primary school, some local employment, two convenience stores and a GP surgery. Cringleford Neighbourhood Plan identifies areas for housing, commercial development, a new school, a strategic gap separating it from Hethersett, allotments, green infrastructure corridors and protected areas.

Cringleford contains a stretch of the A11 and A47 (the latter has a landscape policy aiming to prevent the A47 becoming the hard boundary for the built-up area) and part of the Thickthorn Junction where the two roads meet. The River Yare forms much of the parish boundary, and the river valley landscape is also protected by long-standing policy. Between these two landscape policy areas, there is a small conservation area containing a cluster of listed buildings. There are areas of fluvial and surface water flooding and the parish also contains a few CWSs.

There are five sites promoted for development within the parish, but one of these (GNLP0486) is principally in Hethersett parish, and is summarised in that section. The four other sites are in the north of the parish.

GNLP0461 (2.7ha proposed for housing) is adjacent to the River Yare within the designated river valley and has some areas at risk of surface water flooding which could be avoided. There is a CWS adjacent to the site and woodland to the north, south and east, meaning ecological mitigation may be extensive. Cringleford Neighbourhood Plan protects this area.

GNLP0244 (7.3ha) is a road frontage site along Colney Lane between the existing built up area and the hospital. The site is currently plantation woodland and is proposed for university-related uses and potentially housing. The woodland is currently publicly accessible and designated as a locally important space; development of the site would impact on the green infrastructure corridor effect of the river valley and remove publicly accessible leisure space, while creating a townscape in a prominent position above the UEA and river (the entire site is in the designated river valley). A very small part of the site is at risk of surface water flooding and the site is 130m from the River Yare CWS.

GNLP0307 (44ha) covers an area identified in the Cringleford Neighbourhood Plan for housing and a school; the proposal is for housing, a primary school with early years facility and public open spaces, reflecting a planning permission on the site. The site encroaches onto the A47 landscape protection zone and the strategic gap between Cringleford and Hethersett. There are areas at risk of surface water flooding running through the site which would need to be avoided or mitigated.

GNLP0327 (8.4ha) is also adjacent to the A47 and Thickthorn junction, and mostly overlaps the A47 landscape protection zone and the strategic gap between Cringleford and Hethersett. A small part of this site overlaps the area identified in the Cringleford Neighbourhood Plan for housing. The land is proposed for mixed use development and would form a gateway to the settlement. Due to the proximity to the A47 and Thickthorn junction, the site's air and noise pollution could be high.

GNLP0307 is already permitted. Subject to growth plans for Cringleford, most of this site and a small part of GNLP0327, minus the parts which overlap with the A47/strategic gap, may be suitable locations for development. The other sites are considered less appropriate due to their contribution to both ecological and publicly accessible green infrastructure and impact on the river valley landscape.

Site Promoter Details Site Site Development Description
Reference Title First Name Last Name Organisation Address Area (ha)
(144)GNLP0244 Mr John Long Bidwells University of East Anglia Sites Adjacent to Colney Lane 7.34 University related development e.g. teaching, research, accommodation, general infrastructure, ancillary uses. Norwich Research Park related uses. Potential residential development.
(8)GNLP0307 Mr William Nichols Strutt & Parker Land South-west of Newfound Farm, Colney Lane 44.7 Residential development of an unspecified number, incorporating a primary school, a small local centre and public open spaces.
(2)GNLP0327 Mr Michael Carpenter CODE Development Planners Ltd Land adjacent Newmarket Road 8.46 Type of development unspecified.
(97)GNLP0461 Mr Edward Plumb Brown & Co. Land off Gurney Lane 2.79 Residential development of approx. 40 dwellings with open space.
Housing Commitment Sites (At 1 April 2017, 5 or more units only)
Address Planning Permission Ref. Allocation ref. Remaining Dwellings at 1 April 2017
Neighbourhood Plan allocation 2013/1494, 2013/1793 HOU1 (Cringleford Neighbourhood Development Plan) 1,300
Roundhouse Park/North of the A11 2008/2347 n/a 92
Cringleford Business Centre, Intwood Road 2015/2843 n/a 35
West of the former Primary School, Cantley Lane 2012/1644 n/a 24
Newfound Farm 2015/0845, 2015/0846 n/a 5
GVA Greater Norwich Employment Land Assessment Sites
Address GVA Reference Dominant Use Class Existing or Allocation?
Jewson and Schofield Publishing SN E20 B2/B8/Sui Generis Existing

5.24. Denton

Settlement Summary

The JCS classifies Denton as an Other Village; it has a village hall, part-time post office and car repair garage. The village also shares a primary school with Alburgh, approximately a mile away.

Two sites have been promoted in the village, GNLP0168 (3.2ha) and GNLP0193 (5.7ha). Neither site is well related to the existing village as defined by the settlement boundary, with both sites adjacent to Upland Farm and Upland Terrace, just over 400m to the north of the main part of the village. Both sites have some areas at risk of surface water flooding but these could be avoided. GNLP0193 would impact on the setting of a listed building, but this could be mitigated. The combined sites are not large enough to provide or support a new school or other service. Due to their poor relationship with the existing village and the lack of accessible services, these sites are heavily constrained.

Site Promoter Details Site Site Development Description
Reference Title First Name Last Name Organisation Address Area (ha)
GNLP0168 Mr Malcolm Skinner
North of Upland Terrace Council Houses, Norwich Road 3.13 Residential development of an unspecified number.
GNLP0193 Mrs Janet Howman
Upland Farm (Land Surrounding the Farm) 5.64 Residential development of an unspecified number.
Housing Commitment Sites (At 1 April 2017, 5 or more units only)
Address Planning Permission Ref. Allocation ref. Remaining Dwellings at 1 April 2017
GVA Greater Norwich Employment Land Assessment Sites
Address GVA Reference Dominant Use Class Existing or Allocation?

5.25. Dickleburgh & Rushall

Settlement Summary

Dickleburgh is classified as a Service Village in the JCS and has two sites allocated through the current local plan. The village has a range of basic services and facilities supporting everyday needs, including a primary school, journey to work public transport, a local shop, pub and a village hall.

Thirteen sites have been put forward for consideration for allocation through the GNLP. Sites comprise a range of sizes (0.56 – 5.33ha) giving various options for growth.

The historic centre of the village is along The Street with more recent developments mainly east of the former main A140. Sites with good access to The Street, and consequently to the shop, church and pub, the bus route and the junctions with the A140 bypass include: GNLP0199, 0217, 0239, 0230, 0361, 0498, and 0518. Potential impact on listed buildings and the setting of the Conservation area vary.

Sites GNLP0063, 0256, 0257, 0258, 0259 and 0389 to the east of the village have less impact of the historic core, but instead raise highways concerns by drawing more traffic along narrow lanes like Rectory Road and Harvey Lane.

Surface water flood risk may impact on the net developable area of sites GNLP0063, 0256, 0230, 0257, 0361 and 0518.

Sites 0199, 0256, 0257 are relatively close to the existing waste water treatment works and the latter two appear to have access constraints that could be resolved through 0199.

GNLP0063, 0217 0259 and 0389 are less well related to the current built form of the village.

In conclusion, if Dickleburgh is identified for further development, a range of growth options is available, subject to overcoming site specific constraints.

Site Promoter Details Site Site Development Description
Reference Title First Name Last Name Organisation Address Area (ha)
(23)GNLP0063 Mrs Carey Pascoe
Land to the Southern side of Harvey Lane / Langmere Road 1.15 Residential development of an unspecified number.
(23)GNLP0199 Mrs Renata Garfoot South Norfolk Council Land North of Rectory Road 2.54 Residential development of approx. 80 dwellings with open space.
(17)GNLP0217 Mr Will Prewer CBRE Land Adjacent to Bridge Farm 3.86

Residential development of an unspecified number.

Residential development to assist in achieving the housing development targets set out as part of the wider Norwich plan.

(20)GNLP0230 Mr Will Prewer CBRE Land Opposite Bridge Farm 1.27 Residential development of an unspecified number.
(19)GNLP0256 Mr Will Prewer CBRE Land to the North of Rectory Road 2.79 Residential development of an unspecified number.
(19)GNLP0257 Mr Will Prewer CBRE Land to the North of Rectory Road 4.32 Residential development of an unspecified number.
(14)GNLP0258 Mr Will Prewer CBRE Land to the South of Rectory road 1.89 Residential development of an unspecified number.
(16)GNLP0259 Mr Will Prewer CBRE Land to the South of Rectory Road 1.51 Residential development of an unspecified number.
(26)GNLP0350 Mr Philip Rankin Savills Land to the West of Ipswich Road 1 Residential development of approx. 25-30 dwellings with open space.
(21)GNLP0361 Mr Will Wright Savills Off Ipswich Road 0.56 Residential development of up to 10 dwellings.
(24)GNLP0389 Mr William Lusty Savills Land at Dickleburgh, Harvey Lane 3.31 Residential development of approx. 100 dwellings.
(30)GNLP0498 Mr Iain Hill Ingleton Wood LLP Land East of Ipswich Road and North of Common Road 2.98 Residential development of an unspecified number.
(23)GNLP0516 Mrs Nicole Wright La Ronde Wright Limited Land off Norwich Road 5.33 Mixed-use residential-led development of approx. 80 dwellings, small business unit, and landscaping.
Housing Commitment Sites (At 1 April 2017, 5 or more units only)
Address Planning Permission Ref. Allocation ref. Remaining Dwellings at 1 April 2017
Mount Pleasant, Norwich Road 2012/2177 n/a 15
Langmere Road n/a DIC 1 (South Norfolk Site Specific Allocations & Policies Document) 20
GVA Greater Norwich Employment Land Assessment Sites
Address GVA Reference Dominant Use Class Existing or Allocation?

5.26. Diss

Settlement Summary

The Joint Core Strategy classifies Diss as a Main Town. The town has a good range of shops and services for its size, including two supermarkets and a high school, reflecting its role as a market town serving a wider rural hinterland.

It has an attractive historical town centre with a conservation area. From an economy and jobs perspective, notable features are that the Norwich-London railway stops at Diss and the Mid Suffolk Business Park (formerly Eye Airfield) is nearby.

Existing housing allocations at the edges of the Town are DIS 1 Land north of Vince's Road, DIS 2 Land off Park Road, DIS 3 Land off Denmark Lane, DIS 4 Land north of Frenze Hall Lane, and Dis 5 Former haulage depot, Victoria Road. Mixed use allocations are at the south of the Town Centre: DIS 6 Former Hamlins Factory Site, Park Road; and, DIS 7 Feather Mill, Park Road. Employment allocations are concentrated to the east of the railway line: DIS 8 Land at Station Road/Nelson Road, DIS 9 Land at Sandy Lane (north of Diss Business Park), and DIS 10 Diss Business Park.

Fourteen sites have been put forward for consideration for future development through the GNLP.

There is a grouping of six sites to the north of Diss, some of which cross into neighbouring parishes, reference numbers: GNLP0119, 0250, 0291, 0342, 0362, and 0606. These sites could be developed partially, in full, or possibly as a larger scheme to expand the town northwards along the Shelfanger Road. Whilst in principle suitable, site specific issues will need addressing, these include acceptable access points along the Shelfanger Road, utilities upgrades, consideration of impact on nearby ecological habitats, regard to landscape impact, and implications on the local road network.

There are six sites to the east of the town near to the railway station and existing allocations. Site GNLP0102, east of the railway, is proposed for residential use in an area where industrial premises tend to dominate, presenting possible concerns over managing incompatible neighbouring uses. Likewise with Site GNLP1045, also east of the rail station, a proposal for residential use on part of an employment allocation DIS 8, therefore applicant may be required demonstrate that continued employment use on that portion of the site is not viable. Site GNLP0112, on Frenze Hall Lane, is 0.23 ha but appears constrained by its access where the road bends and passes under the railway bridge. Site GNLP1044 is located adjacent to housing allocation DIS4 and the development boundary west of the train line which may require noise mitigation measures. It also has significant highway constraints. Site GNLP1003 is located beyond the development boundary and in close proximity to Walcot Green. Site GNLP0185, west of the railway, is part of the existing allocation DIS1, is thought suitable for housing; and is a continuation of recent development just to the north from Prince William Way.

There are other proposed residential schemes situated around the town. GNLP0104 is a 0.48 ha site off Sandstone Way to the west of the town. Near the centre of the town, GNLP0341 has several advantages of location but it could be to the detriment of Mount Street Gardens, considered an Important Local Open Space in South Norfolk planning policies. GNLP0599 has potential to be a continuation of development along Walcot Green. GNLP1038 is a greenfield site adjacent to Diss Football Club off Brewers Green Lane. Within Roydon parish it is located between the development boundaries of Diss and Roydon. In landscape terms, it is within the river valley which provides a green wedge between the two settlements and development here could lead to coalescence between Roydon and Diss. There are also heritage issues in relation to this site.

Dependent on the growth strategy identified for Diss through the GNLP, there are several small to medium sized sites promoted in and around the town, especially to the north along Shelfanger Road, which provide options for growth. Sites could be considered individually, or in combination, though the principle of de-allocating employment sites to residential use would require further evidence. An overriding consideration is congestion on the A1066 and the need for evidence that the highway network could accommodate the sites promoted.

Site Promoter Details Site Site Development Description
Reference Title First Name Last Name Organisation Address Area (ha)
(2)GNLP0102 Mr David Miller North Associates Frontier Agriculture Ltd, Sandy Lane 3.61 Residential development of an unspecified number.
(2)GNLP0112 Mr Martin Howe Peter Codling Architects Land at Frenze Hall Lane 0.23 Residential development of an unspecified number.
(2)GNLP0185 Mr Oliver Chapman TW Gaze Land to the South of Prince William Way 1.01 Residential development of an unspecified number.
(5)GNLP0250 Ms Nicky Parsons Pegasus Planning Group Land at Heywood Road 3.00 Residential development of an unspecified number.
(31)GNLP0341 Mr Richard Martin M Scott Properties Ltd Land between Shelfanger Road and Mount Street 3.21 Residential development of 35 retirement living units, 5 detached dwellings, and land set aside for future Health Centre expansion.
(5)GNLP0342 Mr Richard Martin M Scott Properties Ltd Land East of Shelfanger Road 4.76 Residential development of approx. 100 dwellings and open space.
(2)GNLP0599 Mr Edward Baskerville TW Gaze Land off Walcot Road, Walcot Green 3.29 Residential development for an undetermined number of dwellings.
(3)GNLP1003 Mrs Liz Bishop
The Grange, Walcot Green 2.02 Residential development of an unspecified amount.
(4)GNLP1044 Mr John Turner Turner Morum LLP Land North of Frenze Hall Lane and West of Walcot Green 10.95 Residential development and public open space
(4)GNLP1045 Mr John Turner Turner Morum LLP Land West of Nelson Road and East of Station Road 0.94 Residential development of an unspecified number
(5)GNLP0606 Mr Kenneth Steward Boundary Farm, Shelfanger Rd 3.00 Residential development of an unspecified number
Housing Commitment Sites (At 1 April 2017, 5 or more units only)
Address Planning Permission Ref. Allocation ref. Remaining Dwellings at 1 April 2017
Frenze Hall Lane n/a


(South Norfolk Site Specific Allocations & Policies Document)

North of Vinces Road n/a


(South Norfolk Site Specific Allocations & Policies Document)

Feather Mills site (part of site only) n/a


(South Norfolk Site Specific Allocations & Policies Document)

South of Park Road n/a


(South Norfolk Site Specific Allocations & Policies Document)

Victoria Road 2017/0042


(South Norfolk Site Specific Allocations & Policies Document)

Former Hamlins site (part of site only) n/a


(South Norfolk Site Specific Allocations & Policies Document)

Rackham's Builders Yard 2016/2000 n/a 6
38-39 Victoria Road 2007/2022 n/a 2
GVA Greater Norwich Employment Land Assessment Sites
Address GVA Reference Dominant Use Class Existing or Allocation?
Sandy Lane, north of Diss Bus. Park SN A7 B8 Allocation
Station Road/Nelson Road SN A8 Vacant Allocation
North of Diss Business Park SN A9 Vacant Allocation
Sandy Lane, Sawmills Farm SN E5 B2/B8/Sui Generis Existing
Vinces Road SN E6 B2/B8/Sui Generis Existing

5.27. Ditchingham

Settlement Summary

The JCS identifies Ditchingham as a Service Village, as it contains a primary school, village hall and shop. Ditchingham abuts the smaller village of Broome to the east, and there is no clear boundary between the two villages – see the Broome summary for sites falling within that parish.

Most of the village's listed buildings are concentrated within the conservation area which is a significant constraint, as is the close proximity of Broome Heath SSSI/CWS/LNR which is immediately adjacent to the village. The village sits entirely within the designated river valley landscape and there are areas throughout the village which are at risk of surface water flooding. The Broads Authority executive area also lies very close to Ditchingham.

Five sites have been promoted for development ranging from 0.4ha to 5.5ha in size. All sites are reasonably well-related to the existing built form of the village.

GNLP0205 is spread over two sites, totalling 0.4ha, both of which are entirely within the conservation area. The smaller site has surface water flood issues and appears to be an access road; the larger site provides amenity space for existing housing. This site is therefore heavily constrained.

GNLP0078 (0.7ha) is adjacent to the rear of housing along Station Road. Although the site shape will constrain the layout, the site could be suitable for housing with mitigation to address heritage impacts.

GNLP0343 (0.7ha) has a small area at risk of surface water flooding, which could be avoided. The site could impact on the setting of the conservation area, but subject to suitable boundary treatment could be suitable for housing.

GNLP0345 (1.6ha) has a small area at risk of surface water flooding, which could be avoided. This site is adjacent to Broome Heath, but ecology advice suggests that with appropriate mitigation this site could be developed.

GNLP0373 (5.5ha) is the largest site, and although it is well related to the recent allocation, this has not yet been permitted. The site would therefore not be contiguous with the existing village. There is a large area within the site which is at risk of surface water flooding, which could be avoided. It is also close to Broome Heath which may require mitigation.

If Ditchingham is identified for growth, a range of site options is available. Small scale housing development may be appropriate on GNLP0078, GNLP0343 and GNLP0345. If further sites are required, GNLP0373 and GNLP0078 may also be suitable.

Site Promoter Details Site Site Development Description
Reference Title First Name Last Name Organisation Address Area (ha)
GNLP0078 Mrs Rebecca Rejzek Bidwells Land off Loddon Road 0.72 Residential development of approx. 8-16 dwellings and associated public open space.
GNLP0205 Mrs Renata Garfoot South Norfolk Council Land North West of Scudamore Place, Hollow Hill Road 0.41 Residential development of approx. 14 dwellings.
(1)GNLP0343 Mr Philip Rankin Savills Land adjoining Wildflower Way 0.74 Residential development of approx. 15 dwellings.
(3)GNLP0345 Mr Philip Rankin Savills Land to the North of Loddon Road 1.62 Residential development of approx. 50 dwellings.
GNLP0373 Mr Andrew Shirley
Thwaite Road / Tunneys Lane 5.58 Residential development of an unspecified number.
Housing Commitment Sites (At 1 April 2017, 5 or more units only)
Address Planning Permission Ref. Allocation ref. Remaining Dwellings at 1 April 2017
Tunney's Lane Field n/a DIT 1 (South Norfolk Site Specific Allocations & Policies Document) 20
GVA Greater Norwich Employment Land Assessment Sites
Address GVA Reference Dominant Use Class Existing or Allocation?

5.28. Earsham

Settlement Summary

The JCS identifies Earsham as a Service Village; it contains a primary school, pub, garage and village hall. The main constraints in the village are a significant swathe of land at risk of fluvial flooding in the designated river valley which almost encircles the village, the Broads Authority executive area which lies just to its north, and some listed buildings.

Two sites have been proposed to the east and west of Earsham; both are reasonably well-related to the current village form. GNLP0218 (3.5ha) contains an area at risk of surface water flooding which could be avoided. It is adjacent to the A143 and within the designated river valley but is otherwise unconstrained, and could be suitable for residential development if suitable landscape and noise mitigation measures are put in place. GNLP0390 (2.6ha) has an area in Flood Zones 2 & 3 which would need to be avoided. It is within the designated river valley and has a narrow access. The site would be backland development and is generally a heavily constrained location for development.

If Earsham is identified for further development, a residential scheme could be acceptable on GNLP0218, while GNLP0390 appears more constrained.

Site Promoter Details Site Site Development Description
Reference Title First Name Last Name Organisation Address Area (ha)
GNLP0218 Mr Martin Freeman
Land west of Earsham Village 3.46 Residential development of approx. 80 dwellings and open space.
GNLP0390 Mr William Lusty Savills Land at Earsham, East of School Lane 2.57 Residential development of approx. 50 dwellings.
Housing Commitment Sites (At 1 April 2017, 5 or more units only)
Address Planning Permission Ref. Allocation ref. Remaining Dwellings at 1 April 2017
Lodge Field n/a EAR 1 (South Norfolk Site Specific Allocations & Policies Document) 20
GVA Greater Norwich Employment Land Assessment Sites
Address GVA Reference Dominant Use Class Existing or Allocation?

5.29. East Carleton

Settlement Summary

The JCS classifies East Carleton as a Smaller Rural Community reflecting its limited services which does not have a development boundary or current allocations . Its built up area is linear in form, located along Rectory Road and the Hethersett Road.

Six sites have been promoted through the GNLP. Three (GNLP 0428, 0600 and 1058) are within and close to the built up area of the village and three (GNLP1037,1059 and 0247) are clustered in the north-east of the parish in the hamlet of Lower East Carleton close to Swardeston.

GNLP0428 is a linear 0.62 ha site with limited constraints located on Rectory Road that is most suited to single plot depth development. GNLP0600 is a 1.02 ha site located along the Hethersett Road which has limited on site constraints but has poor access to services. Similalary, site GNLP 1058 has poor access to services.

Separated to the north-east of the village are the three green field sites in Lower East Carleton. Site GNLP0247 is a 1.35 ha site constrained due to its narrow access from Low Common / The Drift, and some consideration might be required to impact on nearby ecological habitats. Similarly, site GNLP1037 a 2.77 ha site located adjacent GNLP0247, where ecological surveys may be required. Site GNLP1059 is a 0.63 ha site located adjacent to site GNLP1037 and off Swardeston Lane with a constrained access, the main constraint for all these sites at this location is isolation due to the lack of services and facilities in Lower East Carleton. Site GNLP1058 is located beyond the hamlet to the west situated off Wymondham Road, approx. 80m to grade II listed building White House Farm with heavily constrained access and road network. As such this site is considered isolated.

Should further development be considered necessary in the built up area of East Carleton, site options are available, but only GNLP0428 has reasonable access to services. Likewise, should further development be considered appropriate in Lower East Carleton site choices are available, but all sites suffer from poor access to services to some extent.

Site Promoter Details Site Site Development Description
Reference Title First Name Last Name Organisation Address Area (ha)
GNLP0247 Mr Glyn Davies
Site off Low Common, East Carleton 1.35 Residential development of an unspecified number.
(1)GNLP0428 Mr Paul Clarke Brown & Co. Land at Rectory Road 0.62 Residential development of approx. 5 to 10 dwellings.
(1)GNLP0600 Dr Georgina Pope
Land on the East Side of Hethersett Road 1.02 New site: Residential development for approx. 9 dwellings.
GNLP1037 Mr Roger Cooke
The Old Nursery, The Drift 2.77 Residential development of an unspecified number.
GNLP1058 Mr Niall Cook
Wymondham Road 0.63 Residential development of an unspecified number.
GNLP1059 Ms Alison Rhodes
Swardeston Lane 0.32 Residential development plot.
Housing Commitment Sites (At 1 April 2017, 5 or more units only)
Address Planning Permission Ref. Allocation ref. Remaining Dwellings at 1 April 2017
GVA Greater Norwich Employment Land Assessment Sites
Address GVA Reference Dominant Use Class Existing or Allocation?

5.30. Easton

Settlement Summary

The JCS identifies Easton as a Service Village and a major growth location. There is an allocation and a planning permission for development of 893 homes and local services including a primary school on land to the east, south and west of the village.

The draft Easton Neighbourhood Plan went to referendum on 1st September 2017. It does not allocate land, but has thematic policies around preserving the village's heritage and separation from Costessey, protecting the setting of the church, and enhancing biodiversity.

Two sites have been promoted through the GNLP within the parish, but GNLP0415-C is mostly in Honingham parish and is assessed in that section.

GNLP0456 is a 9.12 ha site which lies north of the A47 dual carriageway, separated from the village and its services by the road, providing a significant constraint. The site is surrounded by woodland. The A47 may create some noise and air pollution, and there is some surface water flood risk within the site.

To conclude, there are no sites put forward that appear suitable in Easton.

Site Promoter Details Site Site Development Description
Reference Title First Name Last Name Organisation Address Area (ha)
(1)GNLP0456 Mr Edward Plumb Brown & Co. Land off A47 9.12 Residential development of approx. 25 dwellings.
Housing Commitment Sites (At 1 April 2017, 5 or more units only)
Address Planning Permission Ref. Allocation ref. Remaining Dwellings at 1 April 2017
South & east of Easton village 2014/2611


(South Norfolk Site Specific Allocations & Policies Document)

GVA Greater Norwich Employment Land Assessment Sites
Address GVA Reference Dominant Use Class Existing or Allocation?

5.31. Ellingham

Settlement Summary
See Kirby Cane settlement summary
Site Promoter Details Site Site Development Description
Reference Title First Name Last Name Organisation Address Area (ha)
(1)GNLP0303 Mr Will Wright Savills South-west Corner of Henry's Field, Mill Lane 0.4 Residential development of approx. 11 dwellings.
(1)GNLP0304 Mr Will Wright Savills South East Corner of Ellington Island - Opposite Henry's Field, Mill Lane 0.52 Residential development of approx. 15 dwellings.
(2)GNLP0305 Mr Will Wright Savills Land South of Mill Road (Ellingham Island) 1.2 Residential development of approx. 32 dwellings.
GNLP0306 Mr Will Wright Savills Land adjacent to South Lodge, Old Yarmouth Road 0.34 Residential development of up to 10 dwellings.
Housing Commitment Sites (At 1 April 2017, 5 or more units only)
Address Planning Permission Ref. Allocation ref. Remaining Dwellings at 1 April 2017
GVA Greater Norwich Employment Land Assessment Sites
Address GVA Reference Dominant Use Class Existing or Allocation?

5.32. Flordon

Settlement Summary

The JCS identifies Flordon as an 'Other Village'. The settlement of Flordon comprises two physically distinct areas, one is around the parish church and the other is near the main Norwich-London railway line. To the south of The Street is a tributary valley of the River Tas which includes Flordon Common SSSI.

One site has been promoted, GNLP0566, a 1.4 ha site on The Street. Whilst at the village's centre, the site could impact on the rural setting of the Grade II* listed St Michael's Church and on Flordon Common, which is nationally designated for its ecological value.

To summarise, if Flordon is identified for development through the GNLP, there may be a need to identify an additional site or sites as the submitted site, GNLP0566, is constrained by its location in an environmentally sensitive area adjacent to a listed building.

Site Promoter Details Site Site Development Description
Reference Title First Name Last Name Organisation Address Area (ha)
(1)GNLP0566 Mrs Patricia London
The Street 1.14 Residential development of approx. 10 dwellings.
Housing Commitment Sites (At 1 April 2017, 5 or more units only)
Address Planning Permission Ref. Allocation ref. Remaining Dwellings at 1 April 2017
GVA Greater Norwich Employment Land Assessment Sites
Address GVA Reference Dominant Use Class Existing or Allocation?

5.33. Forncett

Settlement Summary

Please note, sites in Forncett End are considered as part of the Tacolneston & Forncett End settlement summary

Forncett St Mary and Forncett St Peter are adjoining settlements which are identified as 'Other Villages' in the JCS. Both are linear settlements in form and have developed along Aslacton Road/Low Road which follows the line of the Tas Valley. A conservation area is drawn around most of the two settlements with many listed farm buildings and cottages within it. More recent development has tended to be in Forncett St Peter where there is a primary school and bus stop, and there is a village hall in Forncett St Mary.

Four relatively small sites have been promoted for housing through the GNLP and one much larger land holding.

GNLP0429 is a 0.3 ha site along Spicers Lane. GNLP0559 is a 0.9 ha site behind the former Four Seasons Plant Nursery promoted for "three self-build houses for plantsmen". GNLP1039 is a 0.4 ha site at Wash Lane. GNLP1040 is a 1.2 ha site at the junction of Mill Road and Overwood Lane. All of the sites are at some distance from the existing settlement boundaries, are constrained by the local road network and have limited access to services.

GNLP1002 is a much larger land holding of 21 hectares which has been submitted in three parcels. Due to the rurality of the location, where services are limited and the land promoted is disconnected from the existing village, it is probable the land would like be less favourable for development either as a whole or by allocating a small part.

Whilst the settlement pattern of Forncett is linear, and interspersed with open space, none of these sites are well-related to the main part of the settlement. Therefore if the GNLP identifies the need for additional housing sites in Forncett, there may be a case for seeking alternative sites.

Site Promoter Details Site Site Development Description
Reference Title First Name Last Name Organisation Address Area (ha)
(3)GNLP0086 Mr William Easton
Land North of Common Road 1.05 Residential development of an unspecified number.
(3)GNLP0089 Mr William Easton
Land South of Common road 3.93 Residential development of an unspecified number.
(3)GNLP0094 Mr Andrew Smith
Land to the North of Norwich Road [B1113], East of Common Road, Forncett End 1.1 Residential development of an unspecified number.
(1)GNLP0429 Mrs Amber Slater Brown & Co. Land at Spicers Lane 0.30 Residential development of approx. 9 dwellings.
(2)GNLP0536 Ms Carol Sharp
Black Barn,Tabernacle Lane 0.42 Residential development of approx. 5 dwellings.
(2)GNLP0559 Mr Richard Ball Four Seasons Plant Nursery Four Seasons Nursery 0.9 Residential development of approx. 3 dwellings for self-build.
(4)GNLP1002 Mrs Judith Aldred
Fornett St Peter, NR16 21.26 Residential development of an unspecified number, but in the region of 30 homes per hectare.
(1)GNLP1039 Mr Nick Moys Brown & Co Kilamay Farm, Wash Lane 0.4 Residential development -- approximately 5 to 10 properties
(1)GNLP1040 Mr Nick Moys Brown & Co Land at Mill Road / Overwood Lane / Gilderswood 1.2 Residential development -- approximately 5 to 10 properties
Housing Commitment Sites (At 1 April 2017, 5 or more units only)
Address Planning Permission Ref. Allocation ref. Remaining Dwellings at 1 April 2017
Old Station Yard, Station Road 2014/0290 n/a 1
GVA Greater Norwich Employment Land Assessment Sites
Address GVA Reference Dominant Use Class Existing or Allocation?

5.34. Framingham Earl & Framingham Pigot

Settlement Summary

Framingham Earl

The built-up part of Framingham Earl parish is contiguous with Poringland. Five sites have been proposed which are completely or for the most part within Framingham Earl parish. These sites are considered in the Poringland settlement summary.

Framingham Pigot

One site has been proposed in Framingham Pigot parish. It is adjacent to recent allocation in Poringland/Framingham Earl, and is considered in the Poringland settlement summary.

Site Promoter Details Site Site Development Description
Reference Title First Name Last Name Organisation Address Area (ha)
(10)GNLP0003 Mrs Shahnaz Fraser
Land adjacent (West of) Bella Vista, Burgate Lane, Framingham Earl 2.25 Residential development of an unspecified number.
(8)GNLP0321 Mrs Nicole Wright La Ronde Wright Limited Land Immediately adjacent to Octagon Farm and adjacent fields, Bungay Road 4.28 Mixed use development consisting of approx. 60 dwellings, commercial, business, and light industrial space.
(21)GNLP0391 A&B Mr William Lusty Savills Land at Framingham Earl, Burgate Lane 4.6 Residential development of approx. 140 dwellings.
(14)GNLP0589 A&B Ms Aimee Fowler Bidwells Land North and South of Pigot Lane 10.02 Residential development for an undetermined number of dwellings.
Housing Commitment Sites (At 1 April 2017, 5 or more units only)
Address Planning Permission Ref. Allocation ref. Remaining Dwellings at 1 April 2017
NW of Pigot Lane 2014/1342


(South Norfolk Site Specific Allocations & Policies Document)

Long Lane 2013/1904 n/a 7
GVA Greater Norwich Employment Land Assessment Sites
Address GVA Reference Dominant Use Class Existing or Allocation?
Manor Farm SN E19 Sui Generis Existing

5.35. Geldeston

Settlement Summary

Geldeston is classified as a Service Village in the JCS and the allocated local plan site is pending a decision for 13 homes. The village has a few services and facilities, including journey to work public transport and employment opportunities. The main concentration of development is around Geldeston Hill and The Street, with a small amount of development at West End.

Three sites have been put forward for consideration through the GNLP, with sizes ranging from 0.3-0.8ha. All three are adjacent to the existing development boundary of the village. GNLP0207 and GNLP0437 are both adjacent to the Old Yarmouth Road, whereas GNLP1004 is centrally located off the Street. GNLP1004 has access constraints which it may be difficult to overcome. All three sites are within the Conservation area, making impact on the setting of the village an issue. A further consideration is surface water flood risk, which may impact on the net developable area of site GNLP0437.

Overall, If Geldeston is identified as a location for additional housing, all three sites could be suitable for some development within the constraints noted above, with access a key constraint on site GNLP1004. On all three sites the design of development would need to be considered very carefully to take account of heritage impact.

Site Promoter Details Site Site Development Description
Reference Title First Name Last Name Organisation Address Area (ha)
(1)GNLP0207 Mrs Renata Garfoot South Norfolk Council Land at Old Yarmouth Road / Geldeston Hill, Geldeston 0.42 Residential development of approx. 12 dwellings.
(1)GNLP0437 Mr Julian Wells FW Properties Land off Kells Way 0.82 Residential development of approx. 12 dwellings.
(3)GNLP1004 Ms Beverley Bateman First Plan Former Allotment Gardens 0.3 Residential development of approximately 4 to 5 dwellings.
Commitment Sites (At 1 April 2017, 5 or more units only)
Address Planning Permission Ref. Allocation ref. Remaining Dwellings at 1 April 2017
West of The Kells n/a GEL 1 10
GVA Greater Norwich Employment Land Assessment Sites
Address GVA Reference Dominant Use Class Existing or Allocation?

5.36. Gillingham

Settlement Summary

Gillingham is classified in the JCS as a Service Village; it contains a primary school, village hall and motel in the village and a petrol station and fast food restaurant to its north. The main constraints include extensive fluvial flood risk areas to the south of the village, grade 2 agricultural land to its south, the Broads Authority executive area to the south and east of the village, Broads SAC/SPA/Ramsar sites to the west and to the north-east, and a large conservation area outside the village to the north-east.

Two sites have been promoted for development through the GNLP. GNLP0274 is 5.4ha site to the north-west of the existing village. The part of the site adjacent to the road, and the road itself, is in Flood Zones 2 & 3, and there are also areas within the site at risk of surface water flooding. Avoiding these areas would not produce a development which relates well to the adjacent development and in conclusion the site is heavily constrained..

Site Promoter Details Site Site Development Description
Reference Title First Name Last Name Organisation Address Area (ha)
(3)GNLP0274 Mr Graham Smith Landmark Associates Land to the South of the A143 and A146 Roundabout 5.46 Residential development of an unspecified number.
Housing Commitment Sites (At 1 April 2017, 5 or more units only)
Address Planning Permission Ref. Allocation ref. Remaining Dwellings at 1 April 2017
Norwich Road n/a GIL 1 10
GVA Greater Norwich Employment Land Assessment Sites
Address GVA Reference Dominant Use Class Existing or Allocation?

5.37. Gissing

Settlement Summary

Gissing is classified as a Smaller Rural Community in the JCS. As a result there is no settlement limit for Gissing. There is also an extensive conservation area which covers a number of grade II listed buildings.

One site has been put forward for consideration for future residential development through the GNLP. Site GNLP0208 is located beyond the build-up area of the village to the north and within 400m buffer of the conservation area, however as this is situated in the entrance to a cul-de-sac it could fit in the rest of the houses. The main constraint with this location is the lack of available services.

Site Promoter Details Site Site Development Description
Reference Title First Name Last Name Organisation Address Area (ha)
GNLP0208 Mrs Renata Garfoot South Norfolk Council Land at Common Road, Gissing 0.26 Residential development of approx. 6 dwellings.
Housing Commitment Sites (At 1 April 2017, 5 or more units only)
Address Planning Permission Ref. Allocation ref. Remaining Dwellings at 1 April 2017
GVA Greater Norwich Employment Land Assessment Sites
Address GVA Reference Dominant Use Class Existing or Allocation?

5.38. Great Melton

Settlement Summary

Great Melton is classified as a Small Rural Community in the Site Allocations DPD, superseding its JCS classification as an 'Other Village' due to its limited services. Great Melton does not therefore have a defined development boundary.

One site has been put forward for consideration for future development. Site GNLP0014 is a greenfield site in a remote location at some distance from the settlement of Great Melton, closer to Barford village, in the Tiffey Valley, with some risk of flooding. Poor access to services and road network issues mean that this site has limited potential.

Site Promoter Details Site Site Development Description
Reference Title First Name Last Name Organisation Address Area (ha)
(3)GNLP0014 Mr Jalil Maswood
Turnpike Field 1.76 Residential development of an unspecified number.
Housing Commitment Sites (At 1 April 2017, 5 or more units only)
Address Planning Permission Ref. Allocation ref. Remaining Dwellings at 1 April 2017
GVA Greater Norwich Employment Land Assessment Sites
Address GVA Reference Dominant Use Class Existing or Allocation?

5.39. Great Moulton

Settlement Summary

The JCS classifies Great Moulton (along with Aslacton) as a Service Village. Since the publication of the JCS the village shop has closed, but there is a village hall and a pub.

The main constraints are large areas at risk of surface water flooding, narrow roads and a number of listed buildings around the village.

Three sites have been promoted for development, all of which are reasonably well-related to its existing built form:

GNLP0554 is considerably affected by the risk of surface water flooding but a small area of the site adjacent to existing development could be developed while avoiding this.

GNLP0555 also has surface water flood issues. Avoiding these and producing a scheme which mimics the adjacent Orchard Crescent could be possible on a reduced area of the site.

GNLP0557 does not have much frontage onto Old Road, therefore has reduced scope for accommodating development while avoiding surface water flood areas; this site also has a more direct impact on heritage assets and is not considered suitable for development.

In conclusion, residential development may be possible on reduced sites at GNLP0554 and GNLP0555 if the number of services and road capacity at Gt Moulton is considered appropriate for more development.

Site Promoter Details Site Site Development Description
Reference Title First Name Last Name Organisation Address Area (ha)
(3)GNLP0554 Mr Eric Cole G F Cole & Son Ltd Land at Hallowing Lane, 1.09 Residential development of an unspecified number.
(2)GNLP0555 Mr Eric Cole G F Cole & Son Ltd Land off Old Road (Adjacent to Hallowing Lane), 1.46 Residential development of an unspecified number.
(2)GNLP0557 Mr Eric Cole G F Cole & Son Ltd Site Between Ketts Farm and Orchard Farm, 0.36 Residential development of an unspecified number.
Housing Commitment Sites (At 1 April 2017, 5 or more units only)
Address Planning Permission Ref. Allocation ref. Remaining Dwellings at 1 April 2017
High Green 2015/2536 GRE 1 10
GVA Greater Norwich Employment Land Assessment Sites
Address GVA Reference Dominant Use Class Existing or Allocation?

5.40. Haddiscoe

Settlement Summary

The JCS classifies Haddiscoe as an Other Village; it has a village hall and a pub. It is adjacent to the Broads Authority executive area, so landscape and ecological sensitivity are important considerations, and there are areas at risk of fluvial or surface water flooding.

Three submissions have been made:

GNLP0455 is a small, remote site in the northern part of the parish, towards Lower Thurlton. It has been proposed for employment uses connected to the adjacent business. It is almost entirely within fluvial flood zones 2 and 3 and is therefore heavily constrained.

GNLP0414 comprises three sites either side of Beccles Road totalling around 7ha. If all the site areas were developed, this would be out of scale with the village. One of the sites contains a small area at risk of surface water flooding which could be avoided, but surface water flooding on the roads will impact on access decisions on the sites. Development of the sites may affect listed and undesignated heritage assets and the Broads landscape, all of which would require mitigation but would not prevent development.

GNLP0392 also has surface water flood areas on the road which will impact on access decisions. Development of the site may affect listed and undesignated heritage assets including the setting of the adjacent Grade I listed church. As the site is 0.8ha there is potential for a limited amount of road frontage development which avoids these constraints.

To conclude, if Haddiscoe is identified as a location for further development, parts of sites GNLP0414 and GNLP0392 could provide residential development on road frontages or small estates in scale with the village.

Site Promoter Details Site Site Development Description
Reference Title First Name Last Name Organisation Address Area (ha)
GNLP0392 Mr William Lusty Savills Land at Junction of A143 and B1136 0.8 Residential development of approx. 25 dwellings.
(1)GNLP0414 Mrs Amber Slater Brown & Co. Haddiscoe Manor Farm 6.83 Residential development of approx. 122 dwellings.
(1)GNLP0455 Mr Edward Plumb Brown & Co. Willow Farm, North End 0.48 Employment, storage and distribution uses.
Housing Commitment Sites (At 1 April 2017, 5 or more units only)
Address Planning Permission Ref. Allocation ref. Remaining Dwellings at 1 April 2017
GVA Greater Norwich Employment Land Assessment Sites
Address GVA Reference Dominant Use Class Existing or Allocation?

5.41. Hales & Heckingham

Settlement Summary

The JCS classifies Hales as a Service Village. Services include a garage and shop next to the A146, a village hall, and local bus services.

One site on the edge of Hales, but inside the boundary of Heckingham, has been promoted. GNLP0308 is a 3.21 ha site located on north-eastern edge of the village. Constraints of the site include mitigating surface water flood risk and possibly site access improvements if not provided by the existing allocation HAL1.

Should further development be considered necessary in Hales, GNLP0308 provides potential for continuing to grow the village to the north-east of its centre if access issues can be addressed.

Site Promoter Details Site Site Development Description
Reference Title First Name Last Name Organisation Address Area (ha)
(5)GNLP0308 Mr Will Wright Savills Land off Briar Lane, West Hales. 3.21 Residential development of an unspecified number.
Housing Commitment Sites (At 1 April 2017, 5 or more units only)
Address Planning Permission Ref. Allocation ref. Remaining Dwellings at 1 April 2017
Former workshop, Yarmouth Road 2011/0026 n/a 10
North of Yarmouth Road n/a HAL 1 (South Norfolk Site Specific Allocations & Policies Document) 10
GVA Greater Norwich Employment Land Assessment Sites
Address GVA Reference Dominant Use Class Existing or Allocation?

5.42. Harleston

Settlement Summary

The JCS classifies Harleston as a Main Town; its services include employment sites, a supermarket and independent shops, GPs, a leisure centre and community buildings. The main constraints to development include flood issues, constrained water supply, historic townscapes and listed buildings (protected by a conservation area), the river valley landscape and the hard boundary of the A143 bypass to the south.

Three sites have been promoted for development, all of which are well related to the town's existing built up area. The largest of these is 1.2ha, which limits the new site options within the town in addition to those sites already allocated in the current local plan.

GNLP0209 and GNLP0237 are proposed for residential development. They are in the designated river valley and have areas at risk of surface water flooding, both of which could be avoided or mitigated. Development of GNLP0209 would affect the setting of a listed building, which could be mitigated. It is the largest site currently proposed, but is of an appropriate scale for its immediate context. GNLP0237 is just under 0.3ha of amenity grassland, which appears to be publicly accessible. It would be desirable to replace this amenity if the site was developed.

GNLP0263 is a brownfield site, proposed for redevelopment of a social club on a 0.48ha site. It is proposed for housing or retail use (it is adjacent to existing housing) and is less constrained than the other proposed sites.

To conclude, subject to growth plans for Harleston, GNLP0209, GNLP0263 and GNLP0237 could each be suitable for development, with various mitigation measures required and the potential need to replace a lost amenity asset. However, if further levels of growth are required in Harleston, additional sites would need to be identified.

Site Promoter Details Site Site Development Description
Reference Title First Name Last Name Organisation Address Area (ha)
(2)GNLP0209 Mrs Renata Garfoot South Norfolk Council Land South Of Rushall Road, Harleston 1.27 Residential development of approx. 40 dwellings.
GNLP0237 Mrs Renata Garfoot South Norfolk Council Land Adjacent to 10 Frere Road 0.28 Residential development of approx. 10 dwellings.
(3)GNLP0263 Mr Stuart Bizley SMB Property Consultancy Apollo Club, Mendham Lane 0.48 Residential development of an unspecified number or retail uses.
Housing Commitment Sites (At 1 April 2017, 5 or more units only)
Address Planning Permission Ref. Allocation ref. Remaining Dwellings at 1 April 2017
Spirkett's Lane/Limes Close n/a HAR 4 (South Norfolk Site Specific Allocations & Policies Document) 95
Former Howard Rotavator Works, Mendham Lane 2014/0184 HAR 3 (South Norfolk Site Specific Allocations & Policies Document) 35
Cranes Meadow 1998/1119 n/a 9
West of Station Road 2015/1461 n/a 6
Maltings, Tudor Rose Way 2012/1558 n/a 5
GVA Greater Norwich Employment Land Assessment Sites
Address GVA Reference Dominant Use Class Existing or Allocation?
Harleston Industrial Estate SN A10 B2/Sui Generis Allocation
South of Spirketts Lane SN A11 Vacant Allocation
Off Station Hill SN A12 B8 Allocation
Harleston Industrial Estate SN E1 B2/Sui Generis Existing

5.43. Hempnall

Settlement Summary

The JCS classifies Hempnall as a Service Village. The majority of its development and services are in Hempnall village itself. There is a secondary focus of development elsewhere in the parish at Hempnall Green.

Five sites have been proposed for housing development around the edges of Hempnall village. All of the sites have good access to services in the village. If chosen for development, mitigation would be likely to be required to address the constraints set out below:

  • GNLP0220 is a 0.48 ha site close to the existing centre of the village. There are issues related to access along Millfields and the effect on the setting of the Grade II listed disused windmill;
  • GNLP1015 is a 1.6 ha site adjacent to the primary school. Constraints include achieving suitable access points and impacts on the landscape and townscape.
  • GNLP1016 is a 1.3 ha site at Bussey's Loke. Constraints include achieving suitable access points and impacts on the landscape and townscape, in particular the effect on the setting of the Grade I listed Church of St Margaret.
  • GNLP1017 is a 0.9 ha site adjacent to Broaden Lane. Constraints include achieving suitable access points the local road network and impacts on the landscape and townscape.
  • GNLP1018 is a 0.9 ha site to the south of Millfields. There are issues related to access along Millfields and the effect on the setting of the Grade II listed disused windmill.

Three sites have been proposed in Hempnall Green:

  • GNLP0178 and GNLP0580, at 0.40 ha and 0.94 ha respectively, provide the potential for some development along Alburgh Road, although these sites would have limited access to services in the village;
  • GNLP0147 is a substantial 13.17 ha site proposed for a mixed of uses that would provide for significant development in a location with limited access to facilities and services in the village.

Should further development be required in Hempnall, and subject to specific site constraints, housing growth could be accommodated on sites close to services in Hempnall village. Sites in Hempnall Green are less likely to be suitable for development due to their poor relationship to the services and facilities in Hempnall village.

Site Promoter Details Site Site Development Description
Reference Title First Name Last Name Organisation Address Area (ha)
(4)GNLP0147 Mr Gary Daynes
Land Around Alburgh Road and Silver Green, Sycamore Farm, 17 Alburgh Road, Hempnall Green 13.17 Mixed use development, led by residential development of an unspecified number, with potential for light industrial or small office units.
(2)GNLP0178 Mr Michael Rayner
Land Adjacent Tween Oaks, Alburgh Road 0.4 Residential development of approx. 4 dwellings.
(4)GNLP0220 Mrs Renata Garfoot South Norfolk Council Land at Millfields 0.48 Residential development of approx. 15 dwellings.
(3)GNLP0580 Mr Patrick Stone
Land at Home Farm, Alburgh Road, Hempnall Green 0.94 Residential development of approx. 5-6 dwellings.
(3)GNLP1015 Mr Will Lusty Savills Land adjacent to the Primary School, The Street 1.6 Residential development -- approximately 19 dwellings. Includes extension to primary school car park.
(3)GNLP1016 Mr Will Lusty Savills Land at Bussey's Loke 1.3 Residential development -- approximately 50 houses
(5)GNLP1017 Mr Will Lusty Savills Land at Broaden Lane 0.9 Residential development -- approximately 20 25 dwellings
(3)GNLP1018 Mr Will Lusty Savills Land South of Millfields 3.0 Residential development -- approximately 75 houses
Housing Commitment Sites (At 1 April 2017, 5 or more units only)
Address Planning Permission Ref. Allocation ref. Remaining Dwellings at 1 April 2017
Bungay Road, west of Roland Drive n/a HEM 1 20
GVA Greater Norwich Employment Land Assessment Sites
Address GVA Reference Dominant Use Class Existing or Allocation?

5.44. Hethersett

Settlement Summary

The JCS settlement hierarchy identifies Hethersett as a Key Service Centre; it has a wide range of services including a new village hall/community centre, social club, an infant/nursery school, junior school and high school, convenience store/supermarket, range of small independent shops and services, post office, pharmacy, doctor and dentist surgeries, a library and a small business centre. Hethersett lies close to the A47, N&N/NRP and Wymondham, extending the number of services accessible within a short distance. It was identified as a major growth location and has allocations for over 1,000 homes which have permission and are being developed.

The village is bypassed by the A11 to the south, and the old A11 (B1172 Norwich Road) is effectively the southern boundary of the built-up area, with only limited development to the south of it. There are areas at risk of surface water flooding within and around Hethersett, and listed buildings and TPOs along the Norwich Road and in the north-west of the village. There are two CWS to the north-east and north-west of Hethersett, close to the high voltage overhead cables, and long-term strategic gap policies have prevented coalescence between the village, Cringleford to the east, and Wymondham to the west.

Twelve sites are within or overlap into Hethersett parish, but two are considered under other settlements; GNLP0525 is largely in Wymondham and GNLP0358 lies mostly in Ketteringham parish. Please see the relevant section of this document for these sites.

The other ten sites range from 0.8ha to 196.5ha. However, some of these already have permission and are therefore not 'new' sites.

GNLP0486 (14.8ha) straddles the boundary with Cringleford and is promoted for employment use. The site is well-related to the A11/A47 and Thickthorn services, but is poorly related to residential areas. Constraints include potential highway issues and landscape protection policies.

The majority of GNLP0177-A (196.5ha) was allocated in the last local plan, and in some areas are under construction. The newly submitted site is proposed for a mix of uses, and extends further to the north, west and east than the existing allocation. There a number of constraints but the scale of the area is likely to provide the potential for mitigation. GNLP0177-B to the south of Norwich Road is part of the same submission and is proposed largely for a country park. There would be a number of constraints to any built development of this site.

GNLP1023-B (10.7ha) overlaps GNLP0177-A and is proposed for employment uses along with GNLP1023-A (2.9ha) either side of Little Melton Food Park. The site is affected by a number of constraints including flood risk and the historic environment but the scale of the site gives the potential for mitigation.

At the far north of Hethersett parish, GNLP0454 (0.8ha) is promoted for housing. This would be redevelopment of a builder's merchant (therefore a brownfield site) but is separated and relatively remote from both Hethersett and Little Melton.

GNLP0462 (1.3ha) lies in the centre of the village, and has limited constraints.

A cluster of sites lie to the west of Hethersett village. Three of these are entirely within the strategic gap between Hethersett and Wymondham. GNLP0480 (4.5ha), GNLP0481 (4.9ha) and GNLP0394 (15ha) have a number of constraints including significant areas at risk of surface water flooding. There is no evidence that an access can be achieved to GNLP0394 and it is not considered suitable by the HEELA assessment.

GNLP0135 (1.9ha) is in the grounds of grade II listed Wood Hall and opposite grade II listed Old Hall School. The entire site is subject to a group TPO, and the site's development would have a significant effect on the townscape of this part of the village.

In conclusion, depending on the scale of development considered suitable for Hethersett, and issues such as strategic gaps and overcoming specific site constraints, there are a range of sites for potential consideration for housing and employment development.

Site Promoter Details Site Site Development Description
Reference Title First Name Last Name Organisation Address Area (ha)
(2)GNLP0135 Mr John Long (Wood Hall Western Grounds) Bidwells Wood Hall, Norwich Road, Hethersett 1.98 Residential development
(7)GNLP0177 – A & B Mr John Long (Hethersett landowners) Bidwells Land north, north-east, south-east and west of Hethersett 314 Residential development of up to 3000 homes on approx. 111 ha; commercial/ employment development; supporting infrastructure, open space and potential Country Park (land at Hethersett Race Course) on approx. 111 ha.
(3)GNLP0358 Mr John Coates Bidwells Land around Thickthorn Roundabout Either side of A11 50.72 Employment development for use classes B1, B2 and B8
(2)GNLP0394 Mr William Lusty Savills Land at New Road, Hethersett 15.06 Residential development of approximately 300 dwellings
(2)GNLP0454 Ms Julia Day Day Lewis Planning Ltd Keyline Builders Site, Little Melton Road, Beckhithe 0.83 Residential development of approx. 34 dwellings
(15)GNLP0462 Mr Edward Plumb Brown & Co. Land off Jaguar Road, Hethersett 1.34 Residential development of approximately 20 dwellings with open space.
(3)GNLP0480 Mr Philip Atkinson Lanpro Services Ltd Land east of New Road, Hethersett 4.52 Residential development of approx. 42 dwellings and/or sheltered housing and/or housing with care for the elderly and 3.08ha of park.
(4)GNLP0481 Mr Philip Atkinson Lanpro Services Ltd Land east of New Road, Hethersett 4.92 Residential care home, sheltered housing and/or housing with extra care for the elderly and public open space of 3.18 ha (extension to park proposed on adjoining site)
(3)GNLP0486 Mr Ben Kemp Gable Developments Land north of Norwich Road, Hethersett 14.83 Employment development (a mix of use classes B1, B2 and B8)
(1)GNLP1023 A and B Miss Aimee Fowler Savills Little Melton Business Park 13.53 Food-led business hub
Housing Commitment Sites (At 1 April 2017, 5 or more units only)
Address Planning Permission Ref. Allocation ref. Remaining Dwellings at 1 April 2017
North Hethersett 2011/1804 HET 1 (South Norfolk Site Specific Allocations & Policies Document) 1,163
Great Melton Road 2012/1814 HET 4 (South Norfolk Site Specific Allocations & Policies Document) 73
North of Grove Road n/a HET 2 (South Norfolk Site Specific Allocations & Policies Document) 40
GVA Greater Norwich Employment Land Assessment Sites
Address GVA Reference Dominant Use Class Existing or Allocation?

5.45. Hingham

Settlement Summary

Hingham is classified as a Key Service Centre in the Joint Core Strategy. It is a small town located on the B1108, equidistant from the larger centres of Attleborough, Dereham, Wymondham and Watton and serves a relatively local rural catchment. There is a good range of shops, services and community facilities. The industrial estate at Ironside Way provides local employment opportunities.

A housing site (allocated as site HIN1) at Norwich Road/Hopsack Road is currently being developed for 95 homes. Site HIN2 on the eastern edge of the town is allocated for a 2.24 ha extension of the employment area.

Ten greenfield sites have been put forward for consideration for housing development through the GNLP.

Three sites are to the north-west of the town:

  • GNLP0501 (Land west of Springfield Way) is a site of 1.32 ha. It is adjacent to the built up area and has good accessibility to services with limited constraints. Access via Springfield Way would need further investigation.
  • GNLP0502 is a 3.86 ha site west of site 0501. Due to access constraints, it would be likely to need to come forward with adjacent site 0501 to provide access.
  • GNLP0503 (Land north of Springfield Way and west of Dereham Road) is a 13.06 ha site. It is adjacent to the built up area and has good accessibility to services. Some parts of the site are affected by surface water flooding. Potential for access via Springfield Way and Dereham Road may require further investigation.

GNLP0544 (Swan Field, Hardingham Road) is a 2.98 ha site adjacent to the north-east edge of the build-up area. There are potential access constraints but it is likely that these could be overcome through development.

There are two sites to the east of Hingham:

  • GNLP0520 (Land to the south of Norwich Road) is adjacent to allocation HIN1 which is now being built. It is a 13.11 ha site with limited constraints;
  • GNLP0310 (Land south of Norwich Road, north of Seamere Road) is a 5.65 ha site which also has limited constraints, though it is more disconnected from services in Hingham.

There are four sites to the south-west of Hingham:

  • GNLP0298 (Land opposite Hingham Sports Centre), is an 1.87 ha site which would require safe access to the B1108. This site has good accessibility to services but development here would extend the settlement further into the countryside. The possible presence of designated protected species within the site may require survey work.
  • GNLP0335 (Land off Watton Road) has access constraints which could potentially be overcome if the site comes forward with neighbouring sites0298 or 0395.
  • GNLP 0395 is a 3.99 ha site adjacent to the Attleborough Road, which narrows as it leads to the historic core of the town, and where heritage assets like the former rectory garden walls would make highway improvements very difficult to achieve without having a negative impact on the historic environment.
  • GNLP0273 is a 1.33 ha site further to the south, disconnected from the built-up area of the town and its services, and close to Grade II listed Gurney's Manor.

Overall, if Hingham is identified as a location for additional growth there are a number of potential site options, subject to site-specific constraints. However, site GNLP0395 appears particularly constrained.

Site Promoter Details Site Site Development Description
Reference Title First Name Last Name Organisation Address Area (ha)
(1)GNLP0273 Mr Rob McVicar A Squared Architects Land west of Attleborough Road 1.33 Residential development
(2)GNLP0298 Mr Chris Tilley Clayland Estates Land opposite Hingham Sports Centre, Watton Road, 1.87 Residential development of approx. 50-100 dwellings
(4)GNLP0310 Mr Will Wright Savills Land south of Norwich Road, north of Seamere Road 5.65 Residential development of approx. 172 dwellings
(2)GNLP0335 Mr Henry Isotta Clayland Architects Land south of Watton Road 5.81 Residential development of approx. 100-200. dwellings
(2)GNLP0395 Mr William Lusty Savills Land west of Attleborough Road 3.99 Residential development of approx. 200 dwellings
(5)GNLP0501 Mr Chris Smith Hopkins Homes Limited Land west of Springfield Way 1.32 Residential development of approx. 41 dwellings, with associated new public open space.
(4)GNLP0502 Mr Chris Smith Hopkins Homes Limited Land west of Springfield Way 3.86 Residential development of approx. 91 dwellings, with associated new public open space.
(2)GNLP0503 Mr Chris Smith Hopkins Homes Limited Land north of Springfield Way and west of Dereham Road 13.06 Residential development of approx. 300 dwellings, with associated new public open space.
(7)GNLP0520 Mr Mark Hodgson Savills (UK) Ltd Land to the south of Norwich Road 13.11 Residential development of approx. 250 to 300 dwellings
(5)GNLP0544 Mr William Edwards
Swan Field, Hardingham Road 2.98 Residential development of up to 96 dwellings
Housing Commitment Sites (At 1 April 2017, 5 or more units only)
Address Planning Permission Ref. Allocation ref. Remaining Dwellings at 1 April 2017
Seamere Road 2014/2322 HIN 1 (South Norfolk Site Specific Allocations & Policies Document) 43
GVA Greater Norwich Employment Land Assessment Sites
Address GVA Reference Dominant Use Class Existing or Allocation?
Hingham Industrial Estate SN A14 B2/B8 Allocation
Hingham Industrial Estate SN E13 B2/B8 Existing

5.46. Keswick and Intwood

Settlement Summary

Keswick is classified in the JCS as an Other Village. It has a small community hall and a small local business centre at Keswick Hall.

GNLP0497 is a 6.9ha site proposed for employment uses. It is close to an employment allocation for which a planning application has been submitted. The site is in the Norwich Southern Bypass Landscape Protection Zone. Constraints in include surface water flooding, impact on the setting of All Saints Church and the need for footpaths to provide access.

To conclude, if further employment land is required in the Norwich fringe area, GNLP0497 could be suitable, subject to mitigation.

Site Promoter Details Site Site Development Description
Reference Title First Name Last Name Organisation Address Area (ha)
(5)GNLP0497 Mr Ian Douglass Lanpro Services Ltd Land west of Ipswich Road, east of B1113 6.90 Employment development (a mix of use classes B1, B2 and B8)
Housing Commitment Sites (At 1 April 2017, 5 or more units only)
Address Planning Permission Ref. Allocation ref. Remaining Dwellings at 1 April 2017

GVA Greater Norwich Employment Land Assessment Sites
Address GVA Reference Dominant Use Class Existing or Allocation?
West of Ipswich Road SN A15 Vacant Allocation

5.47. Ketteringham

Settlement Summary

Ketteringham is identified as an Other Village in the JCS, with a small village hall and a small car repair garage. There is employment within the parish at various industrial depots in the north-east of the village (near the A11) and in offices at Ketteringham Hall, in the south of the village. The main constraints to development are the physical barrier of the A11 and adjacent railway line, some areas at risk of surface water flooding, the presence of listed buildings (particularly clustered around Ketteringham Hall to the south of the main part of the village) and some scheduled monuments and contaminated land within the parish but outside the village itself.

Five sites have been promoted for future development. Two sites have been submitted within the main part of the village – GNLP0513 and GNLP0528, both approximately opposite the village hall and promoted for small scale housing development. GNLP0528 is a deep site, but could be reduced to provide development more in keeping with the existing settlement pattern, assuming appropriate mitigation for the war memorial which sits in the centre of the site's road frontage. The size of GNLP0513 is appropriate for the form and scale of the settlement. Both sites may have an impact on the setting of nearby listed buildings, but it is likely this could be mitigated. GNLP0473 is adjacent to an outlying cluster of dwellings near Ketteringham Hall, and could potentially provide small-scale residential development.

GNLP0245 is the former MoD fuel storage depot proposed for use as a Waste Depot. For this reason is not considered further through this plan, but has been passed on for consideration through the Minerals and Waste Local Plan.

GNLP0358 is less well related to the village but in the context of a proposal for employment use adjacent to the existing industrial employment area, railway line and A11. It is a very large site (27ha) which lies between the A11 and the rail line. Being a linear site, much of it is not well-related to the existing employment area, but 3-4ha close to the A11 may be suitable.

In summary, if Ketteringham is considered suitable for additional housing development, GNLP0513, part of GNLP0528 and GNLP0473 are potentially suitable sites. Industrial employment use could be appropriate on part of GNLP0358.

Site Promoter Details Site Site Development Description
Reference Title First Name Last Name Organisation Address Area (ha)
(1)GNLP0245 Mrs Renata Garfoot South Norfolk Council Land off Station Lane 7.92 Commercial development (a mix of B1 - Business, B2 - Light Industrial and B8 Storage or Distribution). As this is proposed for Waste depot use it has been passed on for consideration through the Minerals and Waste Local Plan.
(2)GNLP0473 Mr Paul Clarke Brown & Co. Land at Church Road 0.92 Residential development of approx. 5-10 dwellings
(3)GNLP0513 Mrs Margaret Shelley Lanpro Services Ltd Land on north of High Street 0.55 Residential development of 6 self-build/custom-build dwellings
(6)GNLP0528 Mr Stuart Carruthers
High Street 1.83 Residential development of up to 10 dwellings
Housing Commitment Sites (At 1 April 2017, 5 or more units only)
Address Planning Permission Ref. Allocation ref. Remaining Dwellings at 1 April 2017
GVA Greater Norwich Employment Land Assessment Sites
Address GVA Reference Dominant Use Class Existing or Allocation?

5.48. Kirby Cane and Ellingham

Settlement Summary

Kirby Cane/Ellingham is classifed as a Service Village in the JCS. The settlement has facilities including a primary school, shop and village hall. The main development of Kirby Cane and Ellingham is concentrated around Mill Road, Mill Lane and Yarmouth Road, with estate development south of Yarmouth Road and on a more limited scale to the east of Mill Road and Mill Lane.

Three sites have been submitted for consideration for future development through the GNLP in Kirby Cane and four sites in Ellingham.

Site GNLP0344 is adjacent to the A143 to the north of Kirby Cane. Therefore, noise mitigation measures are likely to be required. The site is also slightly remote from the existing built up area and consequenetly less sympathetic to its built form. To the east of Kirby Cane sites 0348 and 0396 are located adjacent to the built up area within the Waveney Valley, and are all affected by a low chance of surface water flooding. In terms of access, sites 0349, 0396 are more constrained than sites 0344, 0348 to the north of the parish which front onto less narrow roads.

To the south in Ellingham parish sites 0303, 0304 and 0305 are located adjacent to the built up area and within the Waveney Valley. Site 0305 is nearest to the local school. In terms of access, all of the sites to the south have potential vehicular access constraints, but these could be overcome through development and it is believed that subject to suitable footpath provision any potential impact on the functioning of local roads could be reasonably mitigated. Site 0306 is on Yarmouth Road some distance away from the settlement and consequently has poor access to services and is unsympathetic to the existing built form of the villages.

Overall, if Kirby Cane/ Ellingham is identified as a location for additional housing, a number of sites have been submitted which could be considered further, with site 0350 offering better access to the local school in comparison to other sites. The main constraint in this settlement is proximity to environmentally sensitive sites in the neighbouring Broads Authority area. As such further assessment may be required to ascertain impacts and mitigation measures. In terms of utilities and local infrastructure, improvements to water recycling centre treatment capacity and sewerage infrastructure may be required.

Site Promoter Details Site Site Development Description
Reference Title First Name Last Name Organisation Address Area (ha)
(1)GNLP0344 Mr Philip Rankin Savills Land to the east of Church Road 1.72 Residential development of 35-45 homes or a mixed use development of residential and employment use
(1)GNLP0348 Mr Philip Rankin Savills Land to the south of Old Yarmouth Road 0.63 Residential development of approx. 20 homes, landscaping and open space
(5)GNLP0396 Mr William Lusty Savills Newgate Lane 0.78 Residential development of approx. 25 dwellings
Housing Commitment Sites (At 1 April 2017, 5 or more units only)
Address Planning Permission Ref. Allocation ref. Remaining Dwellings at 1 April 2017
GVA Greater Norwich Employment Land Assessment Sites
Address GVA Reference Dominant Use Class Existing or Allocation?

5.49. Little Melton

Settlement Summary

Little Melton is classified in the JCS as a Service Village. It contains a primary school, village hall, pub, convenience store and MOT garage.

It is separated from Colney by the A47 and is less than 650m from the recent allocation/permission to the north of Hethersett. Its main constraints are the A47 southern bypass landscape protection zone, surface water flood risk and narrow village roads.

Eight sites have been promoted for development, ranging from 0.4ha to 43ha.

GNLP0477 (1.6ha) is comparatively unconstrained, but is slightly separated from the existing settlement. The most southern part of GNLP0182 (approximately 2.3ha) is also not well related to the existing settlement form, although it is opposite a recent allocation. It has areas at risk of surface water flooding, but is otherwise unconstrained.

GNLP0495 (0.6ha) is adjacent to a permission for redevelopment of a farmhouse to 9 flats. The site is part of the setting for the farmhouse, being between it and School Lane. Although this would need consideration, the site is otherwise unconstrained and well related to the services in the village.

There are two sites which do not perform well on their own, but are adjacent to a larger site: GNLP0397 (2.9ha), which contains some areas at risk of surface water flooding although these could be avoided. The site is also adjacent to woodlands, so ecological mitigation would be required if it was developed, and the local road network is narrow here. Therefore the site is constrained as a stand-alone site. GNLP0591 (1ha) also has areas at risk of surface water flooding within and adjacent to it, with a constrained access. It would not be suitable to be developed on its own.

Both of the previous sites are adjacent to GNLP0340 – a large site of 43ha. If it was determined that Little Melton should accommodate significant levels of growth, this site, along with GNLP0397 and GNLP0591 could be considered, although significant mitigation would be required. If all three sites were developed in their entirety, this level of development would be out of scale with the existing village, but the larger site is promoted for residential use along with a new local centre and health hub, and expansion of the local primary school. Much of GNLP0340 is within the southern bypass landscape protection zone, the site contains a large wooded area and some significant areas at risk of surface water flooding. Although the combined sites would have several potential access points and could relieve local roads of additional traffic, such large scale development may still be problematic for the capacity of local roads, which would also require mitigation.

GNLP0488 (3.2ha) is between the A47 and the built up area of the village. Being very close to the A47, the site is in the southern bypass landscape protection zone. If this policy was relaxed, theoretically, frontage development here could be suitable, but the road and this part of the site is at risk of surface water flooding. The depth of the site could provide estate development, but the road here is very narrow, limiting the quantum of development that could be acceptable. In any event, mitigation of the flood area at the site entrance would be necessary.

GNLP0182 (21.6ha) would extend the village to the west, wrapping around the church which currently stands isolated from the village. Development to the west of the village would inevitably draw traffic through the narrow village roads towards the A47. There are areas at risk of surface water flooding which could be avoided. There is a small parcel of this site adjacent to a recent permission off Gibbs Close. This could provide small estate development, assuming an appropriate access could be formed either via Gibbs Close or Mill Road. The rest of the site could be suitable if appropriate mitigation was made to reduce impact on the setting of the church and if local road capacity could be improved. On the other side of the Gibbs Close permission is GNLP1046 (0.4ha). This small triangular site is effectively landlocked by development and relatively unconstrained, and could be appropriate for a small expansion of the existing permissions, subject to addressing access constraints.

In conclusion, if Little Melton is identified for development, small scale residential development could occur at GNLP0495, or the small part of GNLP0182 off Gibbs Close, or on GNLP1046 if access constraints can be addressed. Larger scale development, if considered suitable for Little Melton, could take place on parts of GNLP0340, GNLP0397 and GNLP0591 combined, or on parts of GNLP0182.

Site Promoter Details Site Site Development Description
Reference Title First Name Last Name Organisation Address Area (ha)
(1)GNLP0182 Mr Simon Henry Bidwells Land to the north and south of Mill Road and Great Melton Road 21.61 Residential development and open space provision.
(3)GNLP0340 Mr Richard Martin M Scott Properties Ltd Land between Watton Road, Green Lane and School Lane 43.17 Residential-led development of approx. 640 dwellings, associated public open spaces and on site attenuation, a new local centre and health hub, and expansion of Little Melton Primary School.
GNLP0397 Mr William Lusty Savills Land off Mill Road 2.96 Residential development of approx. 75 dwellings
(1)GNLP0477 Mr Philip Atkinson Lanpro Services Ltd Land east of Burnthouse Lane 1.64 Residential development of 25 dwellings and 0.22 ha of green infrastructure
(1)GNLP0488 Mr Ben Kemp Gable Developments Land north of School Lane 3.24 Residential development and open space
(1)GNLP0495 Mr Philip Atkinson Lanpro Services Ltd Land south of School Lane 0.58 Residential development of 9 dwellings
GNLP0591 Mr Stephen Cole
103 School Lane 0.96 Residential development for approx. 8 to 10 dwellings.
GNLP1046 Mrs Sarah Hornbrook Ingleton Wood LLP Land North of Great Melton Road, south of Ringwood Close 0.41 Residential development of an unspecified number
Housing Commitment Sites (At 1 April 2017, 5 or more units only)
Address Planning Permission Ref. Allocation ref. Remaining Dwellings at 1 April 2017
Ringwood Close 2013/0092 LIT 1 (South Norfolk Site Specific Allocations & Policies Document) 19
Mill Road 2015/0253, 2015/2360 n/a 20
Gibbs Close 2015/1697 n/a 27
GVA Greater Norwich Employment Land Assessment Sites
Address GVA Reference Dominant Use Class Existing or Allocation?

5.50. Loddon & Chedgrave

Settlement Summary

Loddon and Chedgrave together form a Key Service Centre in the JCS. Land is allocated for the development of 200 dwellings (LOD1); and, as well as that there are two employment allocations. There are services and facilities supporting everyday needs, such as shops, community facilities including an infant, junior and high school, medical centre, library, several pubs and a range of independent retail businesses. The industrial estate at Little Money Road covers some 6 hectares and provides local employment.

Loddon and Chedgrave are separated by the River Chet. The valley to the east is grazing marsh typical of the Broads, whilst to the west there are more significant wooded areas. The A146 bypasses Loddon and Chedgrave to the south and provides good direct access to Norwich, Beccles and Lowestoft. The historic centre of Chedgrave is concentrated around the junction of Norwich Road and Bridge Street. The conservation area continues southwards along the High Street in Loddon and extends eastwards to the Norton Road. A second, smaller conservation area encloses the attractive setting to the Church of All Saints on the eastern edge of Chedgrave. Significant open spaces are Church Plain and the grounds to Holy Trinity Church in Loddon, Farthing Green on the Beccless Road in Loddon, and the grounds to All Saints Church in Chedgrave. More recent post-war development has tended to be at the north of Chedgrave in the vicinity of Langley Road.

Six sites have been put forward in Loddon, ranging from 0.7 ha to 7.7 ha in size. GNLP008 is a small site, remote from the settlement next to the Bungay Road. Access could be achieved but its development would create an isolated and less preferable form of development. Other sites are better related to Loddon and Chedgrave, but still have specific constraints to mitigate. To the south-east of the town, GNLP0312 has a long frontage onto the Beccles Road. Highways mitigation and consideration of surface water flood management are amongst the constraints. For GNLP0313, which is in the town centre, regard will be needed to the impact on listed buildings, including the Grade I Church of Holy Trinity, and general considerations of being in the conservation area. The access into GNLP0313 also appears constrained. To the south of the town centre, GNLP0314 is outside the conservation area, but the narrowness of the access onto Low Bungay Road is a constraint. At the south of town near the High Bridge Road / A146 junction, GNLP0372 has constraints that include highways issues and considerations related to surface water flood risk.

Three sites have been put forward in Chedgrave. To the north, GNLP0463 is a 3 ha site proposed for 70 dwellings. Constraints include the need for access and highways improvements and the site's proximity to Langley Historic Park which is opposite, but GNLP0463 is considered suitable for the land availability assessment. To the east, site GNLP0541 is accessed from the Hardley Road and is adjacent to the Grade I listed All Saints Church. Whilst suitable for the land availability assessment there are constraints to GNLP0541 over highways, landscape, historic environment implications. Lastly, to the west, site GNLP1014 is accessed from the Norwich Road and is diagonally opposite the Grade II listed Old Rectory. Constraints include the need for access and highways improvements, as well as landscape and historic environment implications, but GNLP1014 is considered suitable for consideration.

Overall, if Loddon and Chedgrave are identified for additional growth, there are potential options, subject to mitigating the constraints noted above.

Site Promoter Details Site Site Development Description
Reference Title First Name Last Name Organisation Address Area (ha)
Chedgrave sites
(16)GNLP0463 Mr Edward Plumb Brown & Co. Land off Langley Road 3.07 Residential development of up to 70 dwellings, with open to space to the north as necessary.
(14)GNLP0541 Mrs Lynne Cockerton
Land Bordering Hardley Road and Pits Lane 0.49 Residential development of between 5 to 8 dwellings.
(6)GNLP1014 Mr Tom Mayes Mayes & Co Land on the west side of Norwich Road 1.6 Residential development of an unspecified number.
(1)GNLP0008 Mrs Pamela Ormerod
Wood Farm, Bungay Road 2.01 Residential development of up to 15 dwellings including access roads
(19)GNLP0312 Mr Will Wright Savills Land to the east of Beccles Road 7.70 Residential development of up to 228 dwellings
(8)GNLP0313 Mr Will Wright Savills Land to east of the High Street 1.62 Residential development of approx. 68 dwellings.
(5)GNLP0314 Mr Will Wright Savills Land off Low Bungay Road 0.74 Residential development of approx. 19 dwellings
(1)GNLP0347 Mr Philip Rankin Savills Land to the south of the A146 3.41 Commercial development of Storage and Distribution Hub
(4)GNLP0372 Mr Michael Braithwaite Robert Doughty Consultancy Limited Land to the east of High Bungay Road 3.14 Residential development of approx. 130 dwellings plus a Scout Hut and public open space. (An initial phase of 60 starter homes could be promoted on the southern section of the site).
Housing Commitment Sites (At 1 April 2017, 5 or more units only)
Address Planning Permission Ref. Allocation ref. Remaining Dwellings at 1 April 2017
North of George Lane 2016/0853 LOD 1 (South Norfolk Site Specific Allocations & Policies Document) 200
GVA Greater Norwich Employment Land Assessment Sites
Address GVA Reference Dominant Use Class Existing or Allocation?
Loddon Industrial Estate SN A19 Vacant Allocation
Loddon Industrial Estate SN A20 Vacant Allocation
Loddon Industrial Estate SN E16 B2/B8/Sui Generis Existing

5.51. Long Stratton (including parts of Tharston and Hapton parish adjoining Long Stratton)

Settlement Summary

Long Stratton is a large village which is set to grow into a small town that includes land that is within the parish of Tharston and Hapton on its western edge. An Area Action Plan for Long Stratton allocates a minimum of 1,800 new houses, 12 hectares of employment, an enhanced town centre and supporting infrastructure including a by-pass on the eastern side of the settlement.

Long Stratton has a good range of services and facilities that are mainly located along The Street (A140). On the western side of the town there are primary and secondary schools, a leisure centre, the district council offices, and Tharston Industrial Estate. Away from the historic core that evolved north-south along the A140, estate development has been added in recent decades taking the current population to approximately 4,500. In terms of the landscape and environment, the Tas Valley is to the west and various designated common lands are to the east and south.

In total seven sites have promoted on the edge of existing built up areas in the parishes through the GNLP, five for residential development, one for employment and one for a mix of the two.

The one site in Long Stratton parish, GNLP0509, is a 3.6 ha site promoted for 60-100 homes that would extend the village to the south, and would be accessed from St Mary's Road.

Four sites (GNLP0142, 0201, 0272 and 0576) are clustered around Tharston Industrial estate, with site 0272 promoted for employment uses and 0201 for a mix of residential and employment uses. Two residential sites, GNLP0458 and 1050, are located further north adjacent to the Long Stratton's development boundary.

Should further development be required in Long Stratton in addition to the commitments made through the Area Action Plan, a choice of growth options have been submitted both for residential and employment development. Sites in the proximity of Tharston Industrial Estate offer potential residential and employment development options subject to constraints which mainly relating to highways and addressing potential conflicts with existing employment uses. Sites 0458 and 1050 offer the potential for residential development, but access issues would need to be addressed to enable this. GNLP0509 also has potential for residential use given its proximity to services in Long Stratton. Overall, however, further development in the Long Stratton area could be contingent on addressing issues relating to waste water treatment.

Site Promoter Details Site Site Development Description
Reference Title First Name Last Name Organisation Address Area (ha)
Long Stratton
(2)GNLP0509 Mr Geoff Armstrong Armstrong Rigg Planning Land south of St Mary's Road 3.6 Residential development of 60 - 100 dwellings with associated open space
Tharston and Hapton (adjacent to Long Stratton)
GNLP0142 Mr Martin Howe Peter Codling Architects Land west of Chequers Road 1.74 Residential development
GNLP0201 Mr Robert Hardesty
Land next to Tharston Industrial Estate, west of Chequers Lane 3.9 Mixed use: residential development and industrial use
GNLP0272 Mr William Easton
Land to the west of Tharston Industrial Estate 7.55 Employment use
GNLP0458 Mr Edward Plumb Brown & Co. Land to the west of Chequers Road 0.96 Residential development of approx. 20 dwellings with open space
GNLP0576 Mr Luke Todd
Blyth Green Park, Stratton Road 1.45 Residential development
GNLP1050 Mr Nick Moys Brown & Co Land at Cuidad Rodrego Farm, Forncett Road 7.5 Housing with associated access and open space, ranging from 35 to 100 homes.
Housing Commitment Sites (At 1 April 2017, 5 or more units only)
Address Planning Permission Ref. Allocation ref. Remaining Dwellings at 1 April 2017
Area Action Plan Allocation n/a LNGS 1 (Long Stratton Area Action Plan) At least 1,800
Cygnet House, Swan Lane 2015/0385 n/a 48
GVA Greater Norwich Employment Land Assessment Sites
Address GVA Reference Dominant Use Class Existing or Allocation?
East, south-east and north west LS SN A16 Vacant Allocation
West of Tharston Industrial Estate SN A18 Vacant Allocation
Ipswich Road SN E15 Sui Generis Existing

5.52. Marlingford & Colton

Settlement Summary

The JCS identifies Marlingford as an Other Village. It has a village hall, cricket club and a pub. Colton is in the same parish and has a pub. The main constraints within the parish are fluvial and surface water flood risk, river valley landscape, ecological sites such as CWS and ancient woodland, and narrow roads.

Seven sites have been promoted, ranging from 0.4ha to 81.8ha. Some of these are linked to a proposal for a new settlement (see also the Honingham summary) and some are linked to proposals to expand the Barnham Broom Country Club. Therefore, these sites do not relate directly to the villages of Colton or Marlingford.

In Marlingford, GNLP0425 is a site of 0.8ha in the designated river valley and is proposed for housing. The site has significant access constraints but a small part may be developable.

In Colton, GNLP0424 is a small site (0.4ha) at the far south of the village which wraps around some existing dwellings. At the other end of the village, GNLP0475 is a 2.3ha site adjacent to the pub. It is proposed for housing but is not very well related to existing housing in the village; it is on grade 2 agricultural land. Although both sites are remote from services and the local road network is constrained, they have few other constraints and could be suitable for small scale housing.

Elsewhere in the parish, three sites are proposed for housing which do not relate to either village: GNLP0474 (12.8ha), GNLP0476 (29.6ha) and GNLP0415-D (81.8ha).

GNLP0476 is proposed for housing; it has some areas at risk of surface water flooding but these could be avoided. Large parts of this site are in the designated river valley. It is unrelated to any settlement or proposed new settlement, and therefore has significant constraints.

GNLP0474 is overlapped by GNLP0415-D (housing) and NGLP0415-E (country park) but is itself proposed for housing. It has several areas at risk of surface water flooding and a significant area of the site is in agricultural land class 2. It does not relate to a settlement and therefore has significant constraints.

GNLP0415-D is partially within Marlingford & Colton parish but is linked to a 'new settlement' proposal at Honingham Thorpe. It overlaps most of GNLP0474 and contains several areas at risk of surface water flooding, although these could be avoided. Most of GNLP0415-D is in agricultural land class 2, which if developed would reduce the best and most versatile agricultural land. This would be a significant loss and would need to be considered in the context of the potential benefits of a new settlement; conclusions on this site are discussed further within the Honingham summary, but it is uncertain whether this site would be required to achieve a new settlement in addition to others proposed.

GNLP0415-E is proposed as a country park to support the new settlement and serve the wider hinterland. It is 81.5ha, contains ancient woodland and a CWS, and could be appropriate for a country park.

To conclude, if this area was identified as a location for development, small scale housing development may be possible on GNLP0424, while GNLP0415-E could be suitable for a country park. If a new settlement is identified for the Honingham Thorpe/Marlingford area, the need for GNLP0415-D would require assessment, but as a stand-alone site it is not considered a sustainable location.

Site Promoter Details Site Site Development Description
Reference Title First Name Last Name Organisation Address Area (ha)
(7)GNLP0424 Mrs Amber Slater Brown & Co. Land at Marlingford Road 0.41 Residential development of approx. 16 dwellings, and open space.
(6)GNLP0425 Mrs Amber Slater Brown & Co. Land at Mill Road/Barford Road 0.86 Residential development for approximately 5 dwellings with access via Mill Road
(8)GNLP0474 Mr Alan Presslee Cornerstone Planning Ltd Land west of Colton Road 13.38 Residential development or holiday accommodation and/or staff accommodation related to Barnham Broom Golf and Country Club
(10)GNLP0475 Mr Alan Presslee Cornerstone Planning Ltd Land south of Colton/east of Highhouse Farm Lane 2.44 Residential development, holiday accommodation and/or staff accommodation related to the expanding Barnham Broom Golf and Country Club
(8)GNLP0476 Mr Alan Presslee Cornerstone Planning Ltd Land east of Honingham Road/north of Barnham Broom Golf and Country Club 29.34 Residential development, holiday accommodation and/or staff accommodation related to the expanding Barnham Broom Golf and Country Club
Housing Commitment Sites (At 1 April 2017, 5 or more units only)
Address Planning Permission Ref. Allocation ref. Remaining Dwellings at 1 April 2017
GVA Greater Norwich Employment Land Assessment Sites
Address GVA Reference Dominant Use Class Existing or Allocation?

5.53. Morley

Settlement Summary

The JCS classifies Morley as an Other Village; the village has a primary school, village hall and pub. The main service in the parish is Wymondham College, a secondary boarding and day school, but this is south of the village itself. The main constraints include surface water flood risk, areas of grade 2 agricultural land and narrow village roads.

Three sites have been proposed for housing in Morley St Botolph: GNLP0130, GNLP0356 and GNLP1033. All sites are poorly related to the existing built-up area of the village and have areas at risk of surface water flooding. GNLP0356 is also located within the best and most versatile agricultural land. All sites are therefore heavily constrained.

Site Promoter Details Site Site Development Description
Reference Title First Name Last Name Organisation Address Area (ha)
GNLP0130 Ms Melissa Burgan Small Fish Land east of Brecon Lodge, Golf Links Road 0.25 Residential development, possibly for self-build dwellings
(1)GNLP0356 Mr Ian Reilly Lanpro Services Ltd Land to the west of Golf Links Road / South of Waterloo Farm 0.68 Residential development utilising 0.76 ha with a further reserve site of 0.74 ha also available. The development would also provide for landscaping and ecological enhancements, provision of a formal footpath along the eastern boundary to replace the permissive pathway and vehicular access.
GNLP1033 Mr Neil Clancy MMC Norfolk Ltd Land adjacent Attleborough Road / Hill Road 0.88 Residential development -- six properties
Housing Commitment Sites (At 1 April 2017, 5 or more units only)
Address Planning Permission Ref. Allocation ref. Remaining Dwellings at 1 April 2017
GVA Greater Norwich Employment Land Assessment Sites
Address GVA Reference Dominant Use Class Existing or Allocation?

5.54. Mulbarton

Settlement Summary

The JCS identifies Mulbarton (along with Bracon Ash) as a Service Village. Mulbarton has a range of services including primary education, shops, GP surgery, chemist, and village hall.

The village has a historic core with many listed buildings set around the triangular common, which is the heart of the village's conservation area. Other constraints includes flood risk, and a string of CWS to the west of the village and on the central common. Mulbarton's Neighbourhood Plan identifies a 'heart of the village' area, and states that housing proposals that result in the growth of the village further southward will not generally be acceptable.

Two large sites have been proposed for development. Two other sites proposed for housing, GNLP0195 and GNLP0299, are adjacent to the built up area of Mulbarton but are in Bracon Ash parish and included under that section of this document.

GNLP 0315 is a very large site of 130ha to the east of Mulbarton, and largely detached from the village. Identified constraints include impacts on townscape, listed buildings, ecology, access, the road network and surface water flooding. As the site is of a significant scale there are likely to be opportunities to avoid and mitigate on-site constraints although development of the entire site would have a significant impact on the built environment which would be harder to mitigate. The off-site impacts on the road network may have the potential to be mitigated by a site of this scale, though access to the A140 could be difficult to achieve largely due to the potential need for an additional or improved crossing of the Norwich-London railway.

GNLP0496 is a site of 25.6ha. It straddles the B1113 to the north of Mulbarton and is made up of 3 distinct areas, one to the west of the B1113 and two to the east. The site is close to services and facilities in Mulbarton. Constraints include the existing road network, the impact on the setting of the village and the impacts on listed buildings. The network constraints have the potential to be mitigated.

In conclusion, these two sites could be considered if Mulbarton is identified as a suitable location for large scale growth, though providing adequate access to the main road network, particularly the A140, could be difficult to achieve.

Site Promoter Details Site Site Development Description
Reference Title First Name Last Name Organisation Address Area (ha)
(13)GNLP0315 Mr Will Wright Savills Land to east of Mulbarton, north and south of Rectory Lane 130.29 Residential-led strategic extension of Mulbarton.
(10)GNLP0496 Mr Philip Atkinson Lanpro Services Ltd Land to the east and west of Norwich Road 25.63 Residential development enabling 9.81 ha of green infrastructure, a new primary school site and a residential care home for the elderly.
Housing Commitment Sites (At 1 April 2017, 5 or more units only)
Address Planning Permission Ref. Allocation ref. Remaining Dwellings at 1 April 2017
East of Long Lane/The Rosery 2014/0487 MUL 1 (South Norfolk Site Specific Allocations & Policies Document) 114
GVA Greater Norwich Employment Land Assessment Sites
Address GVA Reference Dominant Use Class Existing or Allocation?

5.55. Mundham

Settlement Summary

Mundham is identified as in the Smaller rural communities and countryside category in the JCS with no settlement limit.

One site in has been put forward for consideration for future employment development through the GNLP. Site GNLP0071 is a brownfield site in an isolated location on the edge of Seething airfield. Whilst it does not have significant on-site constraints, its isolated location may require significant investment, particularly in access and sewerage.

Site Promoter Details Site Site Development Description
Reference Title First Name Last Name Organisation Address Area (ha)
GNLP0071 Mr Keith Vincent Brineflow Properties & Handling Ltd Land at Seething Airfield, Upgate Road 1.8 Employment use
Housing Commitment Sites (At 1 April 2017, 5 or more units only)
Address Planning Permission Ref. Allocation ref. Remaining Dwellings at 1 April 2017
GVA Greater Norwich Employment Land Assessment Sites
Address GVA Reference Dominant Use Class Existing or Allocation?

5.56. Needham

Settlement Summary

Needham is classified as an 'Other Village' in the JCS with a defined development boundary.

Needham is a linear village of mainly detached dwellings on single plot frontages along the former A143 at the foot of the northern valley slope of the River Waveney. The northern end of the village has an open aspect and includes a semi-derelict sunken area of ex-gravel pits.

There is a limited range of facilities in the village including a village hall, pub and bus service.

One 0.71ha site, GNLP0156, has been put forward for consideration for future residential development. It is a greenfield site on grade 3 (lesser quality) agricultural land within a locally identified river valley protection zone. It is located between Needham's two settlement boundaries, opposite St Peter's Church, so the setting of the heritage asset is a consideration. In terms of utilities, there are constraints to provision of sewerage infrastructure. A further constraint at this location is the lack of services available as, though it is on a bus route, the nearest shops and schools are in Harleston.

Site Promoter Details Site Site Development Description
Reference Title First Name Last Name Organisation Address Area (ha)
GNLP0156 Mrs Mary Whatham
Site opposite Village Hall, High Road 0.71 Residential development
Housing Commitment Sites (At 1 April 2017, 5 or more units only)
Address Planning Permission Ref. Allocation ref. Remaining Dwellings at 1 April 2017
GVA Greater Norwich Employment Land Assessment Sites
Address GVA Reference Dominant Use Class Existing or Allocation?

5.57. Newton Flotman

Settlement Summary

Newton Flotman is identified in the JCS as a Service Village. Its services include a GP surgery, primary school, and village hall. Nearly all services are located to the west of the A140. The main constraints to development include the A140, classified as a corridor of movement, surface water and fluvial flooding, Shotesham conservation area (outside the village) and river valley landscape to the south-east of the village.

Only one site has been submitted. GNLP0594 lies to the east of Ipswich Road, and access to services would involve crossing the A140. Road access would be from the A140. Other constraints include the potential need to upgrade water supply and the sewerage network and the impact on the adjoining Shotesham conservation area. The site is in the designated river valley, and a part is in Flood Zone 3b.

Site Promoter Details Site Site Development Description
Reference Title First Name Last Name Organisation Address Area (ha)
(2)GNLP0594 Mr Russell Gray
Lowlands, Ipswich Road 1.38 Residential development for approx. 33 dwellings.
Housing Commitment Sites (At 1 April 2017, 5 or more units only)
Address Planning Permission Ref. Allocation ref. Remaining Dwellings at 1 April 2017
38 Olive Avenue 2009/1071 n/a 8
Flordon Road/Church Road n/a NEW 1 (South Norfolk Site Specific Allocations & Policies Document) 30
GVA Greater Norwich Employment Land Assessment Sites
Address GVA Reference Dominant Use Class Existing or Allocation?

5.58. Norton Subcourse

Settlement Summary
See Thurlton settlement summary
Site Promoter Details Site Site Development Description
Reference Title First Name Last Name Organisation Address Area (ha)
GNLP0309 Mr Will Wright Savills Land south of Loddon Road 1.06 Residential development
Housing Commitment Sites (At 1 April 2017, 5 or more units only)
Address Planning Permission Ref. Allocation ref. Remaining Dwellings at 1 April 2017
GVA Greater Norwich Employment Land Assessment Sites
Address GVA Reference Dominant Use Class Existing or Allocation?

5.59. Poringland

Settlement Summary

The JCS classifies Poringland as a Key Service Centre. The built-up area of Poringland/Framingham Earl currently extends into five parishes (Poringland, Framingham Earl, Caistor St Edmund, Stoke Holy Cross and Bixley). The submitted sites which relate to 'Poringland' village are summarised here, regardless of which parish they fall into. In addition to the five parishes named above, the summary below also includes a site in the parish of Framingham Pigot which is adjacent to the village. 'Poringland' contains a range of services including a post office, supermarket, other stores, pubs, restaurants and take-aways, two GPs, a dentist, a primary school, a high school, two community halls, and some local employment.

Fifteen sites have been promoted ranging from 1.2ha to 36.6ha, giving a range of options for potential growth. The village has developed in along Norwich Road, but to make existing services accessible to a wider population, allocations in the last two local plans have not promoted further linear growth. Poringland has widespread areas at risk of surface water flooding. There is a concentration of listed buildings in the south, near to and including the church. There are group TPOs in and around the village, the largest being to the west of the village and within the built-up area along Long Road, and there are CWSs around, but at some distance from the village.

Three sites to the west of the village within Caistor St Edmund parish have been promoted. GNLP0131 (1.2ha) is the smallest of these, but has the largest road frontage. Constraints include lack of footpaths on this part of the road, affecting access to services, surface water flooding and archaeological earthworks of some importance. It lies adjacent to GNLP0485, a much larger site (36.6ha) which is proposed for housing with over 24ha of new country park. The site extends north of the village, and has narrow access between existing housing, with a wider road frontage further away from the built up area but still within walking distance of the high school (although no footpaths here). It contains ancient woodland in the form of Caistor Wood, which is also a CWS. Some enabling housing development in a part of GNLP0485 which avoids impact on sensitive sites and provides green infrastructure (GI) in the form of a country park could make a positive contribution, though there may be issues associated with viability and maintenance of the GI. If a country park is not considered necessary, the site would be less suitable for housing development as it would extend the linear form of the village further. GNLP0491 (9.7ha) is relatively unconstrained, but has a very narrow access, which provides a significant constraint.

One site to the west of the village is in Stoke Holy Cross parish: GNLP0494 (3.4ha). Whilst close to the edge of the settlement its suitability for development is reduced by a narrow access that seemingly involves demolishing an existing house, and there is also the consideration of some surface water flood risk.

There are five sites to the east of the village which are located mostly within Framingham Earl parish, but one entirely within Bixley parish. The latter site, GNLP1032 (4.2ha) is adjacent to GNLP0321 (4.2ha). Both have areas at risk of surface water flooding around the boundary and within the site (for GNLP1032, these areas are widespread). These would need to be avoided and mitigated. The proposal on both sites is for mixed commercial and residential use, which mirrors the recent permission opposite the site. However, the sites are adjacent to woodland, meaning they are not contiguous with the built form of the village on that side of Norwich Road and would contribute to linear growth of the village. Additionally, GNLP1032 is partially within grade 2 agricultural land.

GNLP0589-B (4.5ha) is between recent permissions for housing and a hospice. The site is a former RAF site, so contamination is a possibility. There are small areas within the site at risk of surface water flooding, but these could easily be avoided. Otherwise the site seems relatively unconstrained and within walking distance of a number of services.

GNLP0391-A (1.2ha on Hall Road) and GNLP0391-B (3.3ha on Burgate Lane) are at the far eastern edge of Poringland's built-up area where roads become narrow (there are no footpaths on Hall Road). The sites are within walking distance of two primary schools and bus services, but are further away from other services than some sites. Both sites have small areas at risk of surface water flooding that would not preclude development. The Hall Road site may impact on the settings of nearby listed buildings including the church, and there are ponds in and around the Burgate Lane site, both of which indicate that mitigation would be required.

GNLP0003 (2.2ha) is further along Burgate Lane between Framingham Earl and Alpington, and does not relate well to either, which limits its suitability for development.

One site is technically in Framingham Pigot. GNLP0589-A (5.4ha) is adjacent to a recent permission on Pigot Lane. There is a strip of land towards the rear of the site which is at risk of surface water flooding, which would need to be avoided. The site's former use as an RAF site could have left residual contamination. However, the site is well-located for access to local services.

The rest of the sites are in Poringland parish.

GNLP0223 (9.2ha) is bounded on two sides by a recent housing allocation. There are areas at risk of surface water flooding which would need to be addressed and may reduce the net developable area. The site contains ponds and mature trees, meaning full ecological surveys would be needed, and mitigation is likely to be required. Otherwise the site is relatively unconstrained.

GNLP0169 (18.3ha) extends either side of Shotesham Road; the larger, northern site is adjacent to a recent allocation/permission which is being developed and the southern site is between housing and a children's activity centre. Both sites contain significant areas at risk of surface water flooding, which could possibly be avoided and/or mitigated. There is a veteran oak in the southern site and a CWS fairly nearby which may need some mitigation, but otherwise the site is relatively unconstrained. It is proposed for housing including an element of residential care and employment.

GNLP0316 (4.9ha) contains significant areas at risk of surface water flooding, which could possibly be avoided and/or mitigated if the site depth was reduced. Development of the site may impact on the settings of nearby listed buildings and there are ponds and mature hedges on site, which indicates an ecological survey may be required. Otherwise the site is relatively unconstrained, but would contribute to linear growth of the village.

It is unclear whether access for GNLP0280 (2.1ha) would require demolition of a dwelling and it is separated from the village by open space, so does not relate to the built form as well as some other sites. It has areas at risk of surface water flooding along the northern boundary and mature trees, both of which would need to be avoided. Otherwise the site is relatively unconstrained, but would contribute to linear growth of the village.

To conclude, should Poringland/Framingham Earl be identified as suitable locations for growth, GNLP0223, GNLP0169, GNLP0589-A and GNLP0589-B may be sustainable locations for development. If further development is required in Poringland/Framingham Earl, GNLP0280, GNLP0316 and GNLP0321 may be suitable, although these sites would contribute to the linear growth of the village.

Site Promoter Details Site Site Development Description
Reference Title First Name Last Name Organisation Address Area (ha)
For site GNLP1032 see Bixley, for sites GNLP0131, 0485 & 0491 see Caistor St Edmunds, for site GNLP0494 see Stoke Holy Cross, for sites GNLP0003, 0321, 0391A/B & 0589A/B see Framingham Earl/Framingham Pigot
(10)GNLP0169 Mr Graham Tuddenham
Land north and south of Shotesham Road 18.35 Residential development of between 250 and 320 dwellings including an element of residential care, public open space and employment space.
(5)GNLP0223 Mr James Collister Parker Planning Services Land North of Heath Loke and the west of The Street 9.25 Residential development
(4)GNLP0280 Mr Robert Chambers
Cherry Trees, south of Bungay Road 2.17 Residential development of approx. 40 dwellings
(12)GNLP0316 Mr Will Wright Savills Land north of Bungay Road 4.92 Residential development
Housing Commitment Sites (At 1 April 2017, 5 or more units only)
Address Planning Permission Ref. Allocation ref. Remaining Dwellings at 1 April 2017
West of The Street 2010/1332, 2014/0393, 2014/0319

POR 4 & POR 6

(South Norfolk Site Specific Allocations & Policies Document)

Heath Farm 2013/0505, 2014/0732


(South Norfolk Site Specific Allocations & Policies Document)

GVA Greater Norwich Employment Land Assessment Sites
Address GVA Reference Dominant Use Class Existing or Allocation?

5.60. Pulham Market

Settlement Summary

The JCS classifies Pulham Marketas a Service Village; it has a primary school, shop, post office and village hall. The main constraints to development are a conservation area densely populated by listed buildings, narrow village roads, the landscape setting of the village and some areas at risk of surface water flooding. It is likely that the water supply and sewerage infrastructure network, including the water recycling centre, would need to be upgraded to support growth.

Four sites have been proposed.

GNLP0407 is poorly related to the main part of the village, being located with a cluster of listed buildings well to the north. The road network is poor and the site is remote from services.

GNLP0166 is to the north of the village, along Colegate End Road. Constraints include the suitability of the local road network, areas at risk of surface water flooding, and impact on townscape.

GNLP0418 is a larger site, on Mill Lane and adjacent to GNLP0166, to the north of the village. Constraints include the suitability of the local road network.


The site sits to the south of the village, adjacent to the recent housing allocation. Constraints are limited, but the site is adjacent to the conservation area.

To conclude, if Pulham Market is identified for growth, the least constrained sites for additional housing are GNLP1024, and possibly GNLP0418.

Site Promoter Details Site Site Development Description
Reference Title First Name Last Name Organisation Address Area (ha)
GNLP0166 Mr Martin Howe Peter Codling Architects Gosmore, west of Colegate End Road 0.6 Residential development. This may involve the demolition
of the existing dwelling on site depending on final layout.
(5)GNLP0407 Mr Ivan Alexander
Land north of Colegate End Road, Colegate End 0.91 Residential development of 6 to 10 dwellings. Propose that 50% of the site be dedicated to affordable housing and the remainder to market housing.
(1)GNLP0418 Mrs Amber Slater Brown & Co. Land at Cook's Field, just north of Jocelyn Close 0.66 Residential development of around 30 dwellings, and potential improvements to the facilities for the recreation ground.
GNLP1024 Mr Mark Philpot One Planning Consultants Ladbrookes, Tattlepot Road 1.3 Residential development of at least 20 dwellings
Housing Commitment Sites (At 1 April 2017, 5 or more units only)
Address Planning Permission Ref. Allocation ref. Remaining Dwellings at 1 April 2017
Sycamore Farm, Tattlepot Lane 2015/2491


(South Norfolk Site Specific Allocations & Policies Document)

GVA Greater Norwich Employment Land Assessment Sites
Address GVA Reference Dominant Use Class Existing or Allocation?

5.61. Pulham St Mary

Settlement Summary

Pulham St Mary is classified in the JCS as a Service Village; it has a village hall, post office and shop. The centre of the village includes a large undeveloped area, and the conservation area incorporates this and the older part of the village, wooded areas with TPOs, the river and intervening water meadows. Pulham St Mary also has significant areas of fluvial and surface water flood risk, forming constraints to development.

Seven sites have been submitted. Of these, GNLP0575 is poorly related to the main village and is almost entirely covered by surface water flood risk. To the south of the village, GNLP0363 and GNLP0398 are both entirely within the conservation area; the former is also within a group TPO while the latter is opposite the Grade I listed church and has several areas at risk of surface water flooding. Also south of the village, the southern part of GNLP0430 is also at risk of flooding from surface water and the river. This site is adjacent to, but outside the conservation area. The sewage treatment works are just to the south, but a reduced site could be suitable.

To the east of the village, GNLP1053 (0.8ha) is well related to the built form in location and scale, but almost the entire site is at risk of surface water flooding. North of this, GNLP1052 (3.8ha) contains an area at risk of surface water flooding which could be avoided, and the site could be reduced to allow frontage development if estate development was not felt to be appropriate. Further north, the eastern half of GNLP1027 (1.4ha) is in the conservation area, to the north of the village. The western half would form the access, and is adjacent to residential development.

To conclude, if Pulham St Mary is identified as a location for growth, various options are available. Part of GNLP1027, all or part of GNLP1052, or a slightly reduced GNLP0430 could provide additional dwellings, while other sites appear less suitable for a variety of reasons.

Site Promoter Details Site Site Development Description
Reference Title First Name Last Name Organisation Address Area (ha)
(1)GNLP0363 Mr Keith Day Keith Day Architects The Maltings, Station Road 0.27 Residential development of 4 dwellings including re-use of existing stable block
(2)GNLP0398 Mr William Lusty Savills Land south of The Street 0.77 Residential development of approx. 25 dwellings
(4)GNLP0430 Mrs Amber Slater Brown & Co. Land east of Station Rd 0.89 Residential development of around 23 dwellings, with associated access and open space
(1)GNLP0575 Mr Thomas Banks
Flanders Meadow, Station Road 0.63 Residential development of 8 to 10 dwellings
(1)GNLP1027 Mr Mark Philpot One Planning Consultants Land east of Goldsmith Way 1.27 Residential development for at least 20 dwellings and open space.
(2)GNLP1052 Mr Hamish Lamp Durrants Land Northwest of Norwich Road and Poppy's Lane 3.76 Residential and open space.
(1)GNLP1053 Mr Hamish Lamp Durrants Land West of Mill Lane 0.76 Residential development of an unspecified number.
Housing Commitment Sites (At 1 April 2017, 5 or more units only)
Address Planning Permission Ref. Allocation ref. Remaining Dwellings at 1 April 2017
South of Chestnut Road 2013/1334 n/a 6
GVA Greater Norwich Employment Land Assessment Sites
Address GVA Reference Dominant Use Class Existing or Allocation?

5.62. Rockland St Mary

Settlement Summary

Rockland St Mary is classified as a Service Village in the JCS. The village has developed as a linear settlement form based along Rookery Hill and The Street. It has experienced some limited estate development, particularly at the eastern end of the village adjacent to Surlingham Lane together with some infill development. The village is set in the Yare Valley, close to the Broads Authority area, and so any development here will be within 3,000 metres of the SAC, SPA, and Ramsar designations found in the Broads.

Two sites have been put forward for the consideration for future residential development.

GNLP0165 is a 0.7 ha site on the western edge of the village, off Bramerton Lane and Rookery Hill, with good access to the school and post office, and near to the bus stop; but, there are significant townscape and landscape considerations. As well as listed buildings to the south, views from the west towards the village would be significantly affected.

GNLP0531 is a 15.52 ha site to the east of the village, and partly adjacent to the Broads Authority. The site is of a significant scale relative to the existing village and there are constraints in terms of access, utilities capacity, landscape impact, and adverse impact on the setting of nearby listed buildings.

In conclusion, these two sites could be considered if Rockland St Mary is identified as a suitable location for development, although larger-scale development of GNLP0531 is heavily constrained.

Site Promoter Details Site Site Development Description
Reference Title First Name Last Name Organisation Address Area (ha)
(52)GNLP0165 Mr Edward Andrews
Land at junction of Bramerton Lane/Rookery Hill 0.7 Residential development
(87)GNLP0531 Mr James Garnham K Garnham Design Land west of Lower Road, south of New Inn Hill 15.52 Residential development of approx. 200 dwellings
Housing Commitment Sites (At 1 April 2017, 5 or more units only)
Address Planning Permission Ref. Allocation ref. Remaining Dwellings at 1 April 2017
Bee Orchid Way n/a


(South Norfolk Site Specific Allocations & Policies Document)

GVA Greater Norwich Employment Land Assessment Sites
Address GVA Reference Dominant Use Class Existing or Allocation?

5.63. Roydon

Settlement Summary

The Joint Core Strategy identifies Roydon as a Service Village, suitable for 10-20 new dwellings. There are, however, no existing allocations. Factors being impact on the River Waveney Valley landscape and avoiding coalescence with neighbouring Diss to the east. The only site proposed under the 'Call for sites that is adjacent to Roydon Village itself is GNLP0526, Land off High Road. Whilst not beyond being considered suitable, the site has difficulties by virtue of its access and potential environmental impact. Access into the site appears to be reliant on two relatively narrow tracks between existing properties fronting High Road. From an environmental point of view, as well as impact on the River Waveney landscape, GNLP0526 is some 200 metres from Roydon Fen.

Other sites within the parish of Roydon which are better related to Diss are assessed under the Diss Settlement Summary.

Site Promoter Details Site Site Development Description
Reference Title First Name Last Name Organisation Address Area (ha)
(11)GNLP0104 Mr Martin Howe Peter Codling Architects Land at Sandstone Way 0.48 Residential development
(7)GNLP0119 Mr Martin Howe Peter Codling Architects 156 Shelfanger Road 0.68 Residential development
(10)GNLP0291 Mr David Futter David Futter Associates Land north of Shelfanger Road 0.93 Residential development of up to 33 dwellings
(25)GNLP0362 Mr Will Wright Savills Land at Sturgeons Farm, off Farm Close, Louie's Lane, Shelfanger Road 13.81 Residential led mixed-use development of approx. 413 dwellings
(19)GNLP0526 Mr Will Wright Savills (UK) Ltd Land south of High Road 3.66 Residential development of approx. 89 dwellings
(14)GNLP1038 Mr and Mrs Chris and Margaret Joyce
Land North of Brewer Green Lane 1.06 Residential development -- approximately 8 to 12 properties
Housing Commitment Sites (At 1 April 2017, 5 or more units only)
Address Planning Permission Ref. Allocation ref. Remaining Dwellings at 1 April 2017
Denmark Lane n/a


(South Norfolk Site Specific Allocations & Policies Document)

GVA Greater Norwich Employment Land Assessment Sites
Address GVA Reference Dominant Use Class Existing or Allocation?

5.64. Saxlingham Nethergate

Settlement Summary

The JCS classifies Saxlingham Nethergate as a Service Village.

One site has been submitted for consideration through the GNLP. GNLP0198 is a 0.29 ha site proposed for residential development to the north of Kensington Close. Although not particularly constrained in other respects, from the information received, the site does not appear to have a suitable vehicle access from the highway, which puts its deliverability into question.

On that basis, unless further sites come forward it is unlikely that sufficient land is available if Saxlingham Nethergate is judged suitable for more development.

Site Promoter Details Site Site Development Description
Reference Title First Name Last Name Organisation Address Area (ha)
(2)GNLP0198 Mr & Mrs Neville and Valerie Blakey
6 Kensington Close 0.29 Residential development
Housing Commitment Sites (At 1 April 2017, 5 or more units only)
Address Planning Permission Ref. Allocation ref. Remaining Dwellings at 1 April 2017
GVA Greater Norwich Employment Land Assessment Sites
Address GVA Reference Dominant Use Class Existing or Allocation?

5.65. Scole

Settlement Summary

Scole is classified is a Service Village in the JCS. The settlement has facilities including a primary school, shop and village hall.

The village is located partly on the edge of the Waveney Valley centred on the junction of the former routes of the A140 and A143 which now both bypass the village. The area around the junction forms the village core and includes a Conservation area with a variety of grade I and II listed buildings of considerable historical significance. Approximately half of the village consists of relatively modern dwellings of which many are detached, and the village is characterised by several open spaces near the centre, some of which afford views over the surrounding countryside. Diss railway station is around 2.5km from the village.

The development boundary has been drawn to include the main built form of the settlement and to protect the setting of the Conservation area around the village centre and church from inappropriate development to the west. The boundary also includes a residential allocation for 15 dwellings behind the affordable housing scheme opposite the school but excludes the affordable housing itself to help protect the affordable housing provision as well as the River Valley.

Four sites have been put forward for consideration for future residential development through the GNLP.

To the north of the village site GNLP0511 is currently allocated (commitment SCO1) for 15 dwellings. The proposal is to increase the density to accommodate 35 dwellings to make more effective use of the land on this site which is close to the school and accessible to local services.

To the south of the village, site 0338 is a part brownfield site adjacent to the settlement boundary and within the Waveney Valley. However, the site fronts onto Bungay Road where there are no footpaths and has access issues. Site 0527 is also adjacent to the settlement boundary, within the Waveney Valley and has areas of flood risk and access constraints.

Site 0339 is opposite the allotment gardens fronting on to Low Road, a narrow country lane with no footpaths and creating suitable access may not be possible. It is also close to the A140 which may affect the site in terms of noise.

Overall, if Scole is identified as a location for additional housing and depending on the scale of additional housing required, site 0511 offers the potential to increase the density on an existing allocation located close to the school and other services. This site appears to be the least constrained in comparison to other submitted sites.

Site Promoter Details Site Site Development Description
Reference Title First Name Last Name Organisation Address Area (ha)
(2)GNLP0338 Mr Philip Rankin Savills Land at Rose Farm, south of Bungay Road 1.45 Residential development of approx. 35-45 dwellings, with appropriate landscaping and open space
(2)GNLP0339 Mr Philip Rankin Savills Land at Street Farm, west of Low Road 0.34 Residential development of approx. 10-15 dwellings, with landscaping and open space
(1)GNLP0511 Mr Geoff Armstrong Armstrong Rigg Planning Land to the east of Norwich Road, north of Ransome Avenue 1.02 Residential development of up to 35 dwellings
(1)GNLP0527 Mr Will Wright Savills (UK) Ltd Land to south of Bungay Road 1.75 Residential development of approx. 53 dwellings
Housing Commitment Sites (At 1 April 2017, 5 or more units only)
Address Planning Permission Ref. Allocation ref. Remaining Dwellings at 1 April 2017
Norwich Road 2016/0165 n/a 18
Old Norwich Road/Ransome Avenue n/a


(South Norfolk Site Specific Allocations & Policies Document)

GVA Greater Norwich Employment Land Assessment Sites
Address GVA Reference Dominant Use Class Existing or Allocation?

5.66. Seething

Settlement Summary

The JCS classifies Seething as a Service Village; it has a primary school, shop and village hall. The main constraints in the village include the large conservation area, some areas of surface water flood risk and narrow village roads.

Five sites have been proposed for consideration though the GNLP; GNLP1035 is separated from the built up area; all others relate reasonably well to the existing linear form of the village.

GNLP0405 and GNLP0406 overlap the conservation area. GNLP0405 is actually a collection of three sites, one of which is proposed as additional parking for the school. These sites are arranged on a winding section of Brooke Road with surface water flood risk issues, both of which will affect access. GNLP0406 also contains an area at risk of surface water flooding, but this would not preclude development. GNLP0587 and GNLP0588 are just south of the conservation area, although the former may impact on it and contains an area of surface water flood risk. Both these sites are opposite the recent housing allocation which now has permission.

To conclude, if Seething is identified as a location for additional housing, GNLP0405, GNLP0406, GNLP0587 and GNLP0588 may all be suitable for small-scale residential development.

Site Promoter Details Site Site Development Description
Reference Title First Name Last Name Organisation Address Area (ha)
(2)GNLP0405 Miss Aimee Fowler Bidwells Land to the north and south of Brooke Road, 1.26 Residential development of approx. 26 dwellings, as well as additional car parking for the adjoining primary school.
(2)GNLP0406 Miss Aimee Fowler Bidwells Land to the west of Seething Street 0.46 Residential development of approx. 29 new dwellings (across all three sites comprising GNLP0406, GNLP0587 and GNLP0588).
(2)GNLP0587 Miss Aimee Fowler Bidwells Land to the west of Seething Street 0.36 Residential development for approx. 9 dwellings.
(2)GNLP0588 Miss Aimee Fowler Bidwells Land to the west of Seething Street 0.31 Residential development for approx. 8 dwellings.
(2)GNLP1035 Mr Simon Henry Bidwells Land South of Wheelers lane 0.87 Residential development of an unspecified number.
Housing Commitment Sites (At 1 April 2017, 5 or more units only)
Address Planning Permission Ref. Allocation ref. Remaining Dwellings at 1 April 2017
Seething Street n/a


(South Norfolk Site Specific Allocations & Policies Document)

GVA Greater Norwich Employment Land Assessment Sites
Address GVA Reference Dominant Use Class Existing or Allocation?
Harvey Lane SN E18 B2/B8 Existing

5.67. Shelfanger

Settlement Summary

The JCS classifies Shelfanger as an Other Village; it contains a village hall and a garage. The main constraints are fluvial flood zones, many listed buildings, the narrow village roads, and a SSSI just to the south of the village.

Three sites have been submitted within two submissions – GNLP0364 and GNLP0399 which consists of two sites - one on Winfarthing Road, one on Rectory Road. The site at Rectory Road has significant areas of flood risk along its frontage, providing a significant constraint for residential development. The remaining sites are at a broadly suitable scale for the village and both are well related to the built form; while development of either site would impact on the settings of nearby listed buildings but it is likely that this could be mitigated.

To conclude, if Shelfanger is identified as a suitable location for additional housing, either GNLP0364 or Winfarthing Road GNLP0399 could be suitable.

Site Promoter Details Site Site Development Description
Reference Title First Name Last Name Organisation Address Area (ha)
GNLP0364 Mr Keith Day Keith Day Architects Land to the South of Heywood Road 0.57 Residential development of approx. 12 dwellings.
(1)GNLP0399 Mr William Lusty Savills Land to the east of Winfarthing Road and land to the north-east of Rectory Road 0.73 Residential development of approx. 24 dwellings, 12 on each of the two sites proposed
Housing Commitment Sites (At 1 April 2017, 5 or more units only)
Address Planning Permission Ref. Allocation ref. Remaining Dwellings at 1 April 2017

GVA Greater Norwich Employment Land Assessment Sites
Address GVA Reference Dominant Use Class Existing or Allocation?

5.68. Shotesham

Settlement Summary

Shotesham is classified as an Other Village in the JCS. The village is linear in form, consisting of plot depth development mainly along The Street. The main built-up area together with part of Shotesham Common is a Conservation area. Facilities are limited to a village hall, a public house and a bus service.

Two sites have been put forward through the GNLP. GNLP0534 is a 0.67 ha site adjacent to The Street, at the south edge of the village, which would provide approximately 5 dwellings. GNLP0590 is a 2.98 ha some 200 metres from the Church of All Saints which is being promoted for approximately five houses and community playing fields.

In terms of suitability for development both sites have similar constraints to address, those being proximity to Shotesham Common SSSI, plus townscape and landscape impacts. Should development be considered appropriate in Shotesham, either site could be suitable subject to overcoming site-specific constraints, but the lack of services in the village does mean that development here could be considered isolated.

Site Promoter Details Site Site Development Description
Reference Title First Name Last Name Organisation Address Area (ha)
(6)GNLP0534 Mr James Garnham K Garnham Design Land North of The Street 0.67 Residential development with landscaping
(17)GNLP0590 Mr James Garnham K Garnham Design Land North of The Street 2.98 Residential development for approx. 5 dwellings.
Housing Commitment Sites (At 1 April 2017, 5 or more units only)
Address Planning Permission Ref. Allocation ref. Remaining Dwellings at 1 April 2017
GVA Greater Norwich Employment Land Assessment Sites
Address GVA Reference Dominant Use Class Existing or Allocation?

5.69. Spooner Row

Settlement Summary

Spooner Row is classified as a Service Village in the JCS, and contains a rail halt (with limited travel to work service), primary school, pub and village hall. Bus services, while geographically close, require passengers to cross the A11. The village has existing commitment in the form of allocations and permissions granted to increase housing supply for approximately 50 dwellings. The existing settlement pattern is fragmented, with agricultural fields forming the setting for clusters of dwellings. The limited services and flood risk are the main constraints to significant growth here, with the rail line and A11 forming physical barriers. Given the commitment to improve and speed up Norwich to Cambridge train services, there is also a significant question as to whether there is the potential to increase the frequency of trains serving Spooner Row.

Nine sites have been submitted for consideration in the GNLP ranging from 0.6ha to nearly 7ha. These are:

  • GNLP0447 (Land north of Station Road, adjacent to station and railway line) is a 6.8 hectare site proposed for housing, public open space, sustainable drainage and potential car park for the train station. The proposed scale of housing development (88 homes) could dominate the existing scale of the settlement, without being large enough to provide new services, even in combination with other sites. While it is well related to the existing settlement, it runs alongside the railway line and currently provides a landscape setting and break in the settlement form. The site is significantly affected by surface water and fluvial flooding and sustainable drainage (SuDs) is included in the proposal.
  • GNLP0445 (Land south of Station Road, adjacent to railway line) is a 4.06 hectare site proposed for housing, open space, community orchards, sustainable drainage and a play area. Like GNLP0447, the site is close to the existing settlement. However, it is also alongside the railway line and currently provides a landscape setting and break in the settlement form. It is also significantly affected by surface water and fluvial flooding with SuDs proposed.
  • GNLP0448 (Land east and west of School Lane) is a 3.95 hectare site proposed for housing, public open space, with the potential for school expansion and allotments. While development of the entire site would be of a scale which could dominate the existing village, part of the site has recently been allocated (at a scale which complements the existing village) ruling out further reduction in site size other than a small incremental allocation with surface water flood risk.
  • GNLP0444 (Land west of Bunwell Road) is a 3.63 hectare site proposed for housing, open space, SuDs, a play area and a meadow. It is less well related to the existing settlement form, and is also significantly at risk of flooding from rivers and surface water.
  • GNLP0446 (Land between Guiler's Lane and Chapel Road) is an 0.94 hectare corner plot proposed for a village shop or homes, along with open space. Consideration would be needed of the impact on the setting of the church (on the opposite corner) and an adjacent farmhouse and potential impact on biodiversity.
  • GNLP0404 (Land to the south-east of Chapel Road) is 0.7 hectare site proposed for 12-15 additional homes which would double the depth of a recent allocation, potentially producing a depth of development out of keeping with the surrounding frontage development.
  • GNLP0567 (Land south of Station Road) and GNLP0568 (Land between Station Road & Top Common) are small sites promoted for frontage development. Both are well related to the primary school and rail halt, but are at risk of surface water flooding.
  • GNLP0569 (Land between Bunwell Road & Queen's Street) is another small site offering frontage development. The site is less well related to services and has some surface water flood risk.

To conclude, if Spooner Row is identified as a location for further growth, small scale housing growth could be accommodated on parts of GNLP0567 and GNLP0568 subject to suitable surface water flood mitigation, and on GNLP0446 subject to appropriate design which mitigates the impact on nearby listed buildings. GNLP0404, GNLP0444, GNLP0445, GNLP0447, GNLP0448 and GNLP0569 are less attractive in terms of the combination of relationship to the existing built form, services and flood risk.

Site Promoter Details Site Site Development Description
Reference Title First Name Last Name Organisation Address Area (ha)
(4)GNLP0404 Mrs Sarah Hornbrook Ingleton Wood LLP Land to the south-east of Chapel Road, Spooner Row 0.70 Residential development of approx. 12-15 dwellings, as an extension to the planning consent 13 dwellings (2012/2016/O and 2014/2472/RM)
(4)GNLP0444 Miss Justine Bailey Barton Willmore Land west of Bunwell Road, Spooner Row 3.63 Residential development, public open space, SUDs, play area and meadow. Net developable area: 2.45ha (44 - 61 dwellings) and public open space: 1.19ha
(4)GNLP0445 Miss Justine Bailey Barton Willmore Land south of Station Road, adjacent to railway line at Spooner Row 4.06 Residential development, public open space, community orchards, SUDs and play area. Net developable area: 2.16 ha (39 - 54 dwellings). Public open space: 1.92 ha
(2)GNLP0446 Miss Justine Bailey Barton Willmore Land between Guiler's Lane and Chapel Road, Spooner Row 0.94 Residential, public open space, SUDs and possible village shop. Net developable area: 0.45 ha (4 - 5 dwellings). Public open space: 0.49 ha. Potential for a village shop
(6)GNLP0447 Miss Justine Bailey Barton Willmore Land north of Station Road, adjacent to station and railway line, Spooner Row 6.92 Residential, public open space, SUDs and potential car park for the train station. Net developable area: 2.93 ha (59 - 88 dwellings). Public open space: 3.92 ha for wetland habitats. Potential for a car park for the train station.
(6)GNLP0448 Miss Justine Bailey Barton Willmore Land east and west of School Lane, Spooner Row 3.95 Residential, public open space, potential for school expansion and allotments. Net developable area: 1.50 ha (27 - 38 dwellings). Potential for school expansion and allotments - 2.63 ha
(3)GNLP0567 Mr Hamish Lampp Durrants Land south of Station Road, Spooner Row 0.79 Residential development of approx. 10-15 dwellings
(4)GNLP0568 Mr Hamish Lampp Durrants Land between Station Road & Top Common, Spooner Row 0.77 Residential development of approx. 10 dwellings
(4)GNLP0569 Mr Hamish Lampp Durrants Land between Bunwell Road & Queen's Street, Spooner Row 0.69 Residential development of approx. 5-8 dwellings
Housing Commitment Sites (At 1 April 2017, 5 or more units only)
Address Planning Permission Ref. Allocation ref. Remaining Dwellings at 1 April 2017
Chapel Lane/Bunwell Road 2012/2016 + reserved matters Part covered by SPO 1 (South Norfolk Site Specific Allocations & Policies Document) 33
1 Cantley Villas 2014/1851 n/a 7
The Bungalow, Station Road 2012/1574 n/a 5
School Lane n/a SPO 2 (South Norfolk Site Specific Allocations & Policies Document) 5
GVA Greater Norwich Employment Land Assessment Sites
Address GVA Reference Dominant Use Class Existing or Allocation?


5.71. Stockton

Settlement Summary
The JCS clssifies Stockton as a Smaller Rural Community, having insufficient services to designate a settlement boundary. One site has been proposed: GNLP0091 is effectively two sites, one either side of Church Road. The church and the farm buildings near the site are listed and their settings would need to be considered. The site to the north has some areas at risk of surface water flooding. Although the southern site is not affected by flood risk, neither site is well related to a settlement, therefore both parts of the submitted site are considered to be heavily constrained.
Site Promoter Details Site Site Development Description
Reference Title First Name Last Name Organisation Address Area (ha)
GNLP0091 Mr Carl Crame
Land to the north of Church Farm, and land to the east of Church Farm, Church Road, Stockton 0.51 Residential Development of approx. 6 dwellings over the 2 sites promoted.
Housing Commitment Sites (At 1 April 2017, 5 or more units only)
Address Planning Permission Ref. Allocation ref. Remaining Dwellings at 1 April 2017
GVA Greater Norwich Employment Land Assessment Sites
Address GVA Reference Dominant Use Class Existing or Allocation?

5.72. Stoke Holy Cross

Settlement Summary

Under the Joint Core Strategy Stoke Holy Cross is classified as a Service Village. Historically the village developed around the mill which forms the principal building in the small Conservation area. More recent estate development has taken place on the eastern side of Norwich Road where the village has developed up the slope of the valley. Upper Stoke lies on the eastern boundary of the parish and is included within the Poringland development boundary.

Six sites have been submitted in, or partially in, the parish, but three of these GNLP0223, 0494 and 1047 relate to the built-up area of Poringland, and are summarised in that section.

General constraints that affect the three sites in the village are the suitability of the local road network, and the potential need to upgrade the water supply and sewerage network.

GNLP0197 is to the north-east of the village, north of the recent permission under construction and would take access from this. Constraints include the river valley location and the presence of hedgerows.

GNLP0202 is north-east of the village on Long Lane, east of the recent permission under construction. The site is adjacent to the river valley, so landscape mitigation may be needed.

GNLP0524 is east of the village, adjacent to a recently built estate on Long Lane. The site would have landscape impacts and has some risk of surface water flooding. However, the majority of the site is proposed for green infrastructure.

In conclusion, should further development be considered in Stoke Holy Cross, subject to the constraints identified above, all three sites are potential options.

Site Promoter Details Site Site Development Description
Reference Title First Name Last Name Organisation Address Area (ha)
(19)GNLP0197 Mr Rob McVicar
Land north of Long Lane 3.7 Residential development
(17)GNLP0202 Mr Rob McVicar
Land to the north of Long Lane 1.28 Residential development
(12)GNLP0494 Mr Philip Atkinson Lanpro Services Ltd Land south of Poringland Road 3.38 Residential development and 1.02 ha of green infrastructure comprising public open space, tree planting and new habitats
(20)GNLP0524 Mr Philip Atkinson Lanpro Services Ltd Land to the south of Long Lane 6.56 Residential development and new Long Lane Park containing 4.32 ha of green infrastructure and new play equipment
Housing Commitment Sites (At 1 April 2017, 5 or more units only)
Address Planning Permission Ref. Allocation ref. Remaining Dwellings at 1 April 2017
South of Long Lane N/A STO 1 (South Norfolk Site Specific Allocations & Policies Document) 50
North of Long Lane 2015/1422 N/A 23
West of Chandler Road 2015/2406 N/A 12
GVA Greater Norwich Employment Land Assessment Sites
Address GVA Reference Dominant Use Class Existing or Allocation?

5.73. Surlingham

Settlement Summary

Surlingham is classified as a Service Village in the JCS, with two sites allocated for small scale housing development in the current South Norfolk Local Plan. There is a reasonable range of facilities including a primary school, shop and garage, concentrated close to the junction of Walnut Hill and New Road. Surlingham is of a linear character with ribbons of continuous single plot depth development and no significant estate development.

Three sites have been put forward for consideration for future development through the GNLP.

GNLP0374 is a greenfield site to the rear of properties facing The Street, off Beerlick's Loke. The site is heavily constrained in relation to access, landscape, townscape issues, and is adjacent to the Broads and therefore within the buffer zones for the national and international environmental designations protecting the Broads, and development may require mitigation measures.

Site 0030A/0030B is a greenfield site located to the rear of properties facing the Street with limited access via a gap between two houses. Access is a significant constraint on the sites coming forward. . The sites are also in close proximity to the Broads and development may therefore require mitigation measures.

Although the submitted sites are adjacent to the settlement boundary, they are not sympathetic to the existing linear form and character of the village. The sites are also heavily constrained in terms of access. Therefore, if Surlingham is identified as a location for additional housing, other sites in the village may be preferable.

Site Promoter Details Site Site Development Description
Reference Title First Name Last Name Organisation Address Area (ha)
(13)GNLP0030 A&B Mr Peter Garrod
Land to the west of The Street 1.78 Residential development and community use for recreation area, playground, sports field
(5)GNLP0374 Mr Stuart Carruthers
Builders Yard, Beerlick's Loke off The Street 0.29 Residential development
Housing Commitment Sites (At 1 April 2017, 5 or more units only)
Address Planning Permission Ref. Allocation ref. Remaining Dwellings at 1 April 2017
The Street 2016/1480


(South Norfolk Site Specific Allocations & Policies Document)

New Road 2016/1128


(South Norfolk Site Specific Allocations & Policies Document)

GVA Greater Norwich Employment Land Assessment Sites
Address GVA Reference Dominant Use Class Existing or Allocation?

5.74. Swainsthorpe

Settlement Summary

The JCS classifies Swainsthorpe as an 'Other Village' and there are no existing allocations for development. The village has limited facilities, comprising a pub and a bus service that stops on the A140. The settlement is characterised by detached dwellings with the central focus being around the Church, between the A140 and the railway line.

Four sites have been are promoted through GNLP, of which one (GNLP0604) is for employment use and the remainder are for housing.

GNLP0604's major constraint is its road access, as a satisfactory junction onto the A140 is likely to be difficult.

A constraint common to all the residential sites is the lack of core services and facilities in the village. Other site specific constraints are relate to access and impact on the setting of the Grade II* Church of St Peter. GNLP0191, which is split in two parts, has limited vehicular access via Church Farm. GNLP0603 also has limited access via Church View relative to its 3.2 ha size. The least favourable of the sites put forward is GNLP0542 due to its separation from the more developed part of the village.

Should further development be considered necessary in Swainsthorpe, there is some limited development potential amongst the sites put forward.

Site Promoter Details Site Site Development Description
Reference Title First Name Last Name Organisation Address Area (ha)
(14)GNLP0191 Mr Nicholas Gowing
Land south of Church Rd and land south of Church Farm 2.77 Residential development across 2 sites
(10)GNLP0542 Mr Andrew Burns
The Paddock, east of The Vale, off Church Road 0.17 Residential development of approx. 5 dwellings
(13)GNLP0603 Mr James Garnham K Garnham Design Land off Church Road 3.2 Residential development for approx. 25 dwellings.
(12)GNLP0604 Mr James Garnham K Garnham Design Land West of Ipswich Road (A140), adjacent to Hickling Lane 6.5 New site: Proposed relocation of Ben Burgess Norwich to create new premises consisting of workshops, stores, offices and agricultural sales and display area.
Housing Commitment Sites (At 1 April 2017, 5 or more units only)
Address Planning Permission Ref. Allocation ref. Remaining Dwellings at 1 April 2017
GVA Greater Norwich Employment Land Assessment Sites
Address GVA Reference Dominant Use Class Existing or Allocation?

5.75. Swardeston

Settlement Summary

Under the JCS Swardeston is identified as a Service Village. The historic 'core' of the village is to the west of the B1113 where there are a number of older cottages facing The Common. More recent estate-scale development has taken place to the east of the B1113.

Five sites have been put forward.

GNLP0367 and GNLP0517 are both located to the west of the Playing Field. The sites have limited constraints realting to access arrangements from The Common, proximity to the sewerage treatment works, and whether views to the west towards the Tas River Valley would be unduly affected.

GNLP0426 is a substantial 6.86 ha site that would extend the village to the south. Constraints relate to its separation from the existing built edge of the village, the effect on views of St Mary's Church from open countryside, and views to the west towards the Tas River Valley.

GNLP0204 is a 3.28 ha site accessed from the B1113, and in effect would be a continuation of the recently approved scheme for seven dwelling (reference 2015/1124). The site is not particularly constrained; but, unfortunately its development would signal the loss of the Farm Shop that operates from here, and the consequential loss of one of the relatively few facilities in the Village.

GNLP0551 is a 1.13 ha site to the north of the Common away from the main part of the village, and with a difficult point of access. This site is therefore heavily constrained by access issues and concerns over potential impact on the common.

Should further development be considered necessary in Swardeston a range of sites are likely to be suitable, at least in part, subject to the constraints noted above.

Site Promoter Details Site Site Development Description
Reference Title First Name Last Name Organisation Address Area (ha)
GNLP0204 Mr David Harvey Harvey and Co Site off Bobbins Way 3.28 Residential development with associated open space
GNLP0367 Mr David Futter David Futter Associates Land off Chestnut Close 0.32 Residential development of 3 - 4 dwellings
(3)GNLP0426 Mr Paul Clarke Brown & Co. Land at Main Road 6.86 Residential development of 173 dwellings with associated open space
GNLP0517 Mr David Futter David Futter Associates Land off The Common 0.59 Residential development of 3 - 4 dwellings
GNLP0551 Mrs Catherine Mapes
Land east of Intwood Lane 1.13 Residential development
Housing Commitment Sites (At 1 April 2017, 5 or more units only)
Address Planning Permission Ref. Allocation ref. Remaining Dwellings at 1 April 2017
Main Road N/A SWA 1 (South Norfolk Site Specific Allocations & Policies Document) 30
Bobbins Way 2014/1642 N/A 39
GVA Greater Norwich Employment Land Assessment Sites
Address GVA Reference Dominant Use Class Existing or Allocation?

5.76. Tacolneston & Forncett End

Settlement Summary

The JCS identifies Tacolneston and Forncett End as a combined Service Village. The main concentration of development in Tacolneston is along Norwich Road and adjoins the built-up area of Forncett End to the south. The village developed as a predominantly linear settlement along Norwich Road with the addition of post war estate development in Forncett End.

The current allocation TAC1 for approximately 20 dwellings is located off a cul-de-sac called the Fields which is accessed from the main B1113 Norwich Road.

Five sites have been proposed near to the TAC1 allocation, GNLP0086, GNLP0089, GNLP0094 GNLP0602, and GNLP1057. Subject to site specific constraints including surface water and access improvements, these sites could provide growth options.

GNLP0084 is a 7.10 ha to the east of the B1113 there is potential for allocating a major housing development here, subject to constraints, including the narrow access on Cheney's Lane.

Site GNLP1057 to the north west is located adjacent to the development boundary off Norwich Road. The site is close to listed buildings and the conservation area, which may require mitigation measure such as landscaping.

In conclusion, if Tacolneston and Forncett End are identified for housing development through the GNLP, a range of broadly suitable sites have been submitted for consideration.

Two sites have also be proposed as Local Green Spaces, GNLP0545 and 0546, however such sites are not assessed through this process.

Site Promoter Details Site Site Development Description
Reference Title First Name Last Name Organisation Address Area (ha)
For details of sites GNLP0086, 0089, 0094, 0536 see Forncett
(3)GNLP0084 Mr William Easton
Horse Meadow south of Cheney's Lane 7.1 Residential development
(2)GNLP0545 Mr Mark Holmes Tacolneston Parish Council Tacolneston Conservation area 19.68 The preservation of this area as local green space
(1)GNLP0546 Mr Beverley Spratt Tacolneston Parish Council Tacolneston Manor House Area 6.86 The preservation of this area as local green space.
(1)GNLP0602 Mr William Easton F.H. Easton Ltd Land off the Fields 0.55 Residential development for approx. 8-10 dwellings.
(1)GNLP1057 Mr Ian Reilly Lanpro Land to the west of Norwich Road 4.0 Residential development -- 10 to 20 dwellings.
Housing Commitment Sites (At 1 April 2017, 5 or more units only)
Address Planning Permission Ref. Allocation ref. Remaining Dwellings at 1 April 2017
Land adj The Fields n/a TAC 1 (South Norfolk Site Specific Allocations & Policies Document) 20

GVA Greater Norwich Employment Land Assessment Sites
Address GVA Reference Dominant Use Class Existing or Allocation?

5.77. Tasburgh

Settlement Summary

The Joint Core Strategy classifies Tasburgh as a Service Village. The built up areas of the parish are divided into two parts, Tasburgh and Lower Tasburgh.

Three distinctly different sites have been promoted for future development.

GNLP0005 is a large 19 ha site on the eastern side of the A140. The sense of separation created by the A140 would in effect make this feel like a distinct place. Challenges of the site are the implications of a new access from the A140, significant landscape impact on the Tas Valley, and mitigating risk of surface water flooding on some parts of the site.

Although somewhat disconnected from the existing edge of Tasburgh, site GNLP0267 gives the option to extend the village northwards. The main constraints are related to its access. GNLP0267 appears to have no connection to Church Road, and so development would be reliant on a difficult to achieve new access from the A140.

Site GNLP0413 is between Tasburgh and Lower Tasburgh. With an area of 3.45 ha it represents the opportunity to substantially grow, in relative terms, the settlement along Grove Lane. If partially allocated could provide single plot depth development, if fully developed the site could provide housing and open space.

Should further development be considered necessary in Tasburgh, and subject to the constraints identified above, then there are likely to be suitable options for development.

Site Promoter Details Site Site Development Description
Reference Title First Name Last Name Organisation Address Area (ha)
(3)GNLP0005 Mrs Rebecca Pearce
Hill Farm, Norwich Road 19.52 Residential development of all or part of site, including renovation of grade II listed 17th Century farmhouse and conversion of outbuildings into residential use.
(2)GNLP0267 Mr Andrew Landsell
Cedar Holdings, west of Norwich Road 1.85 Residential Development
(7)GNLP0413 Mrs Amber Slater Brown & Co. Land east of Grove Lane 3.45 Residential development of fewer than 50 dwellings with access and open space
Housing Commitment Sites (At 1 April 2017, 5 or more units only)
Address Planning Permission Ref. Allocation ref. Remaining Dwellings at 1 April 2017
Church Road N/A


(South Norfolk Site Specific Allocations & Policies Document)

Low Road 2016/0495 N/A 6
GVA Greater Norwich Employment Land Assessment Sites
Address GVA Reference Dominant Use Class Existing or Allocation?

5.78. Tharston and Hapton

Settlement Summary

All sites, except GNLP0255 and GNLP1051, are included in the Long Stratton settlement summary.

Tharston is classified as an Other Rural Community in the JCS, with very limited local services. GNLP0255 and GNLP1051 are isolated sites that are heavily constrained due to their separation from core services and facilities.

Site Promoter Details Site Site Development Description
Reference Title First Name Last Name Organisation Address Area (ha)
(2)GNLP0142 Mr Martin Howe Peter Codling Architects Land west of Chequers Road 1.74 Residential development
(2)GNLP0201 Mr Robert Hardesty
Land next to Tharston Industrial Estate, west of Chequers Lane 3.9 Mixed use: residential development and industrial use
(1)GNLP0255 Mr Ben McGuire
The Laurels, north of The Street 1.25 Residential development of approx. 8 dwellings
(1)GNLP0272 Mr William Easton
Land to the west of Tharston Industrial Estate 7.55 Employment use
(2)GNLP0458 Mr Edward Plumb Brown & Co. Land to the west of Chequers Road 0.96 Residential development of approx. 20 dwellings with open space
(1)GNLP0576 Mr Luke Todd
Blyth Green Park, Stratton Road 1.45 Residential development
(2)GNLP1050 Mr Nick Moys Brown & Co Land at Cuidad Rodrego Farm, Forncett Road 7.5 Housing with associated access and open space, ranging from 35 to 100 homes.
(2)GNLP1051 Mr Nick Moys Brown & Co Land at the Street 0.5 Residential development -- 5 to 10 properties.
Housing Commitment Sites (At 1 April 2017, 5 or more units only)
Address Planning Permission Ref. Allocation ref. Remaining Dwellings at 1 April 2017
Chequers Road 2014/0823 N/A 95
GVA Greater Norwich Employment Land Assessment Sites
Address GVA Reference Dominant Use Class Existing or Allocation?
East, south-east and north-west LS SN A17 Vacant Allocation
Tharston Industrial Estate SN E14 B2/B8/Sui Generis Existing

5.79. Thurlton & Norton Subcourse

Settlement Summary

Policy 15 of the JCS classifies Thurlton with Newton Subcourse as a Service Village.

Two sites have been put forward for consideration through the GNLP. GNLP0149 is a 0.5 ha site, to the south of Thurlton, with access by a narrow track to the Beccles Road. GNLP0309 is a 1.06 ha site on the southern side of the Loddon Road, giving the option for continued single plot depth development along the Loddon Road. Both sites appear suitable for development, subject to overcoming constraints. GNLP0149 needs to overcome the problem of a narrow, long access point. In respect to GNLP0309, a constraint is the possible adverse effect on rural views of the Grade I Church of St May to the west.

If Thurlton with Newton Subcourse is identified as a location for further growth, subject to the constraints identified above, then there are likely to be suitable options to develop in part or fully one or both of the sites.

Site Promoter Details Site Site Development Description
Reference Title First Name Last Name Organisation Address Area (ha)
For site GNLP0309 see Norton Subcourse
GNLP0149 Mr Vince Douglas
Land adjacent to Holly Cottage, west of Beccles Road 0.51 Residential development of approx. 15 dwellings
Housing Commitment Sites (At 1 April 2017, 5 or more units only)
Address Planning Permission Ref. Allocation ref. Remaining Dwellings at 1 April 2017
Beccles road, west of College Road 2014/2222 THL 1 (South Norfolk Site Specific Allocations & Policies Document) 27
Rear of Norman Close 2016/2904 n/a 7
South of Holly Cottage 2016/2904 n/a 5
GVA Greater Norwich Employment Land Assessment Sites
Address GVA Reference Dominant Use Class Existing or Allocation?

5.80. Thurton & Ashby St Mary

Settlement Summary

Under the Joint Core Strategy, Thurton (including part of Ashby St Mary parish) is identified as a Service Village.

Three sites have been submitted for consideration though the in Thurton. GNLP0029 is a 1.56 ha site with its major challenge appearing to be that access would have to be from A146 at a point where there is currently a 40 MPH limit. GNLP0470 is a 0.97 ha site that would most logically be accessed from the rather narrow Vale Road. GNLP0472 is a 0.74 ha site that too would most logically be accessed from Vale Road. Other than highways improvements, the main other constraint is likely to be mitigating surface water flood risk. Each of these sites appear broadly suitable, at least in part; and, could be built out either individually or together. Therefore, should further development be deemed necessary in Thurton the three promoted sites give the opportunity for incremental growth of the Village.

A fourth site, within Ashby St Mary parish, is the 0.4 ha GNLP0585, opposite Hall Farm Barn. Constraints include poor access to services in the village, poor access along Mill Common the impact on the townscape and the site's change in levels.

Site Promoter Details Site Site Development Description
Reference Title First Name Last Name Organisation Address Area (ha)
For site GNLP0585 see Ashby St Mary
(3)GNLP0029 Mr Kenneth Nockolds
Land north of Norwich Road 1.56 Residential development of approx. 45 dwellings with landscaping
(1)GNLP0470 Mr Edward Plumb Brown & Co. Land north of Vale Road 0.97 Residential development of up to 20 dwellings. Additional open space available within the remainder of the field to the east.
(1)GNLP0472 Mr Edward Plumb Brown & Co. Land south of Vale Road, Thurton 0.74 Residential development of up to 10 dwellings. Additional open space available within the remainder of the field to the south.
Housing Commitment Sites (At 1 April 2017, 5 or more units only)
Address Planning Permission Ref. Allocation ref. Remaining Dwellings at 1 April 2017
GVA Greater Norwich Employment Land Assessment Sites
Address GVA Reference Dominant Use Class Existing or Allocation?

5.81. Tibenham

Settlement Summary

Tibenham is identified as an Other Village in the JCS; it has a pub, village hall and recreation area. The main constraints in the village are fluvial and surface water flood risk. Only one site has been proposed, however GNLP0365 is not in the main part of the village but adjacent to a farm at some distance from services. Although the site is not affected by flood risk, it is not well related to a settlement and is therefore significantly constrained for development.

Site Promoter Details Site Site Development Description
Reference Title First Name Last Name Organisation Address Area (ha)
(1)GNLP0365 Mr Keith Day Keith Day Architects Land east of Cherry Tree Road 0.28 Residential development of up to 3 dwellings
Housing Commitment Sites (At 1 April 2017, 5 or more units only)
Address Planning Permission Ref. Allocation ref. Remaining Dwellings at 1 April 2017
GVA Greater Norwich Employment Land Assessment Sites
Address GVA Reference Dominant Use Class Existing or Allocation?

5.82. Tivetshall St Mary

Settlement Summary

Tivetshall St Mary is classified in the JCS as an Other Village. The settlement is the meeting point of two parishes (Tivetshall St Mary and Tivetshall St Margaret) and contains a primary school and village hall. There is also a pub outside the built-up part of the village. The main constraints in the village are surface water flooding and some listed buildings.

Three sites on the edge of the settlement boundary have been proposed for consideration through the plan, GNLP0317 is on Mill Road, and GNLP0318 which is adjacent to the larger site GNLP0319, both of which are on Pear Tree Farm. None of these are affected by surface water flood risk and no impact on listed buildings is anticipated. Of the three sites, the Pear Tree Farm sites would effectively be backland development, although the scale is broadly appropriate and neither site can be ruled out.

Should Tivetshall be identified for development, the sites submitted provide growth options. Development of GNLP0317 could widen a very narrow point in Mill Road, and this is the site best related to the existing settlement form.

Site Promoter Details Site Site Development Description
Reference Title First Name Last Name Organisation Address Area (ha)
(3)GNLP0317 Mr David Fryatt
Land south of Mill Road 0.13 Residential development of 5 dwellings
(6)GNLP0318 Mr David Fryatt
Pear Tree Farm, west of The Street 0.6 Residential development of 10 dwellings
(7)GNLP0319 Mr David Fryatt
Pear Tree Farm, The Street 1.13 Residential development for approx. 25 dwellings
Housing Commitment Sites (At 1 April 2017, 5 or more units only)
Address Planning Permission Ref. Allocation ref. Remaining Dwellings at 1 April 2017
GVA Greater Norwich Employment Land Assessment Sites
Address GVA Reference Dominant Use Class Existing or Allocation?

5.83. Toft Monks

Settlement Summary

The JCS identifies Toft Monks as an Other Village; there is a pub and garage within the village and a primary school outside the village. The village roads are narrow, forming the main constraint to development.

Two sites have been submitted adjacent to the settlement boundaries; GNLP0518 wraps around existing development on Beccles Road. At over 5ha, if developed in its entirety it would be large scale in comparison with the existing village, but is unlikely to be large enough to provide and support additional services. GNLP1031 (0.9ha) is adjacent to a group TPO. There are some areas of both sites at risk of surface water flooding, but these could be avoided.

To summarise, if Toft Monks is identified for development, GNLP1031 or a reduced GNLP0518 could be suitable for frontage development subject to Highway Authority approval.

Site Promoter Details Site Site Development Description
Reference Title First Name Last Name Organisation Address Area (ha)
(1)GNLP0518 Mr Ben Willis Wingfield Planning Consultancy Ltd Land south of Post Office Rd and east of Beccles Rd 5.17 Mixed use including residential development
(1)GNLP1031 Mr Malcolm Dixon MDPC Ltd Land South Side of Bulls Green 0.8 Residential development of an unspecified amount.
Housing Commitment Sites (At 1 April 2017, 5 or more units only)
Address Planning Permission Ref. Allocation ref. Remaining Dwellings at 1 April 2017
GVA Greater Norwich Employment Land Assessment Sites
Address GVA Reference Dominant Use Class Existing or Allocation?

5.84. Trowse

Settlement Summary
The majority of the only site submitted in Trowse parish, site GNLP0360 (The Deal Ground and May Gurney sites), is in Norwich – see the Norwich settlement summary.
Site Promoter Details Site Site Development Description
Reference Title First Name Last Name Organisation Address Area (ha)
Housing Commitment Sites (At 1 April 2017, 5 or more units only)
Address Planning Permission Ref. Allocation ref. Remaining Dwellings at 1 April 2017
White Horse Lane 2016/0803, 2016/0805, 2014/0981 TROW 1 (South Norfolk Site Specific Allocations & Policies Document) 173
Former May Gurney Site, Bracondale & Carrow Yacht Club –See also Deal Ground/Utilities under Norwich 2011/0152 n/a (remainder of the site allocated in the Norwich Local Plan) 90
GVA Greater Norwich Employment Land Assessment Sites
Address GVA Reference Dominant Use Class Existing or Allocation?

5.85. Wicklewood

Settlement Summary

The JCS identifies Wicklewood as a Service Village. There is some local employment and the village has a primary school, village hall and pub. The main constraints in Wicklewood are the risk of surface water flooding, the presence of some listed buildings including Wicklewood Mill, narrow village roads and the landscape impacts of the prominent location of the village on the slopes of the river valley.

Five sites have been promoted through the GNLP. Of these, GNLP0232 is the best related to the existing built form, being opposite existing housing along Low Street. However, the bulk of the site is behind existing housing and one of the recent allocations along High Street, and would be backland development. Therefore only the northern strip of this site may be appropriate, excluding the part at risk of surface water flooding.

GNLP0535 is well related to the existing settlement but would be backland development. It shares a narrow access with the mushroom farm and which is a constraint. GNLP0577 is almost adjacent to the school but is less well related to the settlement pattern, being on the opposite side of the road to the main village. At 7.3ha, even with mitigation for surface water flooding it could potentially contribute to expansion of Wicklewood if major development was planned. However, the site provides open views across the plateau farmland and subdividing it to provide a small amount of housing would affect the setting of the village; this site may not be suitable if low levels of housing are sought here. GNLP0249 and GNLP1036 are adjacent to small outliers of development. The former forms the setting of a listed building, the latter is only accessible via a narrow, unmade track, and both are separate from the main village and its services so are significantly constrained.

To conclude, if Wicklewood is identified for growth, a choice of sites is available. The northern part of GNLP0232 appears to be the least constrained site to provide for small scale development.

Site Promoter Details Site Site Development Description
Reference Title First Name Last Name Organisation Address Area (ha)
(26)GNLP0232 Mrs Rachel Pye TW Gaze Land to the south of Low Street 2.84 Residential development for an undetermined number of dwellings.
GNLP0249 Mr Mark Thompson Small Fish Land adjacent to former workhouse / hospital, Green Lane 0.41 Residential development
(7)GNLP0535 Mr James Garnham K Garnham Design Land to the south of Church Lane 2.05 Residential development of approx. 18 dwellings
(4)GNLP0577 Mr Anthony Cook
Land to the south of Wicklewood Primary School 7.28 Residential development of 22 dwellings on the east side of the field and open space and sports field to the west
GNLP1036 Mr John Spratling
Windfalls, Milestone Lane 0.5 Residential development -- 6 properties
Housing Commitment Sites (At 1 April 2017, 5 or more units only)
Address Planning Permission Ref. Allocation ref. Remaining Dwellings at 1 April 2017
High Street 2014/2337


(South Norfolk Site Specific Allocations & Policies Document)

High Oak Works 2011/0664 n/a 4
Hackford Road n/a


(South Norfolk Site Specific Allocations & Policies Document)

GVA Greater Norwich Employment Land Assessment Sites
Address GVA Reference Dominant Use Class Existing or Allocation?
The Green SN E21 B8/Sui Generis Existing

5.86. Winfarthing

Settlement Summary

Winfarthing is classified as an Other Village in the JCS, containing a school, pub and village hall. Its main constraints consist of surface water flooding, narrow roads and a conservation area containing several listed buildings.

Only one site has been put forward: GNLP0556. While the site is on the edge of the existing built up area, a large proportion of it is at risk of surface water flooding, including Short Green/Wash Road along the site's frontage. Therefore, access and site layout could be challenging, presenting constraints for development.

Site Promoter Details Site Site Development Description
Reference Title First Name Last Name Organisation Address Area (ha)
(1)GNLP0556 Mr Eric Cole G F Cole & Son Ltd Land between Chapel Close and Short Green 1.57 Residential development
Housing Commitment Sites (At 1 April 2017, 5 or more units only)
Address Planning Permission Ref. Allocation ref. Remaining Dwellings at 1 April 2017
GVA Greater Norwich Employment Land Assessment Sites
Address GVA Reference Dominant Use Class Existing or Allocation?

5.87. Woodton

Settlement Summary

Woodton is classified in the JCS as a Service Village. The village has a primary school, post office and shop and a village hall. The main constraints are surface water flood risk, a CWS to the south, and constricted road/footpath capacity. The nucleated nature of the existing settlement pattern has been expanded by the recent housing allocation for 20 dwellings (which has an application pending for 21 dwellings).

Seven sites have been submitted for consideration for residential development through the GNLP, ranging from 0.4ha to 6.9ha, with sites GNLP0150 and GNLP0231 including open space in their proposals.

Of these, GNLP0262, GNLP0268 and GNLP0278 are slightly removed from the existing built form of the settlement, but are well related to the school. GNLP0278 takes access from Church Road and would produce a more cohesive development if only the northern half was developed, and both this and GNLP0262 contain areas at risk of surface water flooding, which would reduce the developable areas.

GNLP0231 is adjacent to the recent allocation off The Street, but offers an access from Tensing Street/Suckling Place. Although it is fairly well related to the village form, it contains slurry beds, areas at risk of surface water flooding, and appears to contain mature trees, potentially making only a small part of it suitable for development.

GNLP0452, at nearly 7ha, would provide development of a scale which would have a significant impact on the village services and road network. The site could provide frontage development along The Street which would be adjacent to existing housing, but approximately half of this roadside area is at risk of surface water flooding, reducing the developable area. GNLP0150 and GNLP1009 also contain areas at risk of surface water flooding, and are opposite Fox Burrows CWS. Avoiding these constraints, part of the former and most of the latter could be suitable for frontage development along Chapel Hill and Hempnall Road.

To conclude, if Woodton is identified for growth, each of the seven sites have some potential for development, allowing for a range of development options in principle. However, to provide cohesive development and avoid the major constraints, the net developable area on GNLP0150, GNLP0231, GNLP0262, GNLP0268, GNLP0278 and GNLP0452 would need to be significantly reduced.

Site Promoter Details Site Site Development Description
Reference Title First Name Last Name Organisation Address Area (ha)
(3)GNLP0150 Mr John Long (Woodton) Bidwells Land to the east of Chapel Hill & south of Hempnall Road 3.57 Mixed use including: residential development of up to 20 dwellings (northern part of site); with associated open space, planting and infrastructure including potentially community facilities
GNLP0231 Mrs Renata Garfoot South Norfolk Council Land north of Suckling Place 2.78 Residential Development of approx. 60 dwellings, public open space, landscaping and associated infrastructure
GNLP0262 Mrs Rebecca Mayhew
Land north of Church Road 0.99 Residential development
GNLP0268 Mrs Rebecca Mayhew
Land north of Church Road 0.45 Residential development
(2)GNLP0278 Mrs Rebecca Mayhew
Land south of Church Road 2.13 Residential development
(1)GNLP0452 Mr Russell De Beer Strutt and Parker Land south-east of The Street 6.91 Residential development of up to 30 dwellings for phase 1
(2)GNLP1009 Mr Michael Sadd
Land at the junction of Chapel Road and Sunnyside 0.42 Residential development of an unspecified amount.
Housing Commitment Sites (At 1 April 2017, 5 or more units only)
Address Planning Permission Ref. Allocation ref. Remaining Dwellings at 1 April 2017
Rear of Georges House, The Street n/a WOO 1 (South Norfolk Site Specific Allocations & Policies Document) 20
GVA Greater Norwich Employment Land Assessment Sites
Address GVA Reference Dominant Use Class Existing or Allocation?

5.88. Wortwell

Settlement Summary

Wortwell is classified as a Service Village in the JCS. The main part of the village is along High Road, with a second part along Low Road. Just to the north the A143 bypasses the village.

Three sites have been put forward for consideration through the GNLP. GNLP0047 is a 0.47 ha linear site along High Road. GNLP0056 is a 0.74 ha site to the rear of the Bell Inn Public House that stretches along Low Road. GNLP0057 is a 0.59 ha site that offers the opportunity to continue the Sandcroft Way cul-de-sac. GNLP0047 has the advantage of fronting High Road but is likely to be partly constrained by surface water flood risk and a Tree Preservation Order at its western corner, potentially limiting the site area available for development. Sites GNLP0056 and GNLP0057 have some limited constraints, and access appears possible onto Low Road and Sandcroft Way respectively.

Should further development be considered necessary in Wortwell, then there are likely to be suitable site options available, though improvements to the local road network may be required.

Site Promoter Details Site Site Development Description
Reference Title First Name Last Name Organisation Address Area (ha)
(1)GNLP0047 Mr Mark Philpot One Planning Land at High Road 0.47 Residential development
(2)GNLP0056 Mr Mark Philpot One Planning Land at Bell Meadow, Low Road 0.74 Residential development
(2)GNLP0057 Mr Mark Philpot One Planning Land south of Sancroft Way 0.59 Residential development
Housing Commitment Sites (At 1 April 2017, 5 or more units only)
Address Planning Permission Ref. Allocation ref. Remaining Dwellings at 1 April 2017
The Bell Field, junction of Low Road & High Road n/a


(South Norfolk Site Specific Allocations & Policies Document)

GVA Greater Norwich Employment Land Assessment Sites
Address GVA Reference Dominant Use Class Existing or Allocation?

5.89. Wreningham

A small part of site GNLP1055 lies within Wreningham parish. This site is covered under Bracon Ash.
Settlement Summary

Wreningham is classified as a Service Village in the JCS. It has a primary school, playing field and village hall in the centre of the village, with a pub at the edge of the village on the Norwich Road.

A current allocation for approximately 10 dwellings (WREN1) lies to the north of Church Road and west of the existing housing on Hethel Road which is under development.

Three relatively small sites on the edge of the existing built up area have been promoted through the GNLP. There is a site west of the church (GNLP 0093), a site along Hethel Road (GNLP0431), and a third site to the west along the Wymondham Road (GNLP0187). Each of the promoted sites has some constraints. In the case of site GNLP0093 the constraints, particularly in relation to heritage, would be difficult to address.

Therefore, should further development be considered necessary in Wrengingham, two promoted sites (GNLP0187 and 0431) appear to provide the opportunity for incremental growth of the village if site specific constraints can be addressed and mitigated.

Site Promoter Details Site Site Development Description
Reference Title First Name Last Name Organisation Address Area (ha)
(4)GNLP0093 Mr & Mrs Will and Rachel Lockwood
Field 2484, west of All Saints Church, at the junction of Hethel Road & Church Road 0.53 Residential (self-build) homes with associated allotment area, community orchard and open space, and enlarged and enhanced bio-diversity areas
(1)GNLP0187 Mr Ian Malton CAM Architects (Norwich) Ltd. Land adjacent to Rosko, north of Wymondham Road 2.04 Residential development
(7)GNLP0431 Mr Julian Wells FW Properties Land south of Hethel Road 0.92 Residential development of up to 10 dwellings
(1)GNLP1055 Miss Hannah Smith Lanpro West of Hethel, Stanfield Hall Estate, Stanfield Road 364 New high tech employment uses together with residential and community facilities in the form of a new Garden Village. (See Bracon Ash)
Housing Commitment Sites (At 1 April 2017, 5 or more units only)
Address Planning Permission Ref. Allocation ref. Remaining Dwellings at 1 April 2017
Adj Builder's yard, Church Road 2015/2449 WREN 1 10
GVA Greater Norwich Employment Land Assessment Sites
Address GVA Reference Dominant Use Class Existing or Allocation?

5.90. Wymondham

Settlement Summary

Wymondham is classified as a Main Town in the JCS, with a good range of services including 2 GP surgeries, several supermarkets, a wide range of shops, two high schools, employment and good access onto the A11 and by rail.

Significant growth is already planned for Wymondham, which has raised questions over high school capacity/provision. A strategic gap has, in successive local plans, aimed to prevent coalescence with Hethersett to the east. A car/pedestrian underpass is a bottleneck for residents living south of the railway line to access services to the north; this is being addressed as a condition of a recent permission, but the eventual capacity of the upgrade could remain a constraint. There is a historic core, close to Wymondham Abbey, a Grade I listed building to the south-west of the town centre, the setting of which needs consideration. The River Tiffey runs through the town from north-west to south-east, which is considered sensitive both in landscape and ecological terms, and there are numerous County Wildlife Sites (CWSs) around the town. Significant new growth in Wymondham would likely have to address infrastructure issues, particularly in relation to high school and highways capacity, and may require reconsideration of previous policy approaches.

Fourteen sites have been submitted in and around Wymondham town, one of which (GNLP0285) is for a sports facility. All sites (except GNLP0116) have some access to existing services, and several sites (including GNLP0006, GNLP0320, GNLP0354, GNLP0402, GNLP0515 and GNLP0525) are large enough to provide schools, convenience shopping, or transport improvements. GNLP0200, GNLP0320, GNLP0402, GNLP0403 and parts of GNLP0515 are less well related to services, with some of these beyond the A11. Of those sites which are best related to existing services: the town-side of GNLP0354 is likely to affect the setting of the Abbey and other heritage assets; GNLP0032, GNLP0355 and GNLP0515 would need to use the railway underpass (which is due to be upgraded as a condition of a previous permission) to access the town's services, which could form a highway capacity constraint. GNLP0507 is an existing employment commitment proposed for mixed commercial and residential use, which would require a change to recently adopted policy. GNLP0227 is a small site at Suton, separated from most of Wymondham's services.

The least constrained sites currently appear to be: to the north, GNLP0525, a very large (195ha) site containing several sub-sites and existing commitments; it would need to be considered strategically with provision of infrastructure forming a crucial element of any allocation. Smaller parts of it (e.g. to the south of Norwich Common) could be suitable for non-strategic scale growth. To the south, GNLP0355 (1.3ha) which is contiguous with the recent allocation in south Wymondham, could be suitable; assuming the railway underpass upgrade provides enough capacity, GNLP0032 (5.5ha) and western parts of GNLP0515 (113ha in total, with 31ha east of the A11) could be suitable for strategic-scale growth only with provision of appropriate services/infrastructure.

To conclude, subject to the growth plans for Wymondham, the sites proposed offer the potential for significant growth, with the necessary inclusion of supporting services and infrastructure provided alongside housing within GNLP0006, GNLP0032, GNLP0320, most of GNLP0515, GNLP0525. However, without provision of infrastructure such as relief roads and high school provision, Wymondham is likely to be able to accommodate fewer dwellings potentially on the smaller sites such as GNLP0092/ part of GNLP0525, GNLP0032 and GNLP0355.

Sites in Spooner Row are considered separately above. The new settlement scale proposal (GNLP0115 - West of Hethel, Stanfield Hall Estate, Stanfield Road) crosses parish boundaries and is covered under Bracon Ash in this document.

Site Promoter Details Site Site Development Description
Reference Title First Name Last Name Organisation Address Area (ha)
See also Spooner Row and Bracon Ash
(4)GNLP0006 Mrs Rebecca Rejzek Bidwells Land to the north of Tuttles Lane East 53.68 Residential development with associated public open space, community uses, infrastructure and a primary school
(1)GNLP0032 Mr Guy Mitchell
Land to the west of Silfield Road 6.17 Residential development
(1)GNLP0092 Mr & Mrs William and Shirley Foreman
Land south of B1172 Norwich Common 0.33 Residential development
GNLP0116 Mr Tim Mills
Land north and south of Stanfield Road 2.99 Employment uses within B1, B2, B8 and any complementary sui generis uses i.e. offices, workshops, warehousing / distribution with associated parking (planning permission 2010/2232/O)
(1)GNLP0200 Mrs Norma Hammond
Silfield pitch & putt, The Street 5.97 Residential development
GNLP0227 Mrs Renata Garfoot South Norfolk Council Land at Eleven Mile Lane 0.68 Residential Development of approx. 18 dwellings, public open space, landscaping and associated infrastructure
(3)GNLP0285 Mr Mark Nolan Chaplin 320 Farrant LLP Land north of Carpenters Barn, off Melton Road 15.38 Recreational use: 1400 sq m clubhouse / community building, 4 full-size playing pitches (1 artificial), cricket pitch, 8 youth & training pitches, 200 car parking spaces and floodlighting
(3)GNLP0320 Mr Will Wright Savills Land south of Gonville Hall Farm, West of Suton Lane, east of London Road and north of Sawyers Lane 36.9 Residential-led development of approx. 500 dwellings.
(14)GNLP0354 Mr Paul White Atkins Ltd. Land at Johnson's Farm 75.95 Residential development of approx. 400 dwellings, with associated access and open space.
(2)GNLP0355 Mr Graham Bloomfield Pigeon Investment Management Ltd Land at Rightup Lane, Silfield 1.34 Residential development adjacent to current allocations
(3)GNLP0402 Mrs Sarah Hornbrook Ingleton Wood LLP Land to the north-east of Silfield Road, and south of the A11 26.87 Residential development of up to 800 dwellings and associated land uses e.g. infrastructure, community use, open space
(3)GNLP0403 Mrs Sarah Hornbrook Ingleton Wood LLP Land to the south-west of Silfield Road, and south of the A11 13.3 Residential development of up to 400 dwellings and associated land uses e.g. infrastructure, community use, open space.
GNLP0507 Mr Andrew Gale Iceni Projects Ltd Land north and south of Browick Road 21.85 Mixed use commercial and residential development
(8)GNLP0515 Mr Stuart Lyell Pelham (South Wymondham) Limited Land at south Wymondham - north and south of the A11 and west of Park Lane 132.22 Residential-led development of approx. 1,500 dwellings, supporting and community uses, open space, landscaping associate infrastructure
(6)GNLP0525 Mr Andrew Wilford Barton Willmore North East Wymondham 194.88 Mixed use development including up to 1600 dwellings, primary and secondary education facilities, employment provision, rugby, club, local centre, open space, including town/county park allotments, formal sports provision
(7)GNLP1055 Miss Hannah Smith Lanpro West of Hethel, Stanfield Hall Estate, Stanfield Road 364 New high tech employment uses together with residential and community facilities in the form of a new Garden Village.
Housing Commitment Sites (At 1 April 2017, 5 or more units only)
Address Planning Permission Ref. Allocation ref. Remaining Dwellings at 1 April 2017
South Wymondham, Silfield Road & Rightup Lane 2011/0505, 2012/0371 + various reserved matters applications


(Wymondham Area Action Plan)

Wymomdham Rugby Club, Tuttles Lane & land west of Elm Farm 2014/0799 n/a 390
Between London Road & Suton Lane 2014/2495 n/a 375
Carpenter's Barn 2012/0839 + reserved matters n/a 264
Norwich Road/Spinks Lane 2014/2042 n/a 206
Sale Ground, Cemetery Lane n/a


(Wymondham Area Action Plan)

Between Burdock Close & Blackthorn Road 2014/0618 n/a 15
Friarscroft Lane n/a


(Wymondham Area Action Plan)

Bakers Mill, Rightup Lane 2016/2286 n/a 14
93 Slifield Road 2015/1125 n/a 7
South east of 9 Spinks Lane 2015/1936 n/a 5
GVA Greater Norwich Employment Land Assessment Sites
Address GVA Reference Dominant Use Class Existing or Allocation?
Browick Road, Wymondham SN A22 Vacant Allocation
Browick Road, Wymondham SN A23 Vacant Allocation
Adjacent Chestnut Drive Bus. Park SN A24 B1/B2/Sui Generis Allocation
Elm Farm Business Park SN A25 Sui Generis Allocation
Gateway 11 SN E2 B2/B8/Sui Generis Existing
Bridge Industrial Estate SN E3 B2/B8/Sui Generis Existing
Ivy Green Villa SN E4 B1/B2/Sui Generis Existing
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